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WvW Build


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Can someone share some nice WvW builds, I keep finding people that are invincible and can kill in almost 3 hits like WTF share the knowledge. What are some of the builds these people are using? Just fought a mesmer and sat there for about 30 seconds using all my skills to hit and survive, the entire time they didnt lose invulnerable and evade, literally successfully hit them 0 times in 30 seconds. What are some of these builds?! let me know ❤️

Edited by SoulBlaze.3059
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hei hello,

it takes a little patience and a little experiments to find your build, there is no one for everyone, everyone has to trash it on him, what works on me may not work on you.

for what you wrote, I can only advise you to look for skills that give you stability or escape and try to respond to your enemy with the same soup, interrupt, freeze, block .

Building your own build and playstyle will be one of the most fun parts of this mode, and you'll never stop doing it.

good game and have fun.😊

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Hmmm invincible builds... i have 2 builds that work REALLY REALLY REALLY well. 1) is a celebunker with hybrid pressure that not many builds can tank thru and 2) is the biggest condicheese available.

1) Celestial Ventari Renegod     [Very solid build, but hard to play due to tabletmanagement; not many enemys can sustain the hybrid damage of the bow for long and you are a true bunker, which is completly immune to condis] I have a Video of me playing it! Video is from a few days after EoD launch when Vindicator still had the most ridicilous sustain and Damage known to mankind... still i was able to get him and a condisoulbeast in a 2v1. This build has the most sustain of anything that i have ever played. If you dont wanna die... you dont! Damage is insane also.... remember the Vindi still has the "pre-nerf" 6k+ hp/Dodge sustain in this video!

http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmgAUZllQMMKyjNRdsKijFSksBigH1U6bD-zxIY1oi/UyUEErEIXFQvCBJfJEwYgUD8W8R0C-e  (switch sigil of generosity with Sigil of strength when you got used to cleansing with tablet)


2) CoreCondi "Tank" thief [This build should literally be banned, because its is monkey-tier easy and absolutely annoying to play against;Very close to the original P/D Core, but with traits and gear changes that i made to squeeze out more defenses while maintaining the same DPS; You have more Toughness, than a Minstrel Guard and damage is still WAYY up there; Its one of the most degenerate and easiest builds you will ever play] If you dont greed to much with this build there is no way on earth you should be dying! The only thing that can be remotely dangerous is heavy condi pressure, but "HideinShadows","cleansing sigil" and camping in stealth are more than enough to deal with most condi enemys. (Take Leeching Venoms instead of flickering shadows; if you think the 3500 Armor is enough and you rather want more Damage and health/second ; Flickering shadows literally turns you into a raidboss while you are revealed and try to land your 3 to create some distance, While Leeching Venoms is more healing/second and Damage)

http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAoiVlFwCZisN2JOuOvrbA-zVJYkRHfpkTI0bE0RBESCo3FIc9wbR3nN-w   This is literally the only video i could quickly find on Youtube... this guy is  TERRIBLE!!! during the fights he detargets for some reason and wastes all his skills into thin air.... but still, is able to 2v1 with it. basicly you just spam steal ; Stealthattack; and 3.... ignore the rest of your weaponskills and you will play it perfectly:D

Also... the Mesmer you were fighting probably was playing this:   https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Mirage_-_Celestial_Signet_Roamer

i think the most busted thing right now is Celestialharbinger with rune of aristocracy... if you wanna get carried by your build... you should play that! (not playing this brokencrap, therefore i dont have a build for you sadly.)

in general... no build will make you invincible all of a sudden. This mesmer probably played it really really good and chained the invulns during your offensive attempts. The big gamechanger in Gw2 is to know what your enemy is playing... to know when to wait and to know when to burst. Some builds are pretty strong, no doubt, mainly its celestialbuilds or some weird condicheese with stealth. But what you are describing was just a very good mesmer i guess. Nethertheless. There are a few cheesy builds that feel almost like cheating. Mainly the Thiefbuild i posted. It is (and i 100% stand by that) THE easiest build in Guildwars2 and is incredibly effective. a great build to learn WvW as you dont really have rotations or anything... everything is straight forward and therefore you have alot of free "mental capacity" to watch what your enemy is doing and act accordingly.

hope that helps!

good luck roaming

Edited by Sahne.6950
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27 minutes ago, SoulBlaze.3059 said:

Is rebinding the skills an effective method to play this better?

Absolutely. The default keybinds aren't very good. Binding everything important (so pretty much everything combat related) to a key you can easily reach at any time during combat can greatly improve your performance. Bad keybinds and/or clicking skills with your mouse will slow you down inevitably. New control options can take some time to get used to, so it might feel worse initially, but it's definitely worth the hassle if you don't have a good setup yet.

Edited by UmbraNoctis.1907
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1 hour ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

Absolutely. The default keybinds aren't very good. Binding everything important (so pretty much everything combat related) to a key you can easily reach at any time during combat can greatly improve your performance. Bad keybinds and/or clicking skills with your mouse will slow you down inevitably. New control options can take some time to get used to, so it might feel worse initially, but it's definitely worth the hassle if you don't have a good setup yet.


Some specs:  weaver, (and most ele’s for that matter) along with engineer builds are notable for their piano playing features.  Having all of those keys within reach will soooo make your time more effective. 

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celestial stats


energy/cleansing sigils


durability runes


bring some traits that proc might


theres a million ways to change it up, some builds dont need two cleanse sigils but lack might and pick up a battle or strength or on kill* sigil for example

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19 hours ago, SoulBlaze.3059 said:

Been playing Rev for a while now and my biggest problem is I never feel like I have enough hands to click everything I need to. Is rebinding the skills an effective method to play this better?

look at my video! you can copy paste the keyboard layout! for me its without a doubt the best layout. It requires minimum "handlifting" to reach every button. I suggest just copy and paste this layout and get used to it! i know alot of people that play it exactly like this and i sometimes forget that this is not the "standard" layout... because it 100% should be!

Weaponskills: 1-2-3-4-5

Healskill: Q

Utilityskills: E-X-C

Ultimate: R

Swapping legends /entering Soulbeast-/Druidmode/Steal(thief)/Burstskills(warrior): Mousebutton5 (upper thumbbutton)    (i basicly bind the "coremechanic" of a profession to my upper thumbbutton. For some professions its their f1(thief-Revenant) and for some its the f5 (soulbeast)  you kinda have to swap keybinds when switching characters.... but this just takes a few seconds^^ and its 100% worth!

Dodging: Mousebutton4 (lower thumbbutton)

Swapping elements on Ele: Fire strg+1| Water strg+2| Air strg+3| Earth strg+4   (you can use these to use the rev f1-4 skills aswell... but i just press f2-4 for the skills and mouse5 to swap legends.

This layout requires some switching if you swap between professions... but in general its optimized for every single profession and i would never ever go back to the original keylayout. 😃

PS.  Yo buddy... if you should think about playing the ventari build... you need to understand when to move the tablet. You have a trait that blinds everyone around you when you use a healingskill. Moving the tablet counts as a healingskill and Aoe blinds around you. You can move the tablet every 2 seconds, aka your enemy will miss a important skill every 2 seconds! THIS IS REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY STRONG. if you master to mitigate damage simply by blinding your opponent thru tabletmovement... you will have great success with it. Also this build is MILES away from being meta and NOONE will know what to expect when fighting you... AND THIS IS A BIG + IN GUILDWARS! in almost 10 years of roaming i have encoutered this build only once! A guy from [FoW] is using it aswell... and me... but i think thats it! The original build idea is from Vallun i believe... atleast he showcases this build in a video.

i suggest you play the Thiefbuild tho.... its really intuitive and easy and that is exactly what you need in the "learning phase". New players should not be looking at their skillbar 24/7 because they need to think about rotations and stuff. You need this "free mental capacity" to learn what your enemys are doing. Thief rotation is simple.Steal -> stealthattack -> 3 -> 3 -> 3  Stealth->stealthattack->3->3->3->stealth->stealthattack...yada...yada......  thats it... there is nothing else... just use your shadowrefugee,blindingpowder,healskill and steal to go into stealth... then press stealthattack and use the 3 chainskills of your "3"(first 3 is a daggerstrike that makes you jump backwards and the other 2 uses just spam pistolshots).

This build is crazy potent! Steal alone has a tooltip of over 15k... and your stealth attack over 7k... If your enemy is not cleansing... simply using steal and your stealthattack ONCE is enough to kill someone... which is quite ridicilous if we keep in mind this build has 3500 Armor....

Checkout "sindrener" on Youtube. He was playing this build alot... but in pvp... Build was nerfed in pvp but is still pretty good... you will FLY thru the lower elos with this build.

Good luck hunting.


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4 hours ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

Don't play any noob lamer specs that are good at everything. Play builds that have one trick. One shot core mesmer is good, one shot core guardian is good, double meteor shower staff ele is good. 


did you really suggest a new player to roam as staff elementalist? 😂

double noodle shower lol


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There are a few decent content creators who upload to YouTube:


Paper Roll - for all things Ranger.

Hollts - for all things Necro.

Noody - for all things Thief; he also showcases other decent roamers in his videos.

Vallun - uploads blanket builds (PvX and WvW)


There are also a couple of good sites: GW2Mists.net and GuildJen.com; both of these sites have Discord communities.

Also, join your server Discord. You can find it by going to the 'GW2 Central Hub' discord: https://discord.gg/fnUha3QwmQ or http://gw2.link/hub


Good luck!

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