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[Suggestion] Where are all the pirate hats?

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This post is not a joke. I am legitimately upset about this.


I recently picked up GW2 again after a long hiatus and in exploring the world I've come across more than a few pirate factions and events, all with immaculately designed shipwreck locations..and YET it seems as if not a single one of these so called pirate crews possess pirate attire of any real kind. No captain's hats, no tricorns, not even a bandana, nothing. The privateer clothing comes close but even that is just reaching what I might call piratey, and yes there is a pirate outfit available in the gem store, but I really think regular enemies should fit the theme as well. I know some may dismiss this post as a joke, but the idea that someone made all these amazing piratey locations and not one person thought that some pirate clothing options would be a valid thing to include drives me insane. These pirate enemies don't even look like pirates, they're just regular bandits with a special name.


I beg of you, whoever is in charge of adding this sort of thing, please consider my post seriously, I really would love to see more nautical clothing options added. With the recent addition of things like boats and more nautical locations its the perfect time for it.

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we have the headband from EoD, and the pirate corsair hat





not to meantion the peg leg and hook hand


I dont think complaints about gemstore clothing is valid since you can exchange gold for gems. you just gotta bite the bullet if you wanna play fashion wars 2, and use a substitute in the meantime.

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There's also the Buccaneer armor, especially with that hat, and the Privateer armor (a bit more raggedy, but the hat's still nice).

Pirates in Elona tend to use the Corsair armor.

1 hour ago, Freya.9075 said:

Ahoy matey. Avast!  If ye want fashion t’ not send ye down t’ Davy Jones locker, here is t’ site for ye. Alert the powder monkey and fetch some rum! 


...oh my gosh that is amazing. ❤️

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Was going to post about the outfits and hats etc. like others here but I took notice that the OP specifically mentions clothing that the NPC pirate enemies are wearing. They also said "yes there is a pirate outfit available in the gem store", so I think they know about the pirate skins available for players.

For me personally this in not an issue. I think the designers went for more realistic look rather than what is the common theme shown in movies and tv series.

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In addition to the items already mentioned there is a bandana available free in-game, and the swaggering hat which isn't strictly a pirate hat but could work for a more dramatic pirate captain look.

42 minutes ago, Jukhy.2431 said:

Was going to post about the outfits and hats etc. like others here but I took notice that the OP specifically mentions clothing that the NPC pirate enemies are wearing. They also said "yes there is a pirate outfit available in the gem store", so I think they know about the pirate skins available for players.

For me personally this in not an issue. I think the designers went for more realistic look rather than what is the common theme shown in movies and tv series.

I agree. Pirates in real life didn't (and still don't) have a uniform. During the roughly 80 year period known as 'the golden age of piracy' most navies didn't have uniforms. A stereotype grew up around a small number of movie pirates, but that's all it is. Pirates in GW2 come from a wide range of backgrounds and cover all the different seas and waterways so it wouldn't make sense for them all to dress the same way. Most of them are probably wearing the best of what they could get their hands on.

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5 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

In addition to the items already mentioned there is a bandana available free in-game, and the swaggering hat which isn't strictly a pirate hat but could work for a more dramatic pirate captain look.

I agree. Pirates in real life didn't (and still don't) have a uniform. During the roughly 80 year period known as 'the golden age of piracy' most navies didn't have uniforms. A stereotype grew up around a small number of movie pirates, but that's all it is. Pirates in GW2 come from a wide range of backgrounds and cover all the different seas and waterways so it wouldn't make sense for them all to dress the same way. Most of them are probably wearing the best of what they could get their hands on.


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I kind of agree. It would be nice to have more pirate options. There are many, but they all look rather lack luster. Except for the gemstore set. With the skiff being a thing. I feel adding more naval themed items would be great. Like some kind of admiral theme, with a more regal look.

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