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How many hours I have to waste to do once meta in Dragon's End?

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20 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Drizzlewood rewards you significantly along the way. The south events have more variety than the DE zone prep events.

You can't really compare DE's optional preparation to Drizzlewood's mandatory Ready up part.
It's also worth noting that DE is kinda comparable to Drizzlewood in potential hourly profit, so, you do get rewarded. Drizzlewood's main driving profit is Commendations while DE's is Imperial Favor.

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I'm back in this most amazing content for the map mastery achievement (did it have to be called "mastery") and there is this one:


"The diving goggles and the water bucket are only available after successfully doing the meta event The Battle for the Jade Sea."

When you gate even diving goggles behind something no one wants to do.

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I came later to EoD as there were a couple of months I couldn't play. I have, admittedly, only tried three times, but each time was a success. The main gripe I do have however is that long metas are a pain in the butt for people with slightly dodgy Internet connections. Spend ages building your stacks or (as on one of my runs) start looting post event and -boom- DC. At least events like Dragon Stand and Drizz you get semi decent rewards as you go so you don't feel quite as much "out of pocket" for the time wasted. 

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On 6/17/2022 at 5:48 PM, Harfang.1507 said:
On 6/17/2022 at 5:48 PM, Harfang.1507 said:

Add the fact that the success rate for casuals is doubtless much lower than 60% and it sums up for many of us as "why bother?" + epic-level frustration.


I do not understand this statement. You will never have a DE run of only casuals? just like you almost never have a DE run of only "raid-level" players? Like every meta in the game, you will always have a combination of both of these, and like always some of the more hardcore players will be doing the more heavy lifting. DE just requires organization. That is the big differentiating factor. The 1 time I did do it with a certain level of "hardcore players" was MightyTeapots DE world record run and we finished it with 10min left on the clock (and im sure even there some players were of the more casual variety).


If you join a group in the LFG where it is clear that the commander is organizing the run properly, your chance of success is very high. 

Is it a meta where you can randomly show up and just kill it by accident? No, but to suggest you need a full 50-man squad of raiders is just not true either. You simply need to prepare it.


This weekend, I joined a DE map through the LFG a bit too late. No one was tagged up nor wanted to at first. Some guy tagged up but it was clear he didnt really know much about the fight. So I just started typing in squad chat and telling people how to prepare. We didnt have enough time to give everyone stacks, and I saw some people (despite my multiple recommendations) didnt use the Jade system to get buffs. I asked for people to pls play alac and quickness. We came short 1-2 quickness players and only had 5 alacrity players. But i organized sub groups as best I could, and called out mechanics. Some people placed waystations and I called out CC and when to refill the EMP. I told which sub groups to go where on the split phases, when to target thornhearts, when to go for tail and when not to.


This rag tag squad killed it with 2min to spare, with multiple people saying it was their first kill or event their first time fighting it. Initiative and organization are the deciding factors here, not a full raid team.


Is it so bad that there's a single event in GW2 that requires a sense of proper teamwork and organization? I think it's good this content for once exists in the open world instead of only having it in instanced content where it's harder to introduce players to this.

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On 6/17/2022 at 4:05 PM, SandraSolace.7682 said:

I am in no means an "higher end player" (thanks Fueki.4753 for giving me the right words!)

I don't have exotic anything, use the foods that are common, mostly the ones from festivals.

I've done the meta less then 20 times on more then one char. Failed a few cause of time. But also made it through to the very end on most. Some with leaders, some with people giving tips in chat, some in a group. 

I just can't seem to understand why others are having so much trouble?

Yet there are so many posts about this. 


"I don't have exotic anything"


"I can't seem to understand why people are having trouble"


How can you not have exotic gear? The game throws many free pieces at you, and you can get a full set for the 2g you get from your daily. THIS is why people are having trouble.

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Realistically speaking, it takes an hour. 20 minutes or less to get the 5 stacks and 40 minutes for the meta.

Although LFGs are still posted fairly early to get a full squad, the trend lately is to go onto the map about 1/2 hour before the start of the meta. This is to ensure all members will be able to join the map. Many groups do not even bother with getting the map to high readiness anymore to get the +5% Damage vs Dragonvoid.

Personally, I prefer to go onto the map earlier to farm the jade, runestones and writs. And join the squad outside the map when they are ready to enter.

I do the meta almost daily with various LFG groups and haven't had any that failed in months. That makes farming the map particularly worthwhile. Even without the meta, it is still a very decent map to farm.

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3 hours ago, Shiny.1638 said:


"I don't have exotic anything"


"I can't seem to understand why people are having trouble"


How can you not have exotic gear? The game throws many free pieces at you, and you can get a full set for the 2g you get from your daily. THIS is why people are having trouble.

It's not though. I just don't care enough about exotic gear to even try and get a full set and yet I still manage and have fun while doing so.

Plus this topic is about the meta. Not the gear.

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1 hour ago, Galmac.4680 said:

I'll come back and try after this "Tsunami dodger" is fixed. So maybe in just a few months.

Yeah I noticed it still doesn't work. But they fixed the bug with this one: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragon's_End_(achievements)#achievement6144 (where you could go far away and return and more dialog triggered)

Gotta have priorities.


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I started to play again a couple of month ago.
At the beginning I was so frustated with that meta then I found the way to do it.

I usually play the morning event:

1. I arrive about 1 h 30 minutes before the starting of the main meta event

2. I look for a group, and organised one (I have now my fav commander) and I make first the events to reach all te things I need

3. do the meta event

With an organised group you won't have problems to finish it.

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