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[BUG] Visual Glitch: Bullet Flares [merged]

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@Gaile Gray.6029 said:This is now three threads merged.

One question: Are you seeing this only in WvW, or are you seeing it elsewhere, in other game modes? If in other modes, could you describe?

Thanks so much!

This glitch is causing problems for those who have sensitivities to flashing lights - this could cause serious issues for seizure patients who do play the game.

All game modes are being affected.

My headaches from the flashing are nothing compared to what could happen.

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@Benjamin Arnold.3457 said:

@Engelsstaub.4356 said:It seems to happen everytime there is a fight elsewere on a map, so it's no surprise that it's WvW to be most affected by the issue.

Yeah it seems like the server is misreporting the locations of some hit effects to the clients. Really it shouldn't even be reporting these if the enemy is far away.. I have a few hunches, but can anyone confirm if this appears to be a purely client issue? If two players are in the same area, do they see the exact same hit FX in the same location? Or are they different?

I have seen this in WvW and PvE content.My buddy and I duo all the time and we see the effects at the same time and in the same general direction assuming our cameras are generally pointing the same way.Let me repeat; We BOTH see them in the same general location at the same time.

This bug has been going on since the Halloween patch and it's driving me crazy. I've probably played about 75% less than normal since this started.

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@Benjamin Arnold.3457 said:

@Engelsstaub.4356 said:It seems to happen everytime there is a fight elsewere on a map, so it's no surprise that it's WvW to be most affected by the issue.

Yeah it seems like the server is misreporting the locations of some hit effects to the clients. Really it shouldn't even be reporting these if the enemy is far away.. I have a few hunches, but can anyone confirm if this appears to be a purely client issue? If two players are in the same area, do they see the exact same hit FX in the same location? Or are they different?

I was playing with a friend of mine in WvW and asked them if they seen tiny explosions on the wall next to us.. he said no.. so it seems to be client side?

Also I hope this hasn't been forgotten about. Last official response was the 13th. Maybe a fix coming with Season 4?

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  • 2 weeks later...

This bug is extremely annoying in WvW, especially when roaming around. These random effects look like player skills and it can be hard to tell if that flash is a mesmer doing it's extremely obvious 'Im going to burst you' tell or if it's just the glitch fooling you when nobody is there.

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Glad anet knows about this was about to bug report it, I have no idea how i missed this thread for so long. I figured out what it was after awhile, one night people was fighting shadow behemoth i was close by all the hit effects on SB was warping to where i was, it was insane thats when it finally triggered to what it was. (seen the soulbeasts elite stance hit effect I knew right then what i was seeing)

I had been seeing this bug since the release of PoF in all areas of tyria. First time i seen it i thought it was leading me to some secret, because i followed it for about 2 mins then it just stopped in middle of no where in the desolation map lol (had one them follow the fox in skyrim grand ideas for awhile people thought the fox lead you to hidden treasures think it was just coincidence to be honest lmao)

Hope yaz get it fixed though i've got pretty well used to it by now though i might even miss it lol.Have a merry christmas.

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This is so annoying, and very much still there. To add to that the necro skill witht he teeth shows up on walls too along with its skill sound. Also as someone else pointed out, wall next to depot in garri near SE gate is bugged and STILL needs a fix. It's half stone half metal when keep is t3. Hurts my eyes looking at it just about as much as these annoying effects that are also STILL there since halloween. Atleast wall dont have that annoying sound aswell. PLEASE FIX ASAP, cause we like paied for this game n stuff....

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I've been seeing this in WvW and PvE areas for a while and thought it was something to do with the living story, a bit like when the ley line ghost started to turn up and people reported it as a bug. Normally it looks like either bullet or rain drops hitting things or tiny versions of the necromancer attack that makes a biting mouth appear.

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I wonder how bad the performance impact of this bug is on wvw/pve. I mean alot of those effects that are exploding right into your face would otherwise be culled by distance/removed through LOD but now instead they are all stacked infront of the player. And i might be wrong, but stacking lots of effects with transparencys is still a bad thing in DX9.

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Is there a fix for this? I'm still getting this. Whenever a world boss or big fight is happening on a map. Easily noticeable in Queensdale whenever Shadow Behemoth is being fought. A constant stream of player effects in one spot whenever you look in that direction.

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Hey guys, I can confirm that this is happening to me and to my mate as well. I've seen this bug in WvW and HoT maps so far.It's kinda hard to ignore it if you for example hiding in SM with the port ready and the wall next to you starting to get smashed as loud as it can get lol.I thought I'm gonna get a heart attack lol.I also had this on Auric Basin map today while the meta event was on.

Anyway I hope this get's fixed asap as it drives me mad.Cheers

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I'm having this issue as well. When there are nearby battles or attacks, I get random particle effects happen across my screen. I thought it was my video card but I'm glad it's not me. It just like little particle explosions all over the place and it's completely random where they appear. I think it's something going on with how the server or client is interpreting the particle effects from nearby battles.

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As others have noted, I have been frequently seeing this in Auric Basin, including last night. It's particularly noticeable when a meta is going on and I am not participating in the meta, but instead going about other business on the map.

I'm using Nvidia drivers 388.13 (mildly outdated) on a 980 Ti. Windows 10 1709 is completely updated. CPU is an Intel i7-6700K.

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