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No Navies in Tyria


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Standing on the New Kaineng docks. Does Cantha not have a naval force? Its nothing but fishing and cargo vessels. Same for everywhere else in Tyria. Why do the Asura not have a Navy. Especially since they are directly next to the sea. The only "nation" that seems to have a navy is Kryta, and more specifically LA. Its no wonder piracy is a frequent theme. Even then though the pirates seem to be the only ones with an actual naval force wtf. I would've at least expected Cantha to have a navy. Unless that thing lurking in the depths is preventing any navies from being established.

Edited by EMPI.4013
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Cos the game world is poorly fleshed out. A peeve of mine in things like games is seeing poorly laid out places -- especially indefensible ones, like a fortified town that's laid out awfully. But in GW2 it's so frequent a thing to see poorly laid out elements of the world that my brain doesn't even notice it. "oh, ok, there's a town here between all these murdering centaurs", or "ok, Claw Island has one ship in its navy and is situated in the most strategically meaningless place". 


The races have a fleet of air ships and that's seemingly it. Even LA, the pirate place, has just air ships. 


The sea is supposed to be treacherous or whatever, but plenty of places in the real world have always had coastal fleets. Just not in Tyria.


The pirates in LW4 supposedly have a fleet, but the only time you see it is in the unfinished Kourna map, round the back of Gendara in the distance. Same in Palawadan, though that's only like 3 ocean-faring galleon looking things.

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Evidently, it wasn't in harbour on the day that the meta occurred.

Or the fleet harbour is elsewhere. There's still a lot of Cantha we haven't seen.

Tyrian navies, incidentally, have been pretty much limited to the coasts since Zhaitan rose, and there are apparently still enough Unchained and other nasties in the southern ocean to deter sea travel too far south of Orr.

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These things are under-represented due to, probably, game/mechanic limitations.

Just compare the amount of airships in cinematics, with the amount we have on maps.

In End of Dragons history, we have for the first time a real Airship to Airship fight..., notice how's this was cut from HoT history(the down of pact fleet by Mordremoth become just a cinematic), due to probably limitation at time.

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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No navies due to Zhaitan's fleet, now the Unchained fleet. There are also most likely horrors from the deep rising up in the Unending Ocean, these already drove out the Karaka, Quaggan, and Largos.

Most everything is coastal transport if it is seafaring as that is where such travel is safe. Now that Airships are mainstream in Tyria I suspect that Cantha will very quickly make their own. 

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Fairly sure you can see the Lion's Arch navy on the battle to retake claw Island out in force?

LA is probably the strongest Naval power of Tyria, but it's never stated Kryta lost/gave up it's Navy either. Charr do have some ships, as do Asura (that aren't shipping or such).

A thing to note is every member of the Captains council has a ship and a crew. Only a singular one of these is visible ingame anymore, as the other was the ghost ship in a PVP map which as far as I know got removed (Though the captain remains in LA on council).

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2 hours ago, Fipmip.7219 said:

Probably because airships would wreck the current classical galleon gunpower ships we've seen so far from nations. Perhaps someone somewhere is working on the battleships and cruisers it would require to host anti aircraft magi lasers, but they arent out yet.

Early versions do exist canonically, I believe one is mentioned in the last GW novel, Sea Of Sorrows. At least that's what I've been told, I've still not gotten around to reading it.

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12 hours ago, Fipmip.7219 said:

Probably because airships would wreck the current classical galleon gunpower ships we've seen so far from nations. Perhaps someone somewhere is working on the battleships and cruisers it would require to host anti aircraft magi lasers, but they arent out yet.

Airships are a pretty new creation, in the scheme of things. However it's been implied the Kryta has added airships to their military force IIRC, in Season 2.

LA we know has, I think it's 2 confirmed airships + their sea based navy forces. The Pact has airships and the charr maintain a fleet of helicopters. Kryta is implied to still have it's sea-based navy, though in a reduced form since Zhaitan's rise. We know there are privately owned airships, and at least two Corsair crews have stolen Aetherblade airships and repurposed them, confirmed numbers of these being 2. However most of the Corsair ships are water based, not airships.

But we also know the Charr maintain submarines, as does the Pact.

Sea based ships are still very much in use, airships haven't replaced everything yet.

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The ironic thing is that Kryta doesn't really have a port on the Sea of Sorrows any more. Garrenhoff has been said to be "technically part of Kryta, but the Krytan authorities don't really have any real authority there due to the distance and the lack of clear roads" in a GuildMag interview back in 2013. The coast between there and LA seems to be controlled by the tengu, and if it isn't, it's even further away from DR. So either Jennah has re-established control over Garrenhoff and built a fleet there really quickly, or Krytan ships in the area are operating out of LA.

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3 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

The ironic thing is that Kryta doesn't really have a port on the Sea of Sorrows any more. Garrenhoff has been said to be "technically part of Kryta, but the Krytan authorities don't really have any real authority there due to the distance and the lack of clear roads" in a GuildMag interview back in 2013. The coast between there and LA seems to be controlled by the tengu, and if it isn't, it's even further away from DR. So either Jennah has re-established control over Garrenhoff and built a fleet there really quickly, or Krytan ships in the area are operating out of LA.

Been wondering about that myself for the past few years.

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5 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

The ironic thing is that Kryta doesn't really have a port on the Sea of Sorrows any more. Garrenhoff has been said to be "technically part of Kryta, but the Krytan authorities don't really have any real authority there due to the distance and the lack of clear roads" in a GuildMag interview back in 2013. The coast between there and LA seems to be controlled by the tengu, and if it isn't, it's even further away from DR. So either Jennah has re-established control over Garrenhoff and built a fleet there really quickly, or Krytan ships in the area are operating out of LA.

They actively had large fleets during Zhaitan's rise era IIRC?

Though, currently we don't see all of the picture. Like LA has a fleet and captain's unique ships but the only time we see LA naval power is during the retaking of Claw Island I think. So there are some things that may not fit exactly with the world.

However, I don't think there is much mention of Krytan navy since then, so they may have sold the ships to LA or just used it's docks and port Stalwart until it got destroyed by Zhaitan. Port Noble was also used as a Krytan Naval base, though at some point it was ruined and taken over by Taidha Covington.

There also is Fort Cadence, which could've been a Naval dock as well before it fell to ruins and the treasury there cursed.

TBH, I could picture LA allowing Krytan ships there just as extra firepower plus keeping with the neutral agreements. At the very least, airships and hot air balloons could be docked elsewhere.

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28 minutes ago, Kalavier.1097 said:

They actively had large fleets during Zhaitan's rise era IIRC?

Though, currently we don't see all of the picture. Like LA has a fleet and captain's unique ships but the only time we see LA naval power is during the retaking of Claw Island I think. So there are some things that may not fit exactly with the world.

However, I don't think there is much mention of Krytan navy since then, so they may have sold the ships to LA or just used it's docks and port Stalwart until it got destroyed by Zhaitan. Port Noble was also used as a Krytan Naval base, though at some point it was ruined and taken over by Taidha Covington.

There also is Fort Cadence, which could've been a Naval dock as well before it fell to ruins and the treasury there cursed.

TBH, I could picture LA allowing Krytan ships there just as extra firepower plus keeping with the neutral agreements. At the very least, airships and hot air balloons could be docked elsewhere.

Yeah, they still had other ports after Zhaitan's rise. However, Zhaitan's attacks post-rise and other threats seem to have pushed the Krytan presence away from the Sea of Sorrows in all directions. Riverside Province used to have what was probably the largest Krytan settlement outside of Lion's Arch (but not available as an outpost because it was the White Mantle HQ) somewhere in what is now Caledon Forest, Fisherman's Haven is gone and all the settlements on Lake Viathan are blocked from the sea by the Tenguwall, Port Stalwart's precise location is unknown but that's gone, and Port Royal would have become untenable without another port on the Sea of Sorrows somewhere, because the only way to get to it is by sea or by travelling through someone else's territory. At the time of the novel, I suspect Kryta still had control of the D'Alessio Seaboard area, but between the Risen, tengu, and centaurs, Kryta seems to have de facto ceded control of the area (you can't get there without going past a Lion's Arch haven, and while havens don't mean that Lion's Arch is actually claiming the region, I don't think there'd be a haven in a location that Kryta still has effective control over, it'd be a Krytan fort instead). 

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