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New GW2 from WoW (class/profession help)

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I'm looking for some help choosing a class to play in GW2. 
I played WoW for around 9 years as a Resto Druid (healer that uses Heals of Over Time). I played that class because I enjoyed the being able to fill the role because there was a shortage or healer and the excitement of being the main person to make a or break a raid or mythic key (fractal) and I practiced and learnt the role in every way.

With GW2 i have nothing that feels like that. At the moment i have a Engineer at the moment but have a boost available.

Just looking for suggestions that might make me enjoy the game a bit more. I feel this game is boring maybe its more the class or something else.

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Try to be a bit more specific what makes it boring for you, what type of gameplay do you enjoy etc. (personally I find resto druid in WoW quite boring to play, so I would be curious what type of gameplay you like).

Also consider that perhaps GW2 is just not game for you, and you might have to look somewhere else.

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Welcome to Guild Wars 2!


I don't really know what you're looking for. Usually it works best for new players to start with an open world build. You can get some inspiration at MetaBattle and there are many guides on YouTube. (Search for "Guild Wars 2 <purpose> <profession/ elite specialization> build guide".


If you want to continue healing as you were used to in WoW there are many options as well. Check: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Category:Healing_builds Please note that healing builds are intended for group play and are not ideal for new players leveling their characters to level 80. For now, as new player you don't have to follow these guides exactly. Especially when you're still leveling up. But it is a good thing to work towards and give you some direction.


You mention a boost. If you mean the Level 80 booster I usually advise against using that for players who are new to Guild Wars 2 and their class/profession. If you boost you skip the "getting familiar with your profession" part. Keep the level 80 booster for when you need another character with a profession you are already familiar with.


Noxxi made a fun video about this:

No offense but just as reminder that it is advisable to get familiar with the game and your profession before using a booster.

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Well engi is good now with the new EoD mech.

FB should also fill the healer role very well.

I donno if heal druid still a thing in raids and fracts so may be exp rangers can give you a feedback on heal druid.



Edited by voodoo.7412
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Different builds and different elite specs really can change how you play a character and if you find it fun or not.  Before EoD came out, I had a scrapper that I just didn't have fun playing.  Then I cam across a YouTube video for a completely different build (and not like anything on MetaBattle or other sites).  I started playing it and it completely changed my game experience with Engineer.  I actually enjoyed running that toon around and absolutely destroying everything before me.  So, if you aren't having fun with your Engi, try some different builds.  You also have 4 (F2P) or more character slots to create different characters.  Use them, try the other professions.  ALL of them change how they play with the various elite specs at level 80.

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13 hours ago, Dmiiser.3867 said:

Hello All

I'm looking for some help choosing a class to play in GW2. 
I played WoW for around 9 years as a Resto Druid (healer that uses Heals of Over Time). I played that class because I enjoyed the being able to fill the role because there was a shortage or healer and the excitement of being the main person to make a or break a raid or mythic key (fractal) and I practiced and learnt the role in every way.

With GW2 i have nothing that feels like that. At the moment i have a Engineer at the moment but have a boost available.

Just looking for suggestions that might make me enjoy the game a bit more. I feel this game is boring maybe its more the class or something else.


While there arent any classes that are quite as dedicated to healing in raids (since raids rely on active damage avoidance), there are quite a handful of denominations that can output significant healing to groups. GW2s Druid, Vindicator/Herald, Guardian, Engie, Tempest and scourge all have build options that let you reinforce allies. Scourge in particular has raid presence.


Give some of the other classes a try. You might find some enjoyment in some of the glassier, damage oriented classes despite healing being your role in WoW. 

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On 8/16/2022 at 1:51 AM, Dmiiser.3867 said:

Hello All

I'm looking for some help choosing a class to play in GW2. 
I played WoW for around 9 years as a Resto Druid (healer that uses Heals of Over Time). I played that class because I enjoyed the being able to fill the role because there was a shortage or healer and the excitement of being the main person to make a or break a raid or mythic key (fractal) and I practiced and learnt the role in every way.

With GW2 i have nothing that feels like that. At the moment i have a Engineer at the moment but have a boost available.

Just looking for suggestions that might make me enjoy the game a bit more. I feel this game is boring maybe its more the class or something else.

This game doesn’t really reward players the same way WoW or other MMO can.  Specifically the support roles are not actively making decisions in game about what to do (like am I healing tank or raid and which heal all I using).  You aren’t usually making decisions that can wipe the raid so you are also not getting the dopamine for excelling at your role and rarely ever saving the raid  

This game rewards playing in groups with a variety of different passive Boons being shared about and zerging stuff down.  And since downed exists, you can play poorly or have bad luck and ultimately still come out victorious.  Perhaps being efficient with your role is what players strive for in GW2. 

As such I usually recommend finding the profession that has mechanics and play styles you enjoy.  Elementalist, Revenant and Mesmer offer unique and challenging eSpecs that can be incredibly dominant in the right hands. I’d avoid Necro, Guardian, Engineer as being too ‘easy’ and Ranger, Thief and Warrior are a bit middle of the road but might have some spice you like with the new EoD specs  



Edited by Mungo Zen.9364
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If you’re used to resto druid I would recommend tempest with shout heals. Ranger elite spec druid is fairly similar as well in that you have regen, spirits that heal over time, and some plantable aoe heals. The staff heal 3 is a dash which is kind of weird but either should fit your playstyle.


Firebrand is similar to holy paladin. 

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There are a few classes that can fill a suport role. Though GW2 has not that strict tank/healer/dps concept. I would just try different classes to find out what fits you most. Unlike other MMOs leveling is so fast. The limit is more the number of free character slots an account has.

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I can speak to this as a new player.  I started GW2 on July 11 but really got into it around the 16th or 17th of July.  I hit level 80 on August 11 playing solo mostly.  I hesitate to advise on a profession but would suggest some type of pet class for the first bit as pets take some heat off you.  Every levelling build usually recommends some form of power/precision equipment.  Healing is not really much of a component until you get into the post-80 game.  Having said that, by level 45 i had stumbled on a build that works for me and was not a starting build recommendation posted in any of the websites. 


You will level quickly to 80--especially if you join in all the events that occur in the zone you are currently playing in.  They give good experience and loot.  It is easy to re-jigger your build whenever you like so nothing should be written in stone. 


With respect to elite specializations you will require a boatload of hero points (250 I believe) and they don't come every time you level post 80 (though Mastery points do).  Don't expect to hit that elite specialization quickly.  The first expansion area Heart of Thorns is very vertical and death will become a common occurrence.  This is especially so since you will have only basic gliding, which, while useful, is not great.  Many will tell you to join a HP Train.  I can only talk about my experience but be warned these are not new player friendly.   As GW2 is 10 years old, the bulk of the people playing the game have unlocked the flying mounts.  Every train I have seen is composed of people using flying mounts.  You will get left behind and not complete an entire run--my last few attempts had me die 7 times en route to first HP challenge, which I never landed on.  You can attempt to complete some on your own--I have--(and a lot of the locations are in weird and dangerous places) but be aware that many HP challenges require you to best a number of mobs or, harder, a Champion mob (these require 2 or more players to beat).


I don't mean to sound very negative because I thoroughly enjoy GW2 and think it is a fun game (I did play it at release...hit cap and then left).  But coming from WoW, you will be in a pond of a different kind.  Take your time.  Roam around all the main zones.  Try not to let Heart of Thorns dissuade you from enjoying a very rich gaming experience.  You will find people who will help out.  ENJOY !!


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1 hour ago, Tuukall.8974 said:

With respect to elite specializations you will require a boatload of hero points (250 I believe) and they don't come every time you level post 80 (though Mastery points do).  Don't expect to hit that elite specialization quickly.  The first expansion area Heart of Thorns is very vertical and death will become a common occurrence.  This is especially so since you will have only basic gliding, which, while useful, is not great.  Many will tell you to join a HP Train.  I can only talk about my experience but be warned these are not new player friendly.   As GW2 is 10 years old, the bulk of the people playing the game have unlocked the flying mounts.  Every train I have seen is composed of people using flying mounts.  You will get left behind and not complete an entire run--my last few attempts had me die 7 times en route to first HP challenge, which I never landed on.  You can attempt to complete some on your own--I have--(and a lot of the locations are in weird and dangerous places) but be aware that many HP challenges require you to best a number of mobs or, harder, a Champion mob (these require 2 or more players to beat).

I can't speak to the specific HP train you were attempting to follow, but, make sure you tell the commander leading it that you're new and don't have everything unlocked.  When I and several others have run them, we do try to make sure to take care of our newer members.  Some commanders might not, but, many will.  Also, don't be afraid to ask in map chat - I still do on a couple of those HoT HP challenges.  And I regularly go help people with them when it gets called out in map chat.  That's another thing that someone might not be used to coming from another MMO - call out in map chat for help and you will frequently get more help than you would dream of.

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