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GW2 10th anniversary, please don't forget the solo players Anet

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18 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

What ?

When HoT launched you had numerous ammount of people , asking the company to remove the need to do 1x Raid boss , when they maxxed out the Masteries (otherwise they wouldn't get Spirit Shard -you would stuck forever) .

They removed it , 2 years later (they didnt have the technology ( atleast they tried to support Raids))

That why if you checked the KP.me or whater 1 year ago , you will see that 22% of people did one boss and then it will drop to 14% for the next wing and even lower than that .

 Casuals hardcarry the game over the years 😛



No it didnt, what carried the game was having a huge community from gw1 and a huge hype around the MMO community before the launch with a lot of promises that didnt happen, a lot of the community left with hard criticism and they fixed a lot of stuff in HoT, like having more engaging content, raids, better open world content, healers etc etc... 

You are not a casual, you have 1.000 post in this forum that will be never made by a casual. You are just a guy that likes idk open world and wants everything to be the way you want, easy and free. And cant even look at the bigger picture of the games health.

And if its not how you want it, you are gonna come to the forums and put another 1.000 post even if its great for the game and the game is growing. And for me that is pretty toxic (its like being in a relationship with some1 that doesnt want you to improve)

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14 minutes ago, Izzy.2951 said:


No it didnt, what carried the game was having a huge community from gw1 and a huge hype around the MMO community before the launch with a lot of promises that didnt happen, a lot of the community left with hard criticism and they fixed a lot of stuff in HoT, like having more engaging content, raids, better open world content, healers etc etc... 

You are not a casual, you have 1.000 post in this forum that will be never made by a casual. You are just a guy that likes idk open world and wants everything to be the way you want, easy and free. And cant even look at the bigger picture of the games health.

And if its not how you want it, you are gonna come to the forums and put another 1.000 post even if its great for the game and the game is growing. And for me that is pretty toxic (its like being in a relationship with some1 that doesnt want you to improve)

What ?

In GW1 you could instances with NPCs . While the 1/3 was doing PvP

Rightfully they choose the open world  +pvp+wvwvw stuff


Edit:(i dont want the game to improve ? Ahh yeah , you found me ,i work secretly for Blizzard :P)


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10 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

For a birthday gift? Are you for real? 🤣

Oof, I can already see 99% of Tyria's population in tears.

You get birthday gifts delivered to your ingame mail for free, what are you talking about?

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You don't hear people who play single player games like god of war or hades saying "don't forget about the online multiplayer players!" They just go find a multiplayer game.

 I wonder why people think it's normal to see people say "Don't forget the solo players" when it's an online game. Really odd. It's like going to a bakery when you prefer ice cream and there is an ice cream parlor next door, but you complain to the bakery that they don't have ice cream. Like, bro, there is an ice cream shop RIGHT THERE. 

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10 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

and the game would not have survived if every player had reacted the way you did. You came back to a game where a more hardcore demographic of players held on, or just players in general who decided to improve and overcome the challenge HoT posed.

By now HoT is considered by many some of the content with the most longevity ever. It did need some fixing, which the developers did in the months after release. All the while PoF, which released with a far lower difficulty level and far more "solo friendly" approach is about as forgettable as can be (if you omit mounts for a moment, which basically saved that expansion).

Does all content need to be like HoT? Absolutely not, but there is nothing wrong with having some content cater to a more engaged demographic, which is pretty much the only thing some players ask for while getting drowned out by the noise of players who want 0 challenge what so ever in their game.

Just as there is no elitist boogeyman in this game. Yet the forum is full of certain posters, yourself included, who love to divide the players into just that, casual and elitist while being VERY hung up on being on the "right" side of things (not realizing that most players are both or rather incorporate a varying degree of qualities of either, depending on when or what content they are engaging at a point in time).

You even felt it necessary to make an entire thread about how some player who initiated a toxic exchange was to be associated with 1 group over the other. In how much identity crisis, or rather "us versus them" identification, does one have to be to go to that extent?

Right, so do I get to quote you on this the next time you go on about how content is supposed to get changed in a way YOU see fit? Or will you remember your own words and actually act by them?

Casuals are "ruining" the game just as much as "elitist" are, and that is to say neither have any effect on what the developers do.

The funny thing is, I used to be pretty elitist in games like this. I wasn't the type to say it aloud and rant at people, but it was in there and the instincts still pop up sometimes, and I have to unlearn them. But because I advocate for people who are mistreated by elitist players, or who simply struggle to feel included and welcome in certain types of content (two somewhat related, but different problems) I get people coming at me with this stuff about how either I'm an entitled casual, or I'm stirring up trouble somehow. And when people react that way, all it does is tell me that there is something of a problem with elitism in this community and I have not misread the situation. You'd think if there was no problem people would not be wildly inventing terms like "toxic casual" to reverse uno criticism of elitist players. You'd think if there was no problem people would be saying "yeah, I disavow elitism and you let me know if you ever encounter that, I'll have a word with them. I don't want that kind of person as part of our community."

Instead, what I get is things like people conflating my advocating for those who feel excluded, unwelcome, or simply afraid to join in with advocating for people who are mistreated by elitist players, which can be the same thing, but isn't always. Or I get people repeating the same "make your own group" line over and over, which demonstrates that (elitist or not) there is somewhat of an "I got mine" attitude in the community. This attitude that even when working with a public grouping space that is infamously a rocky experience for anyone unfamiliar or doesn't have a tag, you can just pretend like it's all walled off and none of what "my group" does has any impact on what "your group" does.

I've also seen certain things people on certain streams say, some of which is absolutely, 100% unashamed elitism (and I am not thinking of people with 2 viewers). I've yet to see someone with any influence of that kind in the community talk about those who want an efficient experience in the same vile ways. I know what I've seen, I didn't imagine it. I see who has the power and influence over the instanced PvE content community. I'm not going to let myself be lied to because some people don't want to hear criticism.

The fact is, video games (across a number of different games and years, maybe decades at this point) have had this ongoing issue, where people who once enjoyed the hobby as a niche hobby that was way more punishing and challenging and wish they still had that, resent players who want to come home and use video games to chill because they blame those players for ruining video games as they knew them. But if they want to blame anyone with actual power, they should be blaming the business of games. Those business interests are what motivated studios to appeal to a more chill audience, which was needed in some part to broaden the market as a whole so that more money could be made. It certainly wasn't those chill players coming into the video game space and demanding it be changed. It undoubtedly came from the other direction; video game studios making easier modes and easier / less punishing games overall to get those players in the door. And despite that desire to get them in the door and make money off of them, you still have this clear contingent of power in studios (such as in this game) where they are either resentful or reluctant, whatever the case may be, to actually embrace this audience respectfully, so difficult stuff gets thrown into the chill player experience seemingly at random to "force them out of their comfort zone." As if they need to be trained up into a "real gamer."

I can't even imagine how demeaning it must feel sometimes. I'm not much of a chill-minded player myself, despite what I said about leaving because of HoT (which is a bit more complicated, the reasons there). I have times I want to be, but I do enjoy efficiency. So it's hard for me to even imagine how bad it can be sometimes. To go try to enjoy some hobby that you found you enjoy and be encountered with people who think there's something wrong with you as a person because you enjoy it differently than them and who think of you as an invader who is ruining the hobby for them.

It's no wonder "gamers" get a bad reputation. However few or many at this point that it is (it's hard to say), some of them are very loud and influential because the hierarchy of games like this means that the most skilled players are the best sources of information, so they can build a following and then proceed to use it as a soapbox to say whatever they want about how other players should be. Some of them use it to be a positive influence, others use it to gripe about players they see as lesser, and there's no way to prevent it through viewership attention alone because much of their content is neutral and helpful too, so many people won't even be aware or it would be too much of a loss of helpful resources to avoid them.

I don't see these type of people as bad people, but I do see them as people who every now and then are abusing the power that they got from being skilled and building a following with it, and I fully believe it's within their capability to reflect more on how they're behaving and confront the resentment they unfairly direct at people who want a chill experience.

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5 minutes ago, Swagger.1459 said:

Here we go again…

You are not paying attention to the issues. Nobody cares about this… “These achievements will be available to everyone”. The op is taking issue with being given tasks that take them through content they don’t like.

Also, some take issue with the fact these skins are being sold as some form of “thank you for your support over 10 years”, that requires “tasks” to backtrack through the entire game and through content they may possibly not like… That’s not a big thank you from Anet for some who have stuck with the game. 

We are fully aware of “These achievements will be available to everyone”… That’s not the point and not what some are taking issue with. I would go back and reread some comments so we can be on a better track, instead of the attempted spinning efforts. 

When a player says… “please don’t make me do xyz content” for this 10 years thanks for the support skins… The reply of “These achievements will be available to everyone” is meaningless. 

When a player says… “I’ve already been playing this game for 10 years and experienced all this content, so why are you designing thank you for your support skins that takes me back through all the same crud I’ve been through before? And sometimes on many other occasions for things… The reply of “These achievements will be available to everyone” is also meaningless. 

Cool, new(er) players can utilize the “These achievements will be available to everyone”. Like we get it. Great! These so called “thank you” skins don’t factor in the players who have already supported this game for many years. It just gives them another list of chores, some of which will lead them into unwanted parts of the game. 

Knowing the past track records leads me to believe this “thank you” is just a catch 22 way to artificially inflate numbers in zones and modes for steam, not a genuine thanks for the loyalty and support over ten years. And no amount of “These achievements will be available to everyone”, or variations of that, will change the facts. 

Can you show me a link that says the achievements are mandatory? Also, I go through the story on all my alts and enjoy it, so I am excited for these new achievements! Don't like it? DONT PLAY IT. 

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40 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

I get people coming at me with this stuff about how either I'm an entitled casual, or I'm stirring up trouble somehow. And when people react that way, all it does is tell me that there is something of a problem with elitism in this community and I have not misread the situation.

When people explain you're wrong, it's a clear sign you're right! 🤦‍♂️  That's one way to cope with facts and keep asking for rewards whenever you refuse to learn/understand the game's mechanics, while at the same time pretending people are "elitist" because they play more of the content than you -apparently- see as acceptable.

And if you want more rewards for less gameplay, it is entitlement. No need to mix "casuals/hardcores" into that, that's just a bad effort at tribalism and creating "us vs them" scenario. Nobody cares whether you're casual or not, entitlement is still entitlement.

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20 minutes ago, Swagger.1459 said:

You are not paying attention to the issues. Nobody cares about this… “These achievements will be available to everyone”. The op is taking issue with being given tasks that take them through content they don’t like.

You're not paying attention what you were responding to, I guess. Here it is (make sure to also pay attention to what I've quoted there so you have a full understanding of the context of that response):


You can't say "nobody cares about it", when the post was responding to someone confusing these achievements as something they're not (~"reward for me playing the game for 10 years!" -that's clearly not what it is. It is not your or your character's 10th birthday present). You then go on trying to claim that's what it is, but that's wrong. Now somehow "nobody cares about it" because it clearly shows it's not what the poster I responded to (as well as subsequently you) claimed it is? Super convenient. Maybe just go remind yourself what posts you were responding to before you continue with this take.


Also, some take issue with the fact these skins are being sold as some form of “thank you for your support over 10 years”, that requires “tasks” to backtrack through the entire game and through content they may possibly not like… That’s not a big thank you from Anet for some who have stuck with the game.

As I pointed out -and you claimed "it doesn't matter"?- it's not some direct reward "for players playing the game for 10 years". If it was, it would be restricted to those players or at least to character/account (active account?) age. But it's not. Beacuse it's not what vayne or you try to claim it is.


We are fully aware of “These achievements will be available to everyone”…

Great, so you should understand it's not a reward for playing the game for 10 years. 🙄



Again: this is not a reward for playing the game for 10 years. This is a celebration of the game existing of 10 years. These two things are not the same and I don't know what you're still not understanding here.

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11 minutes ago, Swagger.1459 said:

Here we go again…

You are not paying attention to the issues. Nobody cares about this… “These achievements will be available to everyone”. The op is taking issue with being given tasks that take them through content they don’t like.

Also, some take issue with the fact these skins are being sold as some form of “thank you for your support over 10 years”, that requires “tasks” to backtrack through the entire game and through content they may possibly not like… That’s not a big thank you from Anet for some who have stuck with the game. 

We are fully aware of “These achievements will be available to everyone”… That’s not the point and not what some are taking issue with. I would go back and reread some comments so we can be on a better track, instead of the attempted spinning efforts. 

When a player says… “please don’t make me do xyz content” for this 10 years thanks for the support skins… The reply of “These achievements will be available to everyone” is meaningless. 

When a player says… “I’ve already been playing this game for 10 years and experienced all this content, so why are you designing thank you for your support skins that takes me back through all the same crud I’ve been through before? And sometimes on many other occasions for things… The reply of “These achievements will be available to everyone” is also meaningless. 

Cool, new(er) players can utilize the “These achievements will be available to everyone”. Like we get it. Great! These so called “thank you” skins don’t factor in the players who have already supported this game for many years. It just gives them another list of chores, some of which will lead them into unwanted parts of the game. 

Knowing the past track records leads me to believe this “thank you” is just a catch 22 way to artificially inflate numbers in zones and modes for steam, not a genuine thanks for the loyalty and support over ten years. And no amount of “These achievements will be available to everyone”, or variations of that, will change the facts. 

Then dont do them.

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13 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

When people explain you're wrong, it's a clear sign you're right! 🤦‍♂️  That's one way to cope with facts and keep asking for rewards whenever you refuse to learn/understand the game's mechanics, while at the same time pretending people are "elitist" because they play more of the content than you -apparently- see as acceptable.

And if you want more rewards for less gameplay, it is entitlement. No need to mix "casuals/hardcores" into that, that's just a bad effort at tribalism and creating a "us vs them" situation. Nobody cares whether you're casual or not, entitlement is still entitlement.

You can have the sexy Raid skin , or anything other in CM strikes , we don't care

We want something else for the mode with like

Again we dont want your good looking rewards , youcan have it for prestige .

We want an ungly- Quasimodo like skin but with qol effect .

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4 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

You can have the sexy Raid skin , or anything other in CM strikes , we don't care

We want something else for the mode with like

Again we dont want your good looking rewards

This doesn't respond to anything I wrote, try again, this time answering to what you've quoted there instead of throwing your usual bad bait. Of course, if you don't have anything to say that's related to my post, then there's no reason to quote it, so if that's the case then by all means, don't force yourself.

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5 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

This doesn't respond to anything I wrote, try again, this time answering to what you've quoted there instead of throwing your usual bad bait. Of course, if you don't have anything to say that's related to my post, then there's no reason to quote it, so if that's the case then by all means, don't force yourself.

Your response was the usual "go get the Raid set , you don't need OW set"

You can keep the Raid sexy one for prestige and let us have an ungly-one for the OW .Don't try make us a hostage plz

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23 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You're not paying attention what you were responding to, I guess. Here it is (make sure to also pay attention to what I've quoted there so you have a full understanding of the context of that response):


You can't say "nobody cares about it", when the post was responding to someone confusing these achievements as something they're not (~"reward for me playing the game for 10 years!" -that's clearly not what it is. It is not your or your character's 10th birthday present). You then go on trying to claim that's what it is, but that's wrong. Now somehow "nobody cares about it" because it clearly shows it's not what the poster I responded to (as well as subsequently you) claimed it is? Super convenient. Maybe just go remind yourself what posts you were responding to before you continue with this take.

As I pointed out -and you claimed "it doesn't matter"?- it's not some direct reward "for players playing the game for 10 years". If it was, it would be restricted to those players or at least to character/account (active account?) age. But it's not. Beacuse it's not what vayne or you try to claim it is.

Great, so you should understand it's not a reward for playing the game for 10 years. 🙄



Again: this is not a reward for playing the game for 10 years. This is a celebration of the game existing of 10 years. These two things are not the same and I don't know what you're still not understanding here.

Lol I’m not claiming it’s a birthday present. That’s another mistake on your part. Please don’t make things up.


You can attempt to spin all you want, but Anet has an odd way of thanking and showing “love” to the players that have supported the game over ten years… Yeah, thanks for the support, now go spend 100 hours redoing all the same stuff you did before and into modes you may hate all for our thank you skins of appreciation lol 😂 … It’s always a great and well thought-out thank you to ask the person you are thanking to do “tasks” aka chores. But I’m sure most of the PvE player base will love going into the amazing modes of wvw, spvp, and most likely raids (at very least strikes)… And log in tons of hours repeating the same content they did over the years.  But, ya know, “These achievements will be available to everyone”… 



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5 minutes ago, Swagger.1459 said:

Lol I’m not claiming it’s a birthday present. That’s another mistake on your part.

Re-read the post I've linked to (which is what you've initially responded to) and notice what I quoted there. You inserted yourself between someone claiming "it's for playing the game for 10 years" and my response and then try to claim that's not what it's about. Yes, my response was and is exactly about that and it was a direct response to what I've quoted in that post.

Seriously, click on the link I've provided above, because you clearly didn't re-read it. If you don't want to scroll 2 posts above, here it is for the second and last time:


and this is what it quoted:


Then this reward comes along and tells you you may have played for 10 years but you only get this rewards if you play the parts of the game you don't like.


...so yes, that's exactly what it was about.

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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

Litreally clarified that in the post you've quoted there: "Nobody cares whether you're casual or not, entitlement is still entitlement." 

Again, that's just weak attempt at tribalism, because you want to create conflict to leverage for rewards. Meanwhile entitlement has nothing to do with being casual or hardcore. Again, stop lying about what I said to make me some kind of enemy, that's just weak.

" create conflict to leverage for rewards. " ?

Nothing else ingame is more sexy that the Raid one .

Combine it with the Flower effect from the CM strikes , you have the most prestigious set in the universe .

Its allabout fashion war


With want an ungly one , that is drooling with slime(but has the qol effect)


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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Litreally clarified that in the post you've quoted there: "Nobody cares whether you're casual or not, entitlement is still entitlement." 

Again, that's just weak attempt at tribalism, because you want to create conflict to leverage for rewards. Meanwhile entitlement has nothing to do with being casual or hardcore. Again, stop lying about what I said to make me some kind of enemy to use for your "gimmies".

Yep, I agree. You think that a minority of players that want it are entitled to good rewarded locked behind harder 10 man content. If you could prove you were some kind of majority that would likely be acceptable, but you can't disagree that people were upset about the turtle, even though it was just locked behind an open world meta and a strike mission. That happened.

People were angry because they spend money on a game that had 3 features other than elite specs and story and those one third of those free features was a  mount and there was no indication you'd have to do a strike mission for it. That's not entitled, because Anet sets those expectations. The skyscale was a slog for some people but it didn't include any ten men content. This was new. It wasn't announced beforehand. People have rights to expecations based on what's already happened that you're calling entittlement.

There are people still mad over this and now a 10 year gift is out that's called decade armor. People have the right to ask for what they feel is right for them.  And those people are probably a majority. The people who feel like those people are entitled, let's hope they're a majority because otherwise they're acting sort of entitled.  They think the game should revolve around them. Their needs. Their wants.

You want to make a new raid or a new strike that's okay. I'm on board with that. The decade armor should probably be more accessible in my opinion.

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14 minutes ago, samsar.9152 said:

To be honest, that armor should be included in 10th bd gift. It is not a gift if you have to work or pay for it. 

I think it's fine to give people stuff to do, but for something representing the 10th anniversary I think it should be doable comfortably by most.

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26 minutes ago, samsar.9152 said:

To be honest, that armor should be included in 10th bd gift. It is not a gift if you have to work or pay for it. 

You'll get your 10th bd gift in your mail. It will be signed as 10th bd gift. The game's 10th anniversary collection as a permanent addition to the game is not it.


44 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Yep, I agree. You think that a minority of players that want it are entitled to good rewarded locked behind harder 10 man content. If you could prove you were some kind of majority that would likely be acceptable, but you can't disagree that people were upset about the turtle, even though it was just locked behind an open world meta and a strike mission. That happened.

I have to prove what? I wrote nothing about "majorities" or "minorities" and I don't think it matters at all. Refusing to do the content while still asking for rewards just is what it is.

44 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

People were angry because they spend money on a game that had 3 features other than elite specs and story and those one third of those free features was a  mount and there was no indication you'd have to do a strike mission for it.

Why would there be any indication of that sort needed in the first place? Strikes are part of the game, the tiered difficulty level strikes are even specifically this expantion's content. Including them in reward acquisition shouldn't be that surprising to anyone. But if someone wanted to bet their expansion purchase on the specific way of acquisition of a specific reward, then next time just wait until you know what's needed to unlock the reward you want. You prepurchase something -anything- blindly or based on your hopes and dreams (so to speak) and you'll have only yourself to blame when it's not what you hoped it should have been.

People can be angry about anything they want, being angry doesn't mean they're right. In other words: someone is always angry about something.

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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

psst, you'll get your 10th bd gift in your mail. It will be signed as 10th bd gift. The game's 10th anniversary collection as a permanent addition to the game is not it.


I have to prove what? I wrote nothing about "majorities" or "minorities" and I don't think it matters at all. Refusing to do the content while still asking for rewards just is what it is.

Why would there be any indication of that sort needed in the first place? Strikes are part of the game, the tiered difficulty level strikes are even specifically this expantion's content. Including them in reward acquisition shouldn't be that surprising to anyone. But if someone wanted to bet their expansion purchase on the specific way of acquisition of a specific reward, then next time just wait until you know what's needed to unlock the reward you want. You prepurchase something -anything- blindly or based on your hopes and dreams (so to speak) and you'll have only yourself to blame when it's not what you hoped it should have been.

People are using the word entitled for people who are saying what they want and what they're comfortable with.


Now if the people saying that are in fact in a majority, those people would have the right to call others entitled. But if they're in a minority, then in fact, they're acting entitled themselves, because they want the majority to go without. This is the definition of entitled:


"believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment:"

Now, we don't know what ANet has planned and maybe they don't have strike missions as part of this equation. If they want it changed, just for them they'd be entitled, because that would be special treatment.  A game catering to it's majority is NOT special treatment, it's how most businesses work. Most business cater to the majority of the customer base.

I suspect Anet won't include strikes in it, but if they do, I hope that demographic is in fact a majority. And I'll think it's a mistake for Anet to include it if that group is not a majority. That's my opinion.


People saying that's being entitled, if they're in the majority, are themselves being entitled because they want a business to cater to their minority rather than to do what's better for the business.

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5 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

People are using the word entitled for people who are saying what they want and what they're comfortable with.


Now if the people saying that are in fact in a majority, those people would have the right to call others entitled. But if they're in a minority, then in fact, they're acting entitled themselves, because they want the majority to go without. This is the definition of entitled:


"believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment:"

Now, we don't know what ANet has planned and maybe they don't have strike missions as part of this equation. If they want it changed, just for them they'd be entitled, because that would be special treatment.  A game catering to it's majority is NOT special treatment, it's how most businesses work. Most business cater to the majority of the customer base.

I suspect Anet won't include strikes in it, but if they do, I hope that demographic is in fact a majority. And I'll think it's a mistake for Anet to include it if that group is not a majority. That's my opinion.


People saying that's being entitled, if they're in the majority, are themselves being entitled because they want a business to cater to their minority rather than to do what's better for the business.

It doesn't matter whether or not someone is in majority or minority.

The game offers content. Content upon finishing of you get some rewards. If you don't want to complete the content but still demand rewards, it's entitlement regardless of being in minority or majority, if you could even reliably have that data. Majorities/minorities have nothing to do with what I wrote.

5 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

"believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment:"

The "special treatment" here is "I don't want to complete this content, but still demand the rewards". The "regular treatment" is: complete the content to get the rewards. This is normal. This is how games work and always did. There's nothing unexpected or unique about that -hence suddenly demanding rewards while refusing to complete the content is -or can be- a sign of entitlement, asking for "special treatment". Meanwhile... you don't inherently deserve rewards no matter what.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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2 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

People are using the word entitled for people who are saying what they want and what they're comfortable with.


Now if the people saying that are in fact in a majority, those people would have the right to call others entitled. But if they're in a minority, then in fact, they're acting entitled themselves, because they want the majority to go without. This is the definition of entitled:


"believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment:"

Now, we don't know what ANet has planned and maybe they don't have strike missions as part of this equation. If they want it changed, just for them they'd be entitled, because that would be special treatment.  A game catering to it's majority is NOT special treatment, it's how most businesses work. Most business cater to the majority of the customer base.

I suspect Anet won't include strikes in it, but if they do, I hope that demographic is in fact a majority. And I'll think it's a mistake for Anet to include it if that group is not a majority. That's my opinion.


People saying that's being entitled, if they're in the majority, are themselves being entitled because they want a business to cater to their minority rather than to do what's better for the business.

Incidentally, you can see anet has moments they understand this when it comes to interest in attracting a larger crowd to instanced PvE content (presumably so they can justify putting more resources into it as a mode). Emboldened mode being a clear example of this. Putting the turtle bit in the strike, on the other hand, I think was probably coming from the same desire, but not understanding you can't force people to be into a game mode they don't do and if you want them to try it, honey (emboldened mode) works better than vinegar (requiring a strike to unlock a flagship expansion feature). Or to put it another way, looking at why people don't do a mode and addressing those points works better than trying to pressure them into it with sunk cost fallacy by mixing it into a larger set of objectives (the 2nd of which may just cause them to resent the mode in the end).

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Just now, Labjax.2465 said:

Incidentally, you can see anet has moments they understand this when it comes to interest in attracting a larger crowd to instanced PvE content (presumably so they can justify putting more resources into it as a mode). Emboldened mode being a clear example of this. Putting the turtle bit in the strike, on the other hand, I think was probably coming from the same desire, but not understanding you can't force people to be into a game mode they don't do and if you want them to try it, honey (emboldened mode) works better than vinegar (requiring a strike to unlock a flagship expansion feature). Or to put it another way, looking at why people don't do a mode and addressing those points works better than trying to pressure them into it with sunk cost fallacy by mixing it into a larger set of objectives (the 2nd of which may just cause them to resent the mode in the end).

That's my take on it too. Anet wants more of the population to do strikes, but I don't think they're getting the numbers they thought they would. Most of my guild doesn't do them, though I've done them all.  Same with raids. I've done almost every raid boss now and a couple of challenge mode raid bosses, but I'm not in love with the format. I can do them but it's not fun for me. The more rewards locked behind that kind of content the less likely  I am to want to play.

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3 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

This has nothing to do with what I wrote, time to stop with your usual weak baits. 🙄

The "special treatment" here is "I don't want to complete this content, but still demand the rewards".


You get to keep your rewards , i will simply do another content that has nose boogers on the armor

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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