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Suggestion for Shortbow and Light on your Feet


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In the last Balance update, they decided to buff Crossfire to : '' Increased damage multiplier from 0.4 to 0.5 in PvE only. Bleed duration when not flanking increased from 1.5 seconds to 2 seconds in PvE only '' It has been asked many time and said, but Flanking for condition skills should not exist.


Just give the full duration to Shortbow. Nerf the full duration from the trait if needed.


The ''On Dodge'' buff condition duration is not that good, because you need to evade or use Quick Shot to apply on yourself. Making you move all over the place when most of time you just want to strafe or move by yourself. Also, it should just give Condition Damage. Condi builds are already capped at 100% Condi Duration, we don't need it from the Trait/Buff and beside, 10% condi duration based on a 4s buff is nothing. I would like to suggest to make Quick Shot a flip skill (like sword Monarch's Leap -> Serpent's Strike) so you can trigger the Buff more easily.

It would also ''fix'' and be nice to just get Swiftness from Quick Shot without needing to ''About Face'' or back leap.  


Again, LoyF ''On Dodge'' buff is like Oppressive Superiority in Soulbeast tree line, which should just give Condition Damage too. 


Skirmishing GM is very competitive as it is. Most of time LoyF is not even taken, because Quick Draw or Vicious Quarry (which gives so much crit chance now) give so much more. I actually believe Vicious Quarry would be better for all Condi Ranger builds just to trigger Sharpened Edges more often. 




Edited by Krispera.5087
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The flanking should be changed to another trigger or removed and averaged out.
So if they go the 2nd way the aa bleed will be 2.5s and 2 poison is 6.5s. As for the 4 and 5 they should keep the flanking version as base.
LoyF is probably never going to be better that the QD and VQ unless they do a major rework.

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Sometime ago I suggested the following as means to give the ranger an somehow AoE weapon. 

shortbow to apply the flanking effects as baseline. Poison volley does not pierce anymore (reasons below).

upon impact projectiles splinter in an small radius around the target to up to 2 additional  enemies (the harpoon auto does something similar) and to those additional targets receive the current baseline conditions. 

light on your feet new trait: increase the number of targets to 4 additional targets, increase the radius of the splinters. 

And if some dev are in the mood I would even expand it as follows: light on your feet new trait works on all projectiles adding 2 additional targets in a small radius around the target, the effect of the splinters are 50% less potent than the original attack (50% less damage, 50% less condi duration, 50% less condi stacks).

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5 hours ago, anduriell.6280 said:

Sometime ago I suggested the following as means to give the ranger an somehow AoE weapon. 

shortbow to apply the flanking effects as baseline. Poison volley does not pierce anymore (reasons below).

upon impact projectiles splinter in an small radius around the target to up to 2 additional  enemies (the harpoon auto does something similar) and to those additional targets receive the current baseline conditions. 

light on your feet new trait: increase the number of targets to 4 additional targets, increase the radius of the splinters. 

And if some dev are in the mood I would even expand it as follows: light on your feet new trait works on all projectiles adding 2 additional targets in a small radius around the target, the effect of the splinters are 50% less potent than the original attack (50% less damage, 50% less condi duration, 50% less condi stacks).

That’s just over complicating things, just do what rev shortbow does and 120 range aoe around your target with the autoattack, 3, 4 and 5.

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14 minutes ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

That’s just over complicating things, just do what rev shortbow does and 120 range aoe around your target with the autoattack, 3, 4 and 5.

it's funny how revs shortbow is literally a much better version of rangers. like.. make that make some sense. ranger is the master of ranged weapons. KEK

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6 hours ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

That’s just over complicating things, just do what rev shortbow does and 120 range aoe around your target with the autoattack, 3, 4 and 5.

yeap that would be the fastest. 

I thought if they were to implement the splinters why not make the trait to interact with it.

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On 7/15/2022 at 6:56 PM, anduriell.6280 said:

Sometime ago I suggested the following as means to give the ranger an somehow AoE weapon. 

shortbow to apply the flanking effects as baseline. Poison volley does not pierce anymore (reasons below).

upon impact projectiles splinter in an small radius around the target to up to 2 additional  enemies (the harpoon auto does something similar) and to those additional targets receive the current baseline conditions. 

light on your feet new trait: increase the number of targets to 4 additional targets, increase the radius of the splinters. 

And if some dev are in the mood I would even expand it as follows: light on your feet new trait works on all projectiles adding 2 additional targets in a small radius around the target, the effect of the splinters are 50% less potent than the original attack (50% less damage, 50% less condi duration, 50% less condi stacks).

I like this idea, especially since it also gives me some GW1 nostalgia, since ranger had preparations for their bow attacks with similar effects.

Instead of halfing the condi duration and condi stacks, it should just half the condi duration in PvE/WvW and half both in PvP, I'd say. Half in PvP to not make in teamfight condi spam too obnoxious, but halfing the condi stacks in PvE as well would mean the overall damage of the skills doesn't get halved, but quartered...

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I really enjoy shortbow. I use it in Open World just for the heck of it. I agree the flanking or from behind gimmick a bit dated. I’d like to see the LotF shortbow perks as a baseline added, but with a different mechanic, such as it applying if the target is moving. Shortbow 2 is very similar to axe 2, so maybe applying the shattering effect would be cool. Also, shortbow 3 is quite aggravating (for me). Id like to see it lose the leap backward, change the arrow into a pull of the target, and maybe apply cripple to represent a “snare”. 

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