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Mesmer is next.


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The last 2 patches removed one middle of the road build from WvW each. 

If we assume that Anet wants to continue the trend, we have to look what still stands between the big 4 and the trash. 

That would be mesmer or more specific Chrono. 

My guess would be that these things could see the nerf (deletion) bat next patch . 

  • Focus pull
  • Gravity Well
  • Veil
  • Illusion of Life


Prepare yourself. 👀

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I'm more curious about why the devs suddenly start to try to balance what's impossible to balance (WvW large scale battle) then who will be the next to take a hit from the nerf bat.

Anyway, people forget quickly when something else than there favored profession got nerfed and forget even more quickly when their favored profession got buffed (often because it's not what they wanted that got buffed/nerfed).

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6 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

I care. I still play Chrono in WvW groups. 😞 


And well, none of what OP mentioned is OP or problematic whatsoever so, idk what OP is on about.

I play focus on my mesmer too. The reason I say nobody cares is because it doesn't really matter what we think, anet just does whatever it feels like.

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10 hours ago, Justine.6351 said:

I play focus on my mesmer too. The reason I say nobody cares is because it doesn't really matter what we think, anet just does whatever it feels like.


Actually ANET listens to the whiners.

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On 5/16/2022 at 10:41 PM, Justine.6351 said:

I play focus on my mesmer too. The reason I say nobody cares is because it doesn't really matter what we think, anet just does whatever it feels like.

This lol:

On 5/17/2022 at 9:27 AM, Axl.8924 said:

Actually ANET listens to the whiners.

Also, they themselves hate the class, as evidenced by some devs saying so. 

Naturally, with such high regards for balance and no personal bias influence whatsoever, devs always do the right thing and....


I can't finish this sentence with a straight face lol! 🤣


Though... For now at least, Mesmer has at least some niche use in PvE that doesn't require you to press 67 buttons in perfect frame cancelling order to achieve anything like you have to with chrono.


And how they swear by WvW, i'm super interested what balance (in general) they plan for the next big balance patch. 

If it's only nerfs again, then we all have our answers.


But Virtuoso got buffs in WvW after we said it needed them, so.... 


I have no idea what to expect.


Let's be clear, they didn't fix 1 glaring issue with Virtuoso that the community pointed out, and it's still useless in WvW, i keep seeing them sometimes around and they do nothing of impact, idk why people play them. 

But, buffs are still buffs and you don't look a gift horse in the mouth or whatever so...

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On 5/13/2022 at 4:36 AM, Lunia.2736 said:

Don't know if there are any Chrono players to get upset at this left in the game :^)

Practically every wvw commander is a chrono these days....


On 5/18/2022 at 9:47 PM, FarmBotXD.1430 said:

cant wait for : focus doesnt pull, you can take INSPIRATION focus trait that makes it pull  again.
5Head, balanced forever

After the mirage one dodge and dumb signet of inspiration nerf, I can totally see this happening...


I would be highly upset for a temporal curtain nerf, it's the last thing I have left for mesmer fun in wvw.

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