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Content Should Never Be Gated Behind Jumping Puzzles

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On 4/28/2022 at 9:02 AM, Redfeather.6401 said:

I have poor vision and shaky hands and there is some puzzles I definitely can't do. I get very frustrated sometimes that there is no other way with some things. I don't mind fighting my way up to a spot to bypass areas that I need to have the hand-eye co-ordination to travel.

I have always hated jumping puzzles, and all video games that have them. Never liked the silliness of the whole thing. All the Mario, Donkey Kong kitten... all of it. I really wish the devs did not sink that low in GW2.

But in GW2 it is even worse. The screen looks so flat, there is no depth.  I have no way of judging jumps that cannot be seen. 

(feel free to add all the troll emotes you want, "people".)

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On 4/28/2022 at 1:32 AM, Bronze Centipede.5230 said:

One of the great things about Guild Wars 2 is the degree to which it lets you do your own thing rather than forcing you into activities you don't enjoy.

One of the worst things about Guild Wars 2 is content gated behind jumping puzzles. It can often be impossible to pass the story or access an area without doing them.

As a casual player to HATES jumping puzzles, my free time is limited and valuable and the last thing I want to do is spend long periods of my leisure time having a bad time.

Its so boring to read all these kind of topics, anything should not be locked behind: "JP, Strikes, Raids, World meta, fishing... and so on". At this point idk whats the point of playing Gw2, maybe you can get it all by being afk in Queensdale. 

And then at the same time, a lot of the community asking for cool rewards to keep them engaged with instanced content. Which is understandable in every game ive played.

Edited by Izzy.2951
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1 hour ago, Izzy.2951 said:

Its so boring to read all these kind of topics, anything should not be locked behind: "JP, Strikes, Raids, World meta, fishing... and so on". At this point idk whats the point of playing Gw2, maybe you can get it all by being afk in Queensdale. 

And then at the same time, a lot of the community asking for cool rewards to keep them engaged with instanced content. Which is understandable in every game ive played.

some junky jumping puzzles are not core mmorpg content. Instanced content (raids, strikes), as well as fights in open world totally are.

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2 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:

Its so boring to read all these kind of topics, anything should not be locked behind: "JP, Strikes, Raids, World meta, fishing... and so on". At this point idk whats the point of playing Gw2,



There are other things in GW2 than jumping puzzles. There are other activities that I enjoy.

If you find conversations like this boring, why read them?

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On 4/28/2022 at 12:19 PM, Zebadiah.8360 said:

The thing with JP's is also achievements in stories to get your mastery point

You always have to get all the achievements to unlock the mastery point

trying to do some more Seasons of Dragons achievements and you are back in amber bay 

and Grothmar Valley and they have JP'd i can't manage to complete



None of that is story content though, it's all optional for achievements and masteries that you can live without. You can unlock every mastery in the game without getting any of those.


It's especially not too tall an ask for the Season of the Dragon achieve chain because you get a completely free legendary item at the end of it. You can't just trivialize that by taking out slightly more challenging content just because you don't like it.

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This post can be summarized as "I don't like jumping puzzles therefore they shouldnt exist". This is a selfish way to view things.


And if we are gonna talk about accesbility (which are not part of the original post) issues related to this. I feel like that's an argument you could made for any part of this game. Raids, fractals, story contents, open world events, jumping puzzles.


Where do we draw the line in deciding where content needs to be optional vs being mandatory. Because you could argue any part of this game shouldnt be mandatory

Edited by Demented Lemur.7861
Spelling error
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On 4/27/2022 at 4:32 PM, Bronze Centipede.5230 said:

As a casual player to HATES jumping puzzles, my free time is limited and valuable and the last thing I want to do is spend long periods of my leisure time having a bad time.


Being given choices is NOT the same thing as being forced.

What content are you referring to? I can't think of anything 'gated' behind a jumping puzzle other than the jumping puzzle reward itself...

As a new player you may not realize this - but jumping puzzles were one of the main selling points of this MMO. Go back and play GW1 and try to jump.

It was a very big concern of the Guild Wars community that characters be able to jump and to sell that this was changed - Arena Net made it into a huge new feature with puzzles hidden all over the game.

As many other people have already pointed out - almost every one of these puzzles can be cheated (skipped) if there is a mesmer around willing to do it for you. And every time a jumping puzzle pops up as a daily so many mesmers show up giving free skips that actually doing it normally gets a little complicated because if you click anywhere on your screen half the time you get portaled to the end... O.o

Furthermore, the daily is always to do any 3 of a huge list of things, at least 4 of which are PvE. But any 3 done and you get the full daily reward. So even if you're a 100% PvE ONLY player you can always ignore Jumping Puzzles and still get the daily completion reward.

Being given choices is NOT the same thing as being forced.

So even though it's a major feature that a huge number of fans wanted; there is nothing vital locked behind it. It's so often mesmer skippable that the experience almost feels cheapened by those of us that want to do them. I was horrible at this things back around launch, but over time I've gotten good at almost all of them, and often can handle a new one pretty quickly. Now I look forward to them.


Being given choices is NOT the same thing as being forced.


Edited by Kichwas.7152
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2 minutes ago, Vain.3805 said:

I'm NA but I'm never online.  Just message me on my discord name


Anytime day or night if I'm up I will drop what I'm doing and come save you!

Sadly Im Eu but I will point people to this post when ever a Na person complain about a jump puzzle.

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On 5/2/2022 at 8:03 PM, Valisha.8650 said:

some junky jumping puzzles are not core mmorpg content. Instanced content (raids, strikes), as well as fights in open world totally are.

I can totally agree with you in that, the problem is that there are ppl saying dont lock content behind ANYTHING they dont want at a specific given time. And they need to lock stuff behind certain things for sure, like everygame does.

All these kind of "demands" is what actually make the community confront into casual/competitive, not any actual ingame stuff. We think we are playing a game that they are gonna customize for us, based on how we feel every different day, and no GW has a 17 years of history and identity, ppl forget about that.

Edited by Izzy.2951
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