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Why do people think Beetle/Griffon users are Suffering without a skyscale? They're 2-3x faster and FUN And Don't sap will to live unlocking! :)

Do you believe Springer Griffon/Beetle users are living in pain without a skyscale?   

80 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you believe Springer Griffon/Beetle users are living in pain without a skyscale?

    • No, those mounts are fun!
    • My main form of transportation is a waypoint. What's a mount???
    • Yes. They just don't know it yet.
    • I don't want a bird, i want a dragon! Not negotiable!
  2. 2. Did you enjoy or look forward to the skyscale grind?

    • Yes, I LOVE long and lengthy, unneeded grinds. And i wish every scavenger hunt quest was 400-800 parts repeated in the same map 5 times rather than 10-40 items completable in a day :D
    • I thought it was fun for the first 40-100 parts or so.. Then it kinda felt like it dragged on.
    • I would rather remake a new character leveled 1-80, gear it up in full ascended with crafting 1-500. raid in blues, and then delete the character rather than redo the skyscale grind EVER again.
    • I would do it again just for fun! :D It was my idea of awesome!

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I mean, take a look at half the posts. Most of them are pretty much. "I know you THINK you're having fun, BUT YOU ARE WRONG, YOU ARE SUFFERING, AND YOU ARE LAZY AND DON'T WANT TO UNLOCK IT AND ENVIOUS OF ME. IF YOU AREN'T, IM GOING TO TELL YOU ARE, OVER AND OVER AND OVERANDOVEROVEROVER" again. 

I guess a basic 1 sentence summary would be. Mounts have uses. Use the one that fits you best. If you only use one keybind, skyscale is a good fit. If using multiple mounts is as easy as drinking a cup of water. Use the best for each job. If drinking a cup of water is the hardest thing you could ever hope to accomplish or you already got skyscale for free. Either can mostly 90% replace the other, just like jackal / raptor can each do 95% of the job of either minus occasional sand teleports. 


Hmm.. now to put that in one sentence.. hmm.


1 button = Use skyscale. It's the spork of mounts. Can do everything slowly in one button but works well enough. 

2 buttons. = Use beetle for flats/shorts, springer + griffon for anywhere  and you're fine.

Radial mounts: Use every mount anywhere you want, anytime you want. 

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1 hour ago, Sunchaser.9854 said:

Oh no, READING, the most fearsome thing of all! You better be careful! I might be like a reverse death note, where instead of writing people's names to kill them. I simply forget to include arbitrary punctuation marks to write where they need to breathe and they might die! Oh no, the horror!  XD 


(Does no one find it weird you need to put marks in written words, to indicate where people should breathe. While reading rates and writing rates can drastically vary so much? Still seems hillarious lol. ) 


As far as things go, i think what was starting off as a meme overtook the thread. Day after day i saw posts about how life was 'incomplete' without the skyscale and yet after trying the griffon with masteries and the springer tricks, what was once meant to be a filler has turned into one of my most favorite mmorpg mounts of all times. Whenever i show someone from another mmorpg the griffon, everyone gets hooked, the flight is so fun, the mounts are unique, coming from WoW. what people had before for nearly 10 years was a pretty boring wow mount. It flew anywhere at 300% speed, but there were no flight physics, there were no abilities. There was no crapsucky endurance bar and half speed features.


Fair enough. :P, that's why good balance isn't usually making one option superior to all and the other's useless.  But making each unique and useful. Everyone has their preferences. When you start new, some people might just pick what they like based on looks. Raptor and jackal for instance, are seen as some of the more redundant. (Jackal has *slightly base* walk speed and faster/immediate turning with portals. But is about like 95% the speed of a raptor using leaps. ).


To some people, 95% movement speed is pretty much the same mount. So they pick whatever they like between dog or raptor.  But then people who study the minute details who learn the mounts over time will pick favorites for XYZ reasons. For instance, the jackal can avoid fall damage by teleporting and rapidly turn sharp 90 degree corners with a blink, sometimes excelling in sharp turn races where the 5% faster raptor lags.


Meanwhile, the engage of the raptor will group enemies together for easier aoe for some classes, while the jackal can provide a surprisingly generous 9k hp barrier for engaging with it that can provide almost +40-66% more hp to some squishy players or players who prefer the barrier over 3k grouping dmg.


Each mount has their uses, just some are clearly highly personal preferences fine. You can see people who go Jackal either for 9k barrier or "dog look prettty! i want a dog", or raptor for faster bursts of speed and 5% general faster speed and mob grouping for quicker aoe. 

Haha, Sure generic commenter #8, Tell yourself whatever you'd like about how i must secretly in pain or jealous of a discount knockoff experience item i MUST be jealous about. 🤣.


I miss not having skyscale as much as you would miss having a car that drives 3x slower. If that gives you a good idea lol. Hardly at all. The currencies are already 5/7 done, the seasons unlocked. It was apathy that made me go. "Eh.. I know i'm just going to unlock this thing and barely use it with my personal playstyle. Why on earth do i want to waste time on a mount that moves slower that i know i'll unlock, and barely use. Ooh, i think i'll finish my set of full ascended viper armor today, finish my ascended weapon set, hmm. do strikes and raids with my friends, and then find something else to do and fly around on my griffon again for fun and tour drizzlewood coast again at mach 5!"  The only "suffering" i have not having skyscale is enjoyment.


The only thing keeping me from completing it is knowing i'd spend like 2-4 more days unlocking content i could see myself feasibly using.. maybe a few times a day for a 2 second roll?  For the bizarre situation where i'd want to fly into the air where nothing is there. Afk and do nothing. and i have to get to a spot that has no nearby terrain but doesn't have anything there either. How many situations are there like that. It's more like not wanting to walk a mile to pick up a cup of hot water when i already have ice cold nectar in my hand. Griffin and beetle are so fun for me to use, i get so spoiled and feel so apathetic about grinding to get a discount experience enough to not care about it even though i'm pretty much already halfway there with all timegates, 5/7 currencies done. I just can't be bothered. I did my ascended and raiding and strikes and fractals first. 😛 


I'll finish it when there's nothing else important to do and i just completed a full ascended armor set.  But fair point to some commenters to do some of the passive unlocks so they just auto complete like turtle. On terms of priority, finding the best fashion set for my ascended armor tmog is a higher priority than unlocking a dragon i'll probably barely use heh. XD (well it's 2 seconds faster for 5 second trips... But so is raptor who i never bother with lol. ) 

To everyone who plays wow. the skyscale is pretty much a 33-50% speed of the default wow mount with a crippling inability to 'fly' without landing every 10 feet to 'recharge'.  WoW was so notorious for people flying up to the skybox whenever they felt like it, people got bored of it. It was more memorable to show your character swimming midair on a 300% speed wow flying mount than to like actually show the mount. Flying a half speed version is boring and generic. Fast mounts are far more fun and unique to a wow player. 



And i'll still have time to make it back for dinner and look at the mountains while i wait for the rest of the group to catch up to a 5-10 minute journey i flew to in 2 minutes! 😄 Woe is me, i'm so miserable being so happy and having so much fun! If this is what pain is like, i want MORE of it! WHEEEEE!! XD 


To someone from WoW, the gw2 Griffon and beetle are always the attractive mounts. They're highly individualistic unique mmorpg mounts with lots of features that come off as a fresh breath of air. So many years have i flown a wow dragon, that's basically just a 200%-300% speed skyscale with no abilities, that comparing the skyscale is like trying to insist someone must be jealous of a car that drives at 1/3rd the speed when you got bored of using the same car to go everywhere for 10 years. The skyscale to me is pretty much what a slow escalator with a waiting line is, to a racetrack to me.  And i love the speed of the mounts, they're tons of fun to use and constant enjoyment.

My current priorities are to have fun, grind, just yesterday i completed 6/6 armor pieces to finish my ascended viper's main set. Completed a series of collection to unlock my ascended viper bow. Did a series of dungeons to collect my nightmare runes. Did i use skyscale to fly into the dungeon? Hmm. Nope. Just teleported there. Did i need to travel to get my runes. YUP. How did i? Oh, i just jumped up a hill in 10 seconds with a springer, and with 2 springer jumps i was ready to go mach five and at my destination in a few minutes. (Well. By few. i literally mean half a minute. Since it's just so fast that even a literal 1-2 minute griffon flight is a literal 1-3 map zones)  

(Skyscale, Just is a pretty unurgent priority for me i already pretty much have half unlocked, + 5/7 currencies. but just dont' really honestly care about the chore enough to complete for a mount i'll probably barely personally use.) 

In other words, instead of looking as skyscale as something urgent, i looked at where i'd use it. Determined i might barely use it a couple places to save a couple seconds on my current style. Weighted my personal/raiding priorities and decided i'd rather have the +30%-40% dps gain from getting a ascended set of viper armor over the starter celestial set. And that i'd rather prefer to do more damage than have a dragon i might use sometimes to climb a tiny hill, or afk midair.

Since i couldn't afk midair, i simply went to tp to the pvp zone where i merch and can make +50-200g a day for logging in. Not having a skyscale teaches me good habits instead of using a 'crutch', so to speak from the sc2/wow terms. Where just because something is easy, doesn't make it better when more challenging play is encountered. 

The other mounts are actually pretty fun and it's more intended to show people that OTHER mounts exist out there. And if you keybind or use multiple. There's tons of fun tricks that can  DRAMATICALLY increase your performance to anyone who's game to use a few buttons. But if you only want to use one, go ahead. I'm just saying for the last time to generic commenter #7. I already have the thing halfway done, already have 5/7 currencies. The only emotion i felt was apathy and more of a "meh.. if im dismounting it now to use my other mounts. i know i'm just to unlock it. barely use it. and then do something else again." 

(A good craftsman imo, knows his tools to their best potential. To another. If a brick 'opens' a door. It's their favorite key???) 

I'm the kind of person who likes to use every thing to their max potential, so specialist mounts rock for me. In Sc2, you don't measure infantry melting flamethrowers by how useless they are against long range siege tanks.

You use tools to their best advantage. Hellbats for zerglings swarms and Liberators to counter siege tanks are pretty basic ideas.

So using a griffon for air and a beetle for land comes to me about as natural as using a zergling for ground, hydralisks for air, a nuke for a heavily crowded base, and siege tanks for defense or assault. It's natural for me to use each tool to the best of what they do, and pretty easy. I use radial mounts so i just literally press z to use my last mount (beetle/springer), and V for my default mount (Usually griffon). And if i want to use another mount, i literally just press z, move a mouse 2 inches and have it. 

# (Glad to see more people trying out new mounts, and unlocking them even ingame too!) 

As far as things go, I enjoy reading the worthwhile discussions where people discuss the mounts themselves and their uses. the virtues each one has. Even if it's a opposing viewpoint, but it explains why they love the mounts they use and their habits, those are fun to read.


Some of the dime a dozen posts that are just "i dddnt red bu i kno u env mi"  are just as much a waste of time for both parties as the sentences or dictionaries they're not able, or don't want to read. I guess you may think of that as insulting. But if a person is unable to read, unwilling to read, and their only contribution is saying they can't read.. That's.. Not much of any potential conversation.

You can't really have a meaningful discussion imo to "I HAET REESDING, TYEP WRDE LLESSS, NO wnt tlk to UUUUUUU!!!!"  ... Is that really even a conversation you can have? What am i supposed to do to 'communicate' with that?, speak typoed caveman(???) 🤔


But i do know a ton of people who after these posts, have noticeably have been talking tons more about how to get griffon and beetle ingame. They're sharing stuff about how they saw some people doing cool tricks and zipping mach 5 on the griffon and beetle, going anywhere they wanted to, all from a couple of videos on the internet and springer tips and asking about +20-30% energy regen mount chips. 🙂 

Last night, i went to help 2 people with their legendary facet bounty so they could get their griffon, while i helped another person find the mob they needed to unlock their beetle, while we slayed a bounty achievement i needed for my ascended bow, and now i have full ascended armor, 1/3 weapons done, and then afterwards we did our daily strikes and raiding again. I had a pretty good time and im glad to hear more people are trying them out in masse and having fun ingame! 😄 


Those are my priorities, doing my daily raids and strikes with my guildmates and friends on the few hours i have each day to play, raiding, strikes, fractals, helping them get their gear unlocks. And helping them with their bounties and vice aversa. (I was soloing champions down to just 5% hp sky from death messing with builds until they wanted to hop on and get it done before the strikes and daily reset hah. ) 


Anyways, im gonna go hit my daily raids and fractals and work on my other weapons and play with my friends again. They always have raids and strikes on resets, those are my priorities over grinding a already half unlocked, mostly pointless dragon (to keybounded multi mount users) i'll probably barely use.

Anyways, GL HF all (Good luck, have fun!). Do.. Whatever you want to do what whatever abilities or content you enjoy best!  it's raid time! 🙂 



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10 hours ago, SandraSolace.7682 said:

Don't have Skyscale or Griffon yet.  I do love my Raptor and Springer and they help with everything in my way of playing.

Still, I do work on unlocking them but leave that up to what I wanna do that day, so to speak. So question 2 was hard to answer.

I may or may not run into trouble gold wise or mats, or other. But as long as I enjoy what I'm doing, there is no right or wrong. Heck only tried Jackal a few times and it's growing on me exproring new maps with the portals (yes, i was slow on getting what the protals were for before trying the jackal). 



Jackal, with its ports, can also beat raptor if you have a lot of changes in direction (like the DR race) or a lot of terrain sloping upward (which thwarts raptor’s leap).

ArenaNet really has done an amazing job making each mount shine in specific situations. The only one I don’t regularly use now is Springer, though its dismount cc is still great for breakbars.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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11 hours ago, LesserHellspawn.3160 said:
I've got all mounts fully unlocked with their masteries, but unless a quest requires the use of a specific one, I end up using only three: The Skimmer for everything on and under water, the Siege Turtle for everything, well, siege and the Skyscale for everything else. Yep, Beetle is fast, but needs mostly flat ground, Raptor is similar. Springer has been made obsolete by the Skyscale. Jackal is a pain to use for me.


TBH, similar. Skyscale isn't THAT slow really. Skimmer/boat for water, skyscale for general, and turtle as needed. I'll grab the raptor sometimes if I know I don't need too much vertical movement, as it controls better then the beetle.

Jackal for races where there is a lot of hills as it slows down the raptor. Griffon I'll use on some chars as land and gliding, because I prefer just going point a to b instead of trying to setup some epic dive zoom boost.

9 hours ago, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:

How many "Skyscale Guilds" do you know, compared to Beetle and Griffon guilds? 

Being honest I've never heard of any beetle or griffon guilds.

6 hours ago, Sunchaser.9854 said:

I miss not having skyscale as much as you would miss having a car that drives 3x slower. If that gives you a good idea lol. Hardly at all.

To everyone who plays wow. the skyscale is pretty much a 33-50% speed of the default wow mount with a crippling inability to 'fly' without landing every 10 feet to 'recharge'.


3x slower yet Skyscale and Griffon have the exact same run speed and very similar flight speed. Assuming you aren't going out of your way to go set up dives and are actually using the mount to simply go from point A to point B in a straightforward manner (like, almost everybody does).

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Movement_Speed#Mounts In all ways but the dive, the Griffon and Skyscale are similar speed. It's like going "I miss having a car that doesn't go 200 mph, when 90% of the time I just need regular road speeds and the two cars drive the exact same speeds normally."

I mean, I'm fine with you not wanting a skyscale, that's completely a personal choice, but can you not spend every post trying to smear and over exaggerate things to try to make it sounds like grabbing a crippled dolyak is a better choice then a Skyscale with misleading/false information?

4 hours ago, Sunchaser.9854 said:

I mean, take a look at half the posts. Most of them are pretty much. "I know you THINK you're having fun, BUT YOU ARE WRONG, YOU ARE SUFFERING, AND YOU ARE LAZY AND DON'T WANT TO UNLOCK IT AND ENVIOUS OF ME. IF YOU AREN'T, IM GOING TO TELL YOU ARE, OVER AND OVER AND OVERANDOVEROVEROVER" again. 

Um. What posts? Seriously, where are these mystical posts in this thread or elsewhere screaming about how you suffer?

Edited by Kalavier.1097
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5 minutes ago, Kalavier.1097 said:

3x slower yet Skyscale and Griffon have the exact same run speed and very similar flight speed. Assuming you aren't going out of your way to go set up dives and are actually using the mount to simply go from point A to point B in a straightforward manner (like, almost everybody does).

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Movement_Speed#Mounts In all ways but the dive, the Griffon and Skyscale are similar speed. It's like going "I miss having a car that doesn't go 200 mph, when 90% of the time I just need regular road speeds and the two cars drive the exact same speeds normally."

What? Comparing their base flight speed makes no sense. The griffon at top speed is worlds faster and more maneuverable than the skyscale, it just also takes practice and skill to get the most out of it, as with some of the other mounts like the roller beetle. The skyscale's one advantage over griffon in getting from point A to point B fast is that it can climb from the ground. If both start from high enough up, there is no comparing them at all. I don't know what "using the mount in a straightforward manner like almost everybody does" is supposed to mean. If the terrain gives you height to start with (ex: cache keepers in drizzlewood), griffon is way faster. If the terrain doesn't give you height, skyscale might be faster than griffon, but it may still be the wrong choice for speed. For example, if the terrain is flat or maneuverable enough, roller beetle may be superior easily. Or raptor. Or jackal.

What skyscale is best for, based on my experience, is when you are dealing with relatively short distances and you want to climb in height, but the terrain is too dangerous to be using springer (small ledges, long distance to fall down). Or you want to hover to avoid mob aggro. Otherwise, it's kind of a jack of all terrain, on account of being helicopter-like with an occasional boost forward, but is easily inferior for most specialized mount uses. Even with climbing in height, I too often find myself trying to use it to climb, only to find I don't have enough energy to get high enough and if I'm lucky, I can use Bond of Faith to get the rest of the way, but sometimes that fails and I'm having to re-mount and find a place to land, so I can work my way up another way.

I'm not saying it's a bad mount, but I do think it's fair to say it's a bit overrated. And I suspect that if we got a mount wheel, people would use it less (that and if we could switch mounts while in combat, grr). If one mount is "jack of all, master of none" type design and it's a pain to switch mounts, it would make sense it's gonna get used more, even if it's not best for the situation.

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On 8/4/2022 at 12:52 AM, Sunchaser.9854 said:

Who is tired of being constantly told they are suffering? 🙂

Nobody has advised me that I am suffering 🤔

your post is very long, some of the info can be useful to new players, but that info is drowning in a sea of strange anecdotes and weird assumptions.


  • skyscale was the last mount I unlocked (not interested in the turtle so haven't bothered with that) and I had griff/roller for a long time prior
  • the grind wasn't that bad, I still think people exaggerate how bad it is.
  • all mounts have their place in the game, I don't think it's a popular opinion that skyscale is better for all content.
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58 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

What? Comparing their base flight speed makes no sense. The griffon at top speed is worlds faster and more maneuverable than the skyscale, it just also takes practice and skill to get the most out of it, as with some of the other mounts like the roller beetle. The skyscale's one advantage over griffon in getting from point A to point B fast is that it can climb from the ground. If both start from high enough up, there is no comparing them at all. I don't know what "using the mount in a straightforward manner like almost everybody does" is supposed to mean. If the terrain gives you height to start with (ex: cache keepers in drizzlewood), griffon is way faster. If the terrain doesn't give you height, skyscale might be faster than griffon, but it may still be the wrong choice for speed. For example, if the terrain is flat or maneuverable enough, roller beetle may be superior easily. Or raptor. Or jackal.

"straightforward manner" means point a, to point b. No setting up a dive. No climbing up the top of the mountain to get the dive boost speed. I start at Shaemoor, I go to Beetletun. I don't spend time setting up or bouncing over there because I need to get high.

As I said, if I need to go point a to b and there is very little vertical movement required, I'll grab a raptor instead. If it's like that but hilly, jackal. If it's purely flat terrain with no breaks/gaps to jump over, beetle.

But if I know I'll be moving vertically along the way with maybe long gaps, I'll grab skyscale. If it's vertical purely, springer may be more useful depending on space.

Those epic Griffon speed videos are great but they require setup. If I pop into a map, and want to go into an event or meta ASAP, I'm going in a straight line. I'm not going to mess with climbing up the tower to max out a griffon speed. I'm far more likely to simply just grab a roller beetle if speed is TRULY the issue.


21 minutes ago, disco.9302 said:

Nobody has advised me that I am suffering 🤔

your post is very long, some of the info can be useful to new players, but that info is drowning in a sea of strange anecdotes and weird assumptions.

Also misleading statements that exist purely to depict the Skyscale as far worse then it actually is.

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Your poll is biased. You are leaving people who actually enjoyed the collection with only a negative "Yes" option. This is nothing but another complaint thread disguised as a poll.

The collection wasn't a grind. The only "grindy" party was the feeding part when it was taking a whole day to reset, but that was already made easier years ago. The traveling and jumping puzzle parts were fun to me, and I would like an option in your poll that reflects my feelings/opinion.

As for the general consensus, you cannot compare the Beetle or Griffon to the Skyscale. Neither can do what the Skyscale can (e.g., the current festival's Treasure Hunt), and vice versa. The Skyscale's movement abilities are unique and serve a completely different purpose than the Beetle's racing ability or the Griffon's flight ability.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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Ooof, getting big insecurity vibes from OP. Just get the Skyscale mate, it's not that bad of a grind. Do some strikes and exchange ice for map currency. I'm sitting on 2000 of each of the currencies and I'm not even actively farming them... Open a tablet/smartphone/second monitor with all the places you need to visit and you will have the collection done in a few days without even grinding. What a weird post...🤔

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24 minutes ago, Kalavier.1097 said:

"straightforward manner" means point a, to point b. No setting up a dive. No climbing up the top of the mountain to get the dive boost speed. I start at Shaemoor, I go to Beetletun. I don't spend time setting up or bouncing over there because I need to get high.

As I said, if I need to go point a to b and there is very little vertical movement required, I'll grab a raptor instead. If it's like that but hilly, jackal. If it's purely flat terrain with no breaks/gaps to jump over, beetle.

But if I know I'll be moving vertically along the way with maybe long gaps, I'll grab skyscale. If it's vertical purely, springer may be more useful depending on space.

Those epic Griffon speed videos are great but they require setup. If I pop into a map, and want to go into an event or meta ASAP, I'm going in a straight line. I'm not going to mess with climbing up the tower to max out a griffon speed. I'm far more likely to simply just grab a roller beetle if speed is TRULY the issue.

I gave you an example of where griffon is clearly superior though (cache keepers in drizzlewood). Cherrypicking situations where the mount isn't a good option to say it's close to the same speed as skyscale is just nonsensical, idk what to tell you. Starting from high up is not "setup", it's the mechanical advantage that the mount has where it shines, just as roller beetle has a mechanical advantage on flat terrain. What you are calling setup is just map design. If you are doing events/metas, many of the maps don't start you out in a position where you are high up going down, so there aren't a lot of opportunities to take full advantage of the griffon's speed for that specific purpose. That doesn't mean griffon is close to the same speed as skyscale...

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1 hour ago, Labjax.2465 said:

I gave you an example of where griffon is clearly superior though (cache keepers in drizzlewood). Cherrypicking situations where the mount isn't a good option to say it's close to the same speed as skyscale is just nonsensical, idk what to tell you. Starting from high up is not "setup", it's the mechanical advantage that the mount has where it shines, just as roller beetle has a mechanical advantage on flat terrain. What you are calling setup is just map design. If you are doing events/metas, many of the maps don't start you out in a position where you are high up going down, so there aren't a lot of opportunities to take full advantage of the griffon's speed for that specific purpose. That doesn't mean griffon is close to the same speed as skyscale...

You gave me a singular example of how the griffon is great in a regular, every day typical use. It's great there. That doesn't mean it's great everywhere.  Praising the griffon and heralding it as the best thing ever (or a far superior choice) because of the speed when it's not applicable all over is just being misleading. Likewise, cherrypicking situations where the Griffon is superior to say it's super fast all the time and the best thing ever is equally nonsensical

If you cannot take the full advantage of the griffon's dive speed, then why use it as a jab against the Skyscale?

"Man my car can go 200 mph."
"Yeah but you can't go 200 mph on this road."

Is what's going on here. The Skyscale and Griffon airborne speeds are similar, if you cannot use the dive speed buff due to reasons of masteries, terrain, etc. Therefore using the dive speed as if it's the default speed of the griffon is misleading, especially if you are trying to accuse the Skyscale of being "slow"


That was my point. The other guy is trying to endlessly describe the skyscale as slower then a crippled 3 legged dolyak, completely worthless against the majesty of the Griffon. I shared the wiki page and point out that the Skyscale is not slow.


1 hour ago, Yello.3406 said:


Showing off and emphasizing a littel two often how much they don't need/want skyscale. 🤔

Or how much they want it but don't want to do the unlock thing(or admit it), so they gotta make it sound so worthless anet should just give it away? :D.

I'm still waiting on the mass "You suffer without it posts" the one guy claims. It almost seems like he's making up false claims :D.

Edited by Kalavier.1097
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Lol sure. Im currently working on my ascended weapons from fractals next so I'm gonna go resume flying around. They're pretty fun mounts and fast mounts and it is surprisingly how many people are using untrained or mastered Griffin's for a comparison lol. As long as you can get 1-2x Springer hops on terrain and a dismount jump, you can pretty routinely get a lvl 2 or lvl 3 max swoop griffin dive very easily.


But 0 boost griffon? That's like arguing both cars are the same speed when you put no gas in them and pedal it like a bike. If that's how you guys use griffon. Its no wonder your preference would be the easy to use mount. Sure there might not always be full swoops but if there's a singular building or hill, you guys are making out 2 jumps like it's the hardest thing in existence. 


If you take note of the video. While. There are definitely zones like the inside of a flat 5 feet high building or a few cliffless zones, a big part of the Griffin combo is likely being able to know how to use the mount. as this player does something more than 90% will likely fail to be able to do.


Take off at full speed Swoop from a nearly 5% decline. I wouldn't call a jump button, spacebar. Griffin, bond of vigor flap swoop a impossible to achieve nor practical flat land. But still skyscales flight radius is more like a 2 Springer height cone. It can start off a little high but as seen from the video, 5 seconds are used for setup of a springer vigor flap swoop. After 7 seconds the griffon catched up, 8 seconds later its ahead. and then it finishes the map.


Griffin has a moderate skill curve. Its not too excessively hard to master swooping it and Springer jumping. But if you learn it, it can be quite rewarding. If you can't fly it. Dont use it. But If you can. Its a awesome mount and I love every second I use it it's awesome, so fast, memorable, enjoyable and has some pretty awesome experiences.. 😃


Anyways, now that I'm full ascended bar a weapon mace/axe swap to max my dmg, im going to get those next and grind some fractals and look maybe for some shiny ascended gear drops! 😀 


Then I'll plan on my schedule for sky scale when I get bored and have nothing else to do. But if you guys don't know the basic Springer hop and the masteries to even swoop... A horribly piloted griffin that smashes into tree and the ground could probably the comparison point for some of you. 😂. Just use whatever mount you like best. They all can pretty Much replace the other for me. But I'd have to start CRASHING my Griffin into the ground to keep up with a unboosted one lol. 


Im going to shift over and get some gear boxes and fractal runs. Fly whatever you like but seeing as we're comparing mishandled Griffin's to w roll skyscales. Just press whatever mount fits you most.


There's a surprising amounts of maps that can be quickly blazed through on a beetle like winterberry farm or off even a one or two Springer jump high slope like the mountains can get you a swoop. . A singular building, and even if you don't have a full swoop griffin. If you don't know how to use it. You might not be much better with griffin than a craftsman who uses his toolbox to hammer a nail.... with the screwdriver while driving his car into the neighbor's house. 

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