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lol engineer gets big leap


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Using explosions to jump is one of the most Engie things ever. Just as a warrior using their skull to stun enemies is probably one of the most warrior things ever. Its a shame offhand weapons never got burst skills or warhorn could have had a skill to scream enemies to death.ย 

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4 hours ago, Jaricko.6143 said:

Using explosions to jump is one of the most Engie things ever. Just as a warrior using their skull to stun enemies is probably one of the most warrior things ever. Its a shame offhand weapons never got burst skills or warhorn could have had a skill to scream enemies to death.ย 

There are games out there which depict warriors leaping 1200 ranges in other games engi theme isn't why they keep warriors so weak compared to every other mmorpgs push of the fantasy.ย 

The proffession is only a weapons master in name. There's nothing that indicates the proffession is a weapons masterย 

Warrior has always been depicted really well in the genre. And tbh has always been one of the most popular themes.ย 

Except gw2. There's good reason to why.ย 

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5 hours ago, Jaricko.6143 said:

Using explosions to jump is one of the most Engie things ever. Just as a warrior using their skull to stun enemies is probably one of the most warrior things ever. Its a shame offhand weapons never got burst skills or warhorn could have had a skill to scream enemies to death.ย 

and physical leap is also one of the most warrior thing ever.

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1 hour ago, Lighter.5631 said:

and physical leap is also one of the most warrior thing ever.

Not in gw2 apprantly.ย 

In anets vision Warriors don't even know how to stow a weapon nowadays ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

Edited by Daddy.8125
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Apparently warriors are toxic for standing up to bad balance philosophies. Learned something new in this thread.

Balance is out of whack. There are things that are overtuned and then there are things that are nerfed hard to the point of no longer being viable.

Feb 2020 pretty much removed warrior from the competitive game modes. The resistance change followed by the WoD change removed them from WvW almost completely. The June 28th patch will result in removing warriors from endgame PvEย as well.

That is not okay.

This imbalance can be addressed in three ways:
Nerf the over performing specs until everything is equal (no one wants that)
Buff the underperforming specs until everything is equal (but pOwErCreEp?!?!?! Stop. Just do it.)
OR both of the above in tandem, which is more realistic, this however still results in FB nerfs and warrior buffs so...

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16 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

this however still results in FB nerfs

delusional, absolutely delusional. You have become the very thing you swore to destroy. It's the same thing that is happening to guard now that happened to warrior all those years ago.


FB has already nothing left but it's quickness generation. The other guardian elites are also extremely underperforming right now. Bladesworn is pushing 39k dps while willbender has a hard time with even 33k and DH is not even getting close to 30k. FB dps build is also dead. And that alone would be fine (for FB not for Willbender or Dragonhunter) because FB is still a good support, as long as the quickness remains. But stop with your unjustified hatred towards other classes.

Anet should put effort into warrior and improve weapons and skills for warrior and not nerf another class into nonexistence.


I agree with most of your posts here but this ignorant guardian hate especially here in the warrior forum is really something i have a very hard time to understand.

Edited by Ferus.3165
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1 minute ago, Ferus.3165 said:

delusional, absolutely delusional. You have become the very thing you swore to destroy. It's the same thing that is happening to guard now that happened to warrior all those years ago.


FB has already nothing left but it's quickness generation. The other guardian elites are also extremely underperforming right now. Bladesworn is pushing 39k dps while willbender has a hard time with even 33k and DH is not even getting close to 30k. FB dps build is also dead. And that alone would be fine (for FB not for Willbender or Dragonhunter) because FB is still a good support, as long as the quickness remains. But stop with your unjustified hatred towards other classes.

Anet should put effort into warrior and improve weapons and skills for warrior and not nerf another class into nonexistence.


I agree with most of your posts here but this ignorant guardian hate especially here in the warrior forum is really something i have a very hard time to understand.

Calm down. I put three options there and I think it's obvious that I prefer the one with only buffs.

I don't hate Guardian. I dislike that tradeoffs were not done in an equivalent manner.

Realistically, though FB is still dominant while others are afterthoughts so Anet is more likely to keep nerfing FB while buffing the wrong things like always.

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1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Realistically, though FB is still dominant while others are afterthoughts so Anet is more likely to keep nerfing FB while buffing the wrong things like always.

They should've axed the quickness (all of it) instead of the aegis on the heal mantra honestly, that would've given them space to buff the healing. Though if it doesn't give alac no1 will want it now, dunno what happens if you give alac to fb. Can it still dps or does the boon duration you must invest axe the dps build? If so you'd have space to make it a good healer and a good dps.

As it is now it can only get nerfed into the ground until its unviable, to make room for other builds. Buffing other builds to be like guard would just delete the game (look at heal mech).

But I guess this is what you get when you make something so overloaded with everything, its hard to know what to axe without killing the spec.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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15 minutes ago, Hotride.2187 said:

They should've axed the quickness (all of it) instead of the aegis on the heal mantra honestly, that would've given them space to buff the healing. Though honestly if it doesn't give alac no1 will want it now, dunno what happens if you give alac to fb. Can it still dps or does the boon duration you must invest axe the dps build? If so you'd have space to make it a good healer and a good dps.

As it is now it can only get nerfed into the ground until its unviable, to make room for other builds. Buffing other builds to be like guard would just delete the game (look at heal mech).

But I guess this is what you get when you make something so overloaded with everything, its hard to know what to axe without killing the spec.

It's a delicate thing to do for sure, but it's something the balance team needs to strive for.

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Greetings, my friends of very densely packed muscle fibers.

I come to apologize in the name of my engineer colleagues. You see, to maintain our position at the top of the class economy, we are currently working on different methods of nerf prevention.

My personal favourite project is the adjustment of our aim assisted rockets to function as nerf counter rockets (patent pending). We are still struggling to detect incoming nerfs in time, but once we solve this problem, we might potentially destroy any nerfs targeted at us before they are able to harm us in any way.

But I digress. The reason why I am here is to inform you that Luniel has been a voluntary test subject in one of our projects. We were testing a drug which was supposed to increase our immune reaction to nerfs, which might lower their impact or straight up neutralize them.

Unfortunately, Luniel showed signs of unforeseen side effects. He now becomes very hostile whenever he encounters any statements which could potentially hint at someone seeing our profession as possessors of surplus power. And before we could make adjustments to our formula, Luniel managed to escape the facility. We don't know how he did it, but it seems that he was jumping over the fence by building a rudimentary boomstick.

I will now make sure that he gets proper treatment and want to apologize once again for the inconvenience.
loads elixir gun with tranquilizer

Edited by Kodama.6453
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5 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Greetings, my friends of very densely packed muscle fibers.

I come to apologize in the name of my engineer colleagues. You see, to maintain our position at the top of the class economy, we are currently working on different methods of nerf prevention.

My personal favourite project is the adjustment of our aim assisted rockets to function as nerf counter rockets (patent pending). We are still struggling to detect incoming nerfs in time, but once we solve this problem, we might potentially destroy any nerfs targeted at us before they are able to harm us in any way.

But I digress. The reason why I am here is to inform you that Luniel has been a voluntary test subject in one of our projects. We were testing a drug which was supposed to increase our immune reaction to nerfs, which might lower their impact or straight up neutralize them.

Unfortunately, Luniel showed signs of unforeseen side effects. He now becomes very hostile whenever he encounters any statements which could potentially hint at someone seeing our profession as possessors of surplus power. And before we could make adjustments to our formula, Luniel managed to escape the facility. We don't know how he did it, but it seems that he was jumping over the fence by building a rudimentary boomstick.

I will now make sure that he gets proper treatment and want to apologize once again for the inconvenience.
loads elixir gun with tranquilizer

Me amย warrior. Long text, big words. Brain no understand. Is okay, fist fix all problem!ย ๐Ÿ™‚ย 

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