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Next expansion should have this.

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Well another experienced practical view is to say that in WoW I had a lot more options. Especially in PvE as a Paladin this expansion or Monk Heal in Legion, just because you can have more active abilities at a time. In PvP there is also more to use. I don't want to say that WoW is therefore better. It is not and has its flaws due to their static combat type and vertical progression without pvp scaling. But it is possible to make GW2 better, and I know that and don't just think to know, because of that experience and many more.

Also, the build variety and build crafting will not be affected because I also suggested to get more abilities. It would make builds more interesting while having theorycrafters who stay interested to the game for longer than a month.



Most answers prove my point. People are not even trying to read and are emotionally answering on things that were not said. I can compare keyboard usage speedwise to another game. I can also compare higher intelligence to a more thoughtful, less button smashing but also speedwise higher and therefore all in all just better and more demanding playstyle. I can also make the suggestions because of earlier iterations of other experiences and not just out of nowhere, as stated e.g in this post. Most people react like on Twitter, please don't react and instead state thoughtful opinions. But yeah 1% will understand and that is enough, because it has always been the 1% who make valuable decisions and change.

Edited by VexOQ.2836
Added a comment to earlier comments, typo
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9 minutes ago, VexOQ.2836 said:

Well another experienced practical view is to say that in WoW I had a lot more options. Especially in PvE as a Paladin this expansion or Monk Heal in Legion, just because you can have more active abilities at a time.

This is one of the problems I've had with WoW combat system.
I really like the limitation on the utility skills. It makes you think more strategically when approaching instanced content. Balancing some of the elite specs proves to be borderline impossible.
Now as a guardian main I agree that FB is a bit out of control. Now imagine adding 2 more utility slots. So we could basically take Sanctuary, Stand Your Ground and Advance without any trade offs. Even in OG GW, we had to make the tough calls on what to pick. The current state of the skill bar is perfectly fine.

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8 hours ago, LSD.4673 said:

They have enormous trouble balancing the existing skills and skillsets right now. Adding more...? 

Yes and this is unfortunately the normal case in gaming industry. It is not even because of low effort or not enough developers. It is because the current complexity already can be too much for 99% of people. And every external factor like motivation for the job or sidejobs will further decrease the successful outcome of a full fledged balance. The amount of truly good developers is also only a 1% of all of them. It applies to every area. But nowadays due to leaderboards in multiplayer games, developing balance can be made easier by using the input of high valuable (player)teams and discuss the balance changes with them (compare LoL).

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12 hours ago, VexOQ.2836 said:

but for people who can push faster, it is more satisfying to play more cognitive complex (more abilties, interactions and slots) and demanding games.

This is kind of the point a lot of us are making. As you say, some people find great satisfaction in more button presses, which you can find in more 'complex' and 'demanding' games. 

Your best bet is to go find such a game, rather than changing this one. We won't miss you.

And no, this is not purely an emotional response, nor do I consider GW2 perfect. I just don't see the logic in what you're saying. You acknowledge most games (including this one) are already too complex for the rest of us who lack your uber gamer powers. People already complain a great deal about being unable to clear objectively easy content all the time because they can't figure out how to do combat better at the current level of complexity. So your solution is to push the complexity even further, making it even harder for the mass of casual players who are already feeling left behind?

Your suggestions would improve the game for you and your tier of players that you self-identify as quite elite and a tiny fraction of the current playerbase. Seems like catering to your suggestions would kill this game faster than... all the other bad management ANet is up to.


57 minutes ago, VexOQ.2836 said:

It would make builds more interesting while having theorycrafters who stay interested to the game for longer than a month.

Someone who likes theorycrafting would already be interested in this game for longer than a month.  Someone who leaves before a month is up probably won't get into theorycrafting here just because there are 2-3 more slots on the bar.

Edited by voltaicbore.8012
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Ppl responding are not doing so on an emotional level. When ppl like lesser amount of skills it’s because they’re playing a game. And they play it for fun. Not for the challenge. It doesn’t mean they cannot do more complex skill systems or more “brainy” games. it means they enjoy the game as it is. Relaxing games is also a thing. It has nothing to do with intelligence or skills it’s about interests and reasons for playing. 

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1 hour ago, VexOQ.2836 said:

Most answers prove my point. People are not even trying to read and are emotionally answering on things that were not said.

Ah the classic people disagreeing with me so someone has to be wrong with them. People explained why they disagree with you, you just ignored it. Some extra points. More buttons doesn't mean more cognitive stimulating its just means more button presses. Also in high end play(PvP/PvE) you never not pressing any buttons. So you want more key binds for what? You didnt make any point to begin with here. You didn't even specify for what mode. Also if you feel the game is to easy for you and you are not enough simulated pls play a little PvP to see the people good at the game can do more then enough with their "limited" selection of skills.

If you want more utility's for power sake? Why? Top Players with top builds already crush any form of endgame content. Top players are so overpowered every challenging PvE content need instant or near instant death mechanics to keep people on their toes.


Just play a round of WoW or GW 1 to scratch that itch your having. They are both still live. Don't make some vague emotion driven arguments on the forum because you cant be bothered to download another game.:)


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9 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Chess has 6 pieces. Go has one.

Complexity =\= depth

 Yes and now think please...

I suggested to add slots (complexity) and more abilities = choices (depth).


Anyway, there is no reason to further discuss it. It's feedback for a proper and objectively better game design. Subjective answers, which lack thoughtful arguments or which are missing the point (e.g. see above), from strangers without e.g. an academic reputation in a field which opts for abstract process optimization, are difficult to value (answer possibilites e.g. dead serious but lacking knowledge, joking, trolling or nonsense) on the internet.

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3 hours ago, VexOQ.2836 said:

 Yes and now think please...

I suggested to add slots (complexity) and more abilities = choices (depth).

Yes, you are the person asking for chess to add more figures and use a bigger chessboard, because it's so simple now. When in reality it probably just means you're not playing the current game to its fullest, but have only  a shallow understanding of it. Or, you're a chesss archmaster. Which do you think is more likely?

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It wouldnt change anything. More abilities doesn't really offer anything.

In wow I had like 45 binds. Did the game have more depth? No. First of all many of those binds were macros and same abilities split between target and focus and party members. That just made the game easier, low apm. 

You also really used like third of the abilities regularly. The rest were very situational. Abilities like scare beast, remove curse. All of these had very limited use, very situational. They didnt add any depth, just clutter but you had to have it for that specific situation. GW2 solves these by giving you a choice. You decide on your weapons, you decide on your utilities. You can change it before the match based on the compositions. Strategic choices, tactical choices. Wow doesnt have that.

You want cast bars? So you want skill based game but you want helping hand? Read animations. This is how skill based games are played. Not a big bar with possibly even a cast timer. Oh look a big bar is showing my focus is casting a spell 1 sec, I'll press focus counter spell macro when the bar is 3/4 filled. Ill just take a nap first.😴

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4 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Which is why an organized 20-man squad will kill a 50-man random zerg 9 out of 10 times. Right, no skill at all, just pure numbers.

Yes. It's still an AoE fest where you just place your circle thingy where there are the biggest amount of enemy players.

It doesn't require individual skill. One of the many players you'll kill that way may very well destroy you in 1v1.

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2 hours ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

Yes. It's still an AoE fest where you just place your circle thingy where there are the biggest amount of enemy players.

It doesn't require individual skill. One of the many players you'll kill that way may very well destroy you in 1v1.

No. It may require different skills than those needed for 1v1 duels, but it still does require them. If it didn't, then 20 v 50 clashes would always end up with the side of 50 players winning, no matter the level of organization on both sides.

You still need individual skill, but no amount of it is going to help you if you lack the team play skill package.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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13 hours ago, VexOQ.2836 said:

 Yes and now think please...

I suggested to add slots (complexity) and more abilities = choices (depth).

But complexity doesn't equal depth.

Depth in games comes from real choice. What do I give up now in order to do something else? More options doesn't necessarily mean an increase in choices that need to be made.

For example, a smaller set of abilties that do multiple things can provide more depth than a larger number of narrowly focused abilities. If I have a skill that is a shadow step, stun block, does condition damage to foes nearby at the end of the shadow step and creates a combo field, I have a depth of choices to make. If I use the shadow step now for mobility, am I going to be wishing my stun block wasn't on cooldown a few seconds from now? Do I have a finisher off cooldown right now, or will I waste that combo field?

Now, I could have four distinct skills, each one doing a part of what that skill does. Sure, I still need to decide if I'm mashing all four right now, or keeping the ones I don't need, but that is not the same sort of depth as having to weigh the cost of my actions and whether I need to pay it. And yes, it may take more manual dexterity to work these four abilities, and I admire piano players, but that isn't the same thing as game depth.

Even in the buildcrafting, limiting choice requires real decisions on what is important. If there are enough viable choices to put into a limited range of slots, you get more depth of buildcraft than having dozens of spots to slot whatever skills you want.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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