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Downloading now. Should I play the base game or just go right to the expansions?

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I purchased GW2 when it first came out, Got to level 30 something and was pulled away.


After WoW then ESO I'm looking for something different and decided to come back to GW2.


I deleted my first char and I'm starting over.

I was wondering should I just play through the base game then purchase the expansions or boost to 80 with the expansions first.

I'm not worried about rushing or getting to high end stuff right away.


What is the best new player experience?



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Logically speaking since you already tried it and decided you didn't the game wasn't for you it would make sense to try it again before investing more money into.

It depends entirely on why you didn't like it the last time.

GW2 is definitely not WoW so if you are simply looking for another WoW then it would be a bad idea to spend more money here.

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Either way could be equally enjoyable depending upon your expectations as a player, in my opinion. What I mean is, You have said you arent in a hurry to reach end game or anything and already intend on buying the expac(s) so I would say it all comes down to QoL potential of gliding and a basic raptor mount for playing through the base story or bypassing the boost to 80 and do hot+pof intro to get basic glider and mount then doing the base story with them either on the 80 or on another toon if you wanted to level up as you progress the story.


GW2 is setup to let us each decide what sounds good and also gives the option to change your mind later if you decide you really would prefer a mount and/glider to smooth out traveling as you do the story.


Personally, I would be inclined to suggest you get the basic raptor and glider bascause not having them will significantly slow you down but you can still get the same story experience. It only really changes travel time in open world maps. Story instance content is still the same and if your toon is 80 it will be adjusted for the area its in so its not much different. Again its my personal preference to side on the convenience. Im not sure what you would prefer.

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Welcome back!

I recommend starting off by levelling up a new character, because that's a good way to learn how the game works and get used to it before getting into the harder areas. Also at level 80 the game is very open-ended with little direction, it's expected that you'll know what you want to do and how to find it and that can be tricky if you're very new. You can always boost a character later on when you feel ready for it.

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It's usually recommended to play through the core game your first time through.  The expansion content (especially Heart of Thorns) can be a frustrating experience for new players even veterans of other MMOs.

On the other hand, if you don't mind being lost and dying a lot there are some pretty cool features to unlock in the expansions, including mounts and gliders.  And once you unlock them you'll have them for your whole account even at level 1.  So you can always go back to start if the going gets too rough. 

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