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Anniversary sale 2022 [Merged]

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13 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

But then there's Queen Jennah, who apparently never does anything wrong? I can't think of a single moment the writing even hints at her being anything but a perfect good person who is doing her best to protect her people.

The Shining Blade is an organization literally dedicated to genocidal religious cleansing. If you worship the Unseen Ones, the Shining Blade will murder you.

Edited by squeegee.4320
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I was just doing an event in Timberline Falls where I escorted some Norn into the Dredge caverns because "We'll teach them that this is our land!" There's stuff like that all over this game. We just happen to be on the more powerful side so it's ok.

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I just wish there was better official communication on such a big event been waiting for weeks for a ls sale even though people got it last year for free on a ad I missed since gw2 has a very low advertising /mass awareness presence. But it feels very difficult to even get a date past silence on it.


Last years some of the deals launched 8/7, what would have been 3-4 days ago to us now, but I know they're working on the steam launch but isn't usually raising up hype and giving dates sometimes good for pr and goodwill? Anyways I got a post deleted for a certain heavily disclaimed store page date as "data mining"... 😐😑😐, potentially subject to change or be inaccurate.  anyways I'm not going to repost it but I assumed data leaking was for content not uh... Waiting for a anniversary sale we don't have much official information on yet. I just have spent the last few days waiting trying to make a schedule about when ls5/3 would unlock. I have no idea I'd it'll be within a week or month, hence the curiosity. No harm was intended but its kinda a bummer there's not any official announcement or much mainstream advertising on the event yet. It might be even longer than some weeks or appear months or tommarow. Who knows. Sigh. 

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1 hour ago, Labjax.2465 said:

What are the Unseen Ones? I guess I've missed some lore.


The Mursaat, the gods of a religious splinter group called the White Mantle. The White Mantle seized power in Kryta when they and the Mursaat stopped the charr invasion after the Krytan king fled the throne and abandoned his people.

The Shining Blade are loyalists who then proceed to genocide the near entirety of the Mursaat race, unleash an army of titans which cause mass destruction in Tyria (and do nothing about it), then kill probably a significant part of their own population of Krytans in a guerilla civil war to put Salma on the throne.

In GW2 they have continued to be the secret police of the Krytan monarchy, operating in the shadows and above the law to exterminate anyone with dissenting opinions about Kryta.




Edited by squeegee.4320
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2 hours ago, squeegee.4320 said:


The Mursaat, the gods of a religious splinter group called the White Mantle. The White Mantle seized power in Kryta when they and the Mursaat stopped the charr invasion after the Krytan king fled the throne and abandoned his people.

The Shining Blade are loyalists who then proceed to genocide the near entirety of the Mursaat race, unleash an army of titans which cause mass destruction in Tyria (and do nothing about it), then kill probably a significant part of their own population of Krytans in a guerilla civil war to put Salma on the throne.

In GW2 they have continued to be the secret police of the Krytan monarchy, operating in the shadows and above the law to exterminate anyone with dissenting opinions about Kryta.




Ohh ok, ty for the explanation. I kinda knew what Mursaat and White Mantle are from LW, but not in much detail and wasn't making the connection there. The way you describe it fits with the overall impression I've gotten about how Kryta is portrayed though: that the writers give any opposition to the status quo the Batman Begins treatment. They have to be someone who is completely over-the-top unhinged/destructive so the "heroes" look like they're in the right by contrast. Even if the heroes have a pretty screwed up system of power they're sitting on.

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9 hours ago, squeegee.4320 said:


The Mursaat, the gods of a religious splinter group called the White Mantle. The White Mantle seized power in Kryta when they and the Mursaat stopped the charr invasion after the Krytan king fled the throne and abandoned his people.

The Shining Blade are loyalists who then proceed to genocide the near entirety of the Mursaat race, unleash an army of titans which cause mass destruction in Tyria (and do nothing about it), then kill probably a significant part of their own population of Krytans in a guerilla civil war to put Salma on the throne.

In GW2 they have continued to be the secret police of the Krytan monarchy, operating in the shadows and above the law to exterminate anyone with dissenting opinions about Kryta.




Well the white mantle did sacrifice alot of people to the blood stone so they are hardly the good guys.

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13 hours ago, Yaki.9563 said:

It hasn't crossed your mind before that the whole story in GW2 is told from the perspective of the oppressors? All the dredge and centaur and any other race we slaughter because they fighting back against the intrusion on their land. That whole bandit side story in Kryta seems suspiciously like an attempt to eradicate those who are fighting against an (oppressive?) regime. Also, I'm not entirely convinced that the dragons are relatively evil. From the centaur and dredge perspective, we must be the dragons.


It's certainly a strange perspective to go from playing an Ascalonian in GW1 to a Charr in GW2.

Spoilers for Living World story hits:


I really wish my Charr character was given the option to say that she wouldn't join the Shining Blade to get info. No way, no how would a charr swear fealty to a human queen, whose ancestors occupied their land.


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9 minutes ago, garpu.6210 said:

a human queen, whose ancestors occupied their land

The last known common ancestor between the Krytan and Ascalonian royalty was King Doric, 1300 years prior.



But yeah, I don't think it should have been allowed except for MAYBE a Krytan-born human.

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I hope this 20% off inventory management is not the "anniversary sale"... I was hoping for at least 30%, but even 25% would have been nice. Having 20% off is an insult as it's already been discounted more than that this year and in past years. Makes no sense. I've been waiting for the LW to get a 30% discount, but if it doesn't even do that this month I guess I will just not play until the March sales again because for some reason March sales are more important than a 10th anniversary?

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Yeah the sales are bad and might be intended to drain the prime day sales gems. As some have mentioned, some of the other items on sale right now at 20% lag behind sales at 30-40%. But it might be literally half a year until the march sale. You can't really talk but there is a planned patch for balance on 23rd. Its probably likely for TBE next content update to come bundled with sales, seeing as even the last cosmetics rolled in the same update patches that added balance tweaks. So waiting for the august 23rd patch to maybe potentially have a august anniversary sale in it might be possible. But yeah I was waiting all day last week and the silence and some other stuff kinda kills the hype. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope so. LS anniversary sales only happen once a year. But at least select regions can pay 130$ for it on steam i guess. I hope there's some competition going on though.

I remember this evening where like 16 minutes after hearing the news that there would be twitch drops and coming back from a game, i got a announcement WoW was directly competing with the gw2 launch by suddenly giving the last 4 months of shadowlands and a lvl 50 boost free.

Gw2 can be a good value over a long time, but people arguing that the lack of development but buy for life model of 50-100$ vs 60+15$ a month wow was usually easier.

But a 100$ to start, 15$ to sub? WoW even if it doesn't have the most stellar content still produces like 10-20 dungeons per 2-3 years and some people on steam were like talking about how


'sure gw2 has 10 years of content. but the last gw2 dungeon was 9 years ago. Wow always brings 3 new raids, 5-7 new zones, and all the past expacs for free under a sub but some of the content hasn't been updated for years. Even if it's 10 years of "content". if nothing new has been released in 9 years, what's the point'.

 - Steam users/mmorpg player pov on 100$ All living season Gw2 to "Enjoy the full story" and 15$ linear playthrough of wow to "enjoy the story"

And i shrug. We have strikes, i guess? And open world. And Soo won metas? And flying turtles? Idk. At least if there's a anniversary sale we could have more players enjoy the stories and stuff to buy i guess.

They're still calling gw2 more of a freemium game i guess that could use stronger selling points for a 100$ story buy in when WoW decides to give it's 60$ away for free for a 15$ sub buy in.

Of course it can be more expensive over time but 7 months to break even for a mmorpg that's been 9 years between dungeons seems like it can be a big deal to the dungeon runners. Gw2 is mostly known for open world and the gem shop. At least having some sales would help.. Make the gem shop better(??) 

Edited by Sunchaser.9854
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should be discount  atles for new player like  pof 50% 


- 10th years anniversary with full price 🤢 imagine new player come and see 100usd bundle how do they feel ?


I'm really disappointed nothing special this is 10th anniversary now i feel like another day


Should have

live stream form official  talk about road map /disscuss between anet and player or streamer what we need what anet will do











Edited by sahawitZERO.1493
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It seems like this year they're using the actual anniversary as the centre of the event rather than the end, probably so new Steam players can join in.

But there's been a few different giveaways and discounts already. There was a free black lion key, total makeover kit and that 'friends' bundle in the gem store, the novelty and skin vouchers have come back with a 10% discount and bank tabs, shared inventory slots and some other stuff was discounted earlier this month.

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