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New Meta being ruined

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31 minutes ago, ShroomOneUp.6913 said:

and then anet made strikes more complex, they made launch suu won. they did strikes in HoT. made open world a bit more "harder" in general in new content ever since. the only thing they did wrong is having no back bone and stand to more challenging content. one that requires the mere basics of the combats system to be known and not just WASD+1 through the game.

Yea, that was appreciated tbh.

22 minutes ago, ShroomOneUp.6913 said:

i have seen new players learn in less then a half hour about the most basics things. i myself have been providing that knowledge over map chat no less in LA. it really doesn't take long to get the basics. so 10 years is to generous already. a week would be enough to know better.
And the thing is those who want to learn? where did i say they should go? I WELCOME THEM WITH OPEN ARMS, as they are critically thinking enough to question their performance in a team effort. That alone puts players in the top 15% of player.

i talk about people refusing to learn. when people are told that their "condi" build does not really work well if they take soldiers gear and non condi traits/-lines only then to Reeeee in entitlement "don't tell my how to play i play what i want" after they complained how they can not beat Big Nose Ted or a lvl 7 crab. those need to either suck it up and learn or play a different game.

Which is why I'd rather have someone that's terrible but willing to learn over someone that's been stubborn and stayed mediocre for many years. Sometimes that 'veteran" label isn't a good sign.

Take this very forum. I've seen people take advice and literally doubled or tripled their dps in a week. It was nothing meta or anything particularly outstanding but let's be honest-- I've never seen anyone that found the game less fun because they were doing tons more damage and/or dying less.

On the other hand, I see the same people complaining about the most trivial of problems for years and years and do not take any advice. There is no conversation because it's all about themselves. Whatever you say is irrelevant.

At the end of the day, I think it is true that players should be able to play with others of similar mindset and skill. People should not be joining non-training runs and expect others to teach because it's not a volunteer thing. But I think more people than you think know this.

That's also the problem I guess. If you are to want to participate in the Su-won meta, then you are obliged to participate. and it is your responsibility to not be potato. The issue is that merely existing on the map should probably not oblige people but the low map cap effectively sorta does.

It's not a problem with instanced content because you can pick and choose who gets in. It just gets murky in Open World which is by design open to everyone, even if they don't meet our standards. And hate it as some might, they also have a right to be on maps.

tl;dr instance system needs to be improved.

edit: Also like to point out this problem extends far beyond Gw2.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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5 hours ago, TeeracK.3601 said:

took a break form this game for a few months and came back to find dragonstand in a worse state of it constantly being full of failed maps. Who(but the entire community) could have foreseen this very predictable problem?? 

Dragonstand almost never fails nowadays not sure what you're talking about. If you mean Dragons end, that also successfully completes if you join maps that care about boons and subgroups. Stop joining random spam 1 groups who think boons are elitist and you won't have any issues. Have not failed dragons end for at least three weeks now.

Edited by Shikaru.7618
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I'm not too familliar with the Dragon's End meta, only completed once. But putting myself in the place of one of the OP's fishers... You say they'll lose their stacks if the event fails. Is everyone in the map killed if it fails or something?  So they'll keep the stacks if it succeeds? I can stay and possibly keep my stacks or leave and definitely lose them. If that's not enough to make the group decide to stay. We jump to an empty map, Meta in't done, so it fails, won't we lose the stacks we built up? So we'll have them reset twice instead of once.

To top that off, maybe they weren't planning to be there  past the end of the meta. Maybe they had been there a while, and were planning to call it a day 15 minutes later. So they can stay for their last bit and keep the stacks or leave and lose them, and start from nothing for their last bit of fishing.

As I say, if I knew more about the ins and outs of the map I'd maybe say something different, but from how I'm looking at it, it sounds understandable why they refused to go.

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ANet further borked the meta when they allowed getting the turtle egg for writs of Dragon's End. It was well-intentioned, but not well-thought out. You don't have to do the meta...great, for those not wanting to do it...but again, you then have ppl in maps just farming writs and screwing up those who want to complete the meta. Not fixing fishing stacks is yet another example of a not well-thought through issue. I'd love to see both of these issues addressed by the devs...and this time thinking through all the collateral effects their actions might have.

Edited by AnClar.1304
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4 hours ago, Sinmir.6504 said:

 You say they'll lose their stacks if the event fails. Is everyone in the map killed if it fails or something?  So they'll keep the stacks if it succeeds?

Doesn't matter if the meta succeeds or fails. You'll lose your fishing stacks regardless.

If meta fails, map will close and you'll respawn at the main waypoint. If the meta is successful, map will close after 15 mins and you'll be teleported to the waypoint. In any of the situations, all fishing stacks will be lost.

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2 hours ago, Silent.6137 said:

Doesn't matter if the meta succeeds or fails. You'll lose your fishing stacks regardless.

If meta fails, map will close and you'll respawn at the main waypoint. If the meta is successful, map will close after 15 mins and you'll be teleported to the waypoint. In any of the situations, all fishing stacks will be lost.

It still seems like refusing to switch maps is more beneficial to them. If they stay they'll lose them later. If they leave they'll lose them now, then they'll lose them after the meta ends on the new map.

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40 minutes ago, Sinmir.6504 said:

It still seems like refusing to switch maps is more beneficial to them. If they stay they'll lose them later. If they leave they'll lose them now, then they'll lose them after the meta ends on the new map.

Absolutely no reason to accomodate a squad that wants to do the meta on a map that you're already on unless you really want to. Their time, even if all would to be lumped together, is not more important than yours. It is simply a game. The needs of the many do not outweigh the needs of the one.

As I mentioned previously:


No one should be told to leave a map for someone else. It is the squad's problem, not yours, that someone can't get onto the same instance.


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54 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

Absolutely no reason to accomodate a squad that wants to do the meta on a map that you're already on unless you really want to. Their time, even if all would to be lumped together, is not more important than yours. It is simply a game. The needs of the many do not outweigh the needs of the one.



Yeah, he said it was a large party, so it would have been, so a few people would have been affected if they jumped.

Maps don't need to be cleansed of anyone not doing the meta anyway to succeed. They just need enough to do it.

Yeah, I agree that nobody should tell a player to leave. It's okay to ask.  If somebody said, "Will anyone not doing the upcoming event please leave this map by logging out and back in so that we can taxi more in." I would considder leaving, in the case of the fishing party losing their stacks, they would be at a loss if they did. But if I wouldn't be at a loss by leaving the map, I'd comply. If they said it like an order, impolitely telling anyone not there for the meta to leave, I'd stay.


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