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Tanky Scrapper build suggestions


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Hey All-

I have not done that much of scrapper, but I think that I want to give a tanky scrapper for open world pve a try.

  • I am not concerned if it is condi or power. .. I dont know if condi scrapper is viable or if you loose too much barrier generation from that final minor trait.
  • Not opposed to it being selfish, but being able to keep people alive in group fights/events could be nice.  Would not mind seeing/hearing about gear and trait variations.
  • Wondering about gear options... do I add healing power to make barrier more worth while for a build like this?  Marshall's vs Carrion vs Trailblazers vs Mix of power/toughness gear?
  • Flamethrower?  Flame thrower better with Carrion condi, or is power ok too?

Thanks for any insight, have not touched engi in a while...

Edited by Opopanax.1803
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  • Opopanax.1803 changed the title to Tanky Scrapper build suggestions


Scrapper go with power, there isn't any trait that can favor condition build in this elite specialization or at the hammer weapon. 

This is my build for when I want to roleplay as a Juggernaut with a flamethrower whilst being tanky (pve and wvw)
I enjoy this a lot, not doing crazy amounts of damage, but I can take a hit for sure. 

Can ignore CC, stack might and bonus damage when flamethrower is on use.

Also, here is the ultimate Scrapper build for heal / condition cleanse and general support 


I was loved by people, you can give all boons, heal and cleanse conditions ! 


Also, I call this: The "refusal to die" Alchemist 

Edited by Kougiou.5634
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18 hours ago, Opopanax.1803 said:

Hey All-

I have not done that much of scrapper, but I think that I want to give a tanky scrapper for open world pve a try.

  • I am not concerned if it is condi or power. .. I dont know if condi scrapper is viable or if you loose too much barrier generation from that final minor trait.
  • Not opposed to it being selfish, but being able to keep people alive in group fights/events could be nice.  Would not mind seeing/hearing about gear and trait variations.
  • Wondering about gear options... do I add healing power to make barrier more worth while for a build like this?  Marshall's vs Carrion vs Trailblazers vs Mix of power/toughness gear?
  • Flamethrower?  Flame thrower better with Carrion condi, or is power ok too?

Thanks for any insight, have not touched engi in a while...

Neither the Scrapper traitline, nor the gyros or the hammer help with condition damage. The only sort-of option would be to run Explosives and pick Sharpnel. This would result in Electro Whirl (Hammer 2) applying ONE stack of bleeding with a 33 % chance. Not a smart move, to say the least.

For open world I currently use a build that has an extreme level of self-sustain. As Scrapper is none of the broken classes right now, high sustain means lower damage here. But from my point of view, it is still acceptable - for Open World. & Story. It even has a few supportive aspects.

Open World Scrapper

It is capable of maintaining Fury, Might and Quickness for yourself permanently. In addition you have access to an arsenal of Crowd Control that is hard to compete against. 

Whenever you use a crowd-control skill on an NPC, you get barrier. Explosive Entrance, passive that refreshes after dodge, also applies barrier, CC and also blind. 

Support features:
- revive multiple allies with the Function Gyro
- apply Superspeed to allies/friendly NPCs. This helps speeding up escorts.
- 5 might-stacks for allies nearby, permanent application while in combat
- 3 seconds protection to nearby allies
- 9 seconds stability to nearby allies (3 stacks) and a projectile blocking dome
- redirect 35 % incoming damage of nearby allies to yourself
- 2,300 HP AoE heal (over time)

How does it work?
- Always try to fight multiple enemies at once. Use Crowd Control freely against trash-mobs to keep your barrier up.
- When you use the Bulwark Gyro:
a.) alone, just use it when you are about to receive a lot of damage
b.) with allies nearby, ALWAYS activate Shock Shield (Hammer 3) slightly after the Gyro.
The Bulwark Gyro can carry your allies through burst phases, but if you do not block the incoming damage, you will die for sure. Barrier generation is massive, but way too low to compensate the Bulwark Gyro. 
- Spare Capacitor is a pulsing AoE CC that can generate a ton of barrier in short time
- If in desperate need of barrier, combine a Lightning Field (Spare Capacitor, Thundreclap, Bulwark Gyroe, Function Gyro) with Rocket Charge (Hammer 3), which ... also applies AoE CC.
- Shredder Gyro/Electro Whirl should always be combined with Explosive Entrance, while tagging as many NPCs as possible
- Mortar Kit (elite) is your ranged option

- what you use as your 2nd weapon-set is up to you. I use a 2nd hammer, but you can also use a rifle. I have a Superior Sigil of Cruelty on that weapon, which I charge up with trash mobs when I am new in a map. When I reach 25 stacks, I switch to my main-hammer. The stacks will remain active until you get downed. So you will end up with 214 % Crit Power. In combat, you will easily reach Critical Hit Chance cap (100 %)  even solo. So the ferocity boost has a high impact on your damage. If you rather want to go for Bloodlust or another stack-sigil, you are free to go. 

Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew can be used for food. This boosts your endurance regeneration = more dodges = more Explosive Entrance.
Skale Venom can be used for utility buff. Duration is only 10 minutes, so you need to re-apply it constantly. But it helps you maxing out Vulnerability on your targets, which enhances your damage and the damage of nearby allies.
- When in desperate need of HP, combine Rocket Charge (Hammer 3) with either Medic Gyro, Reconstruction Field (Medic Gyro toolbelt) or Elixir Shell from the mortar. This grants another 2,600 self-heal.
- If you run a 2nd weapon-set with a stack-sigil, also put the same sigil on your underwater weapon. This prevents the stacks getting removed when you dive into water. 


For more group-support and personal gathering (dailies), I use this build with the same gear:

Support features:
- permanent group-supperspeed
- permanent group-quickness
- 5 might-stacks for allies nearby, permanent application while in combat
- 9 seconds stability to nearby allies (3 stacks) and a projectile blocking dome
- redirect 35 % incoming damage of nearby allies to yourself
- group-stealth
- 8 might-stacks (Blast Gyro) + AoE CC
- AoE Cleanse (pulsing)
- MedKit with more cleanses and minor heals

The important mechanic here is the toolbelt of the healskill. On MedKit this turns into a heal-skill. Just spam it off cooldown. It is significantly faster than the Medic Gyro, which helps you maintaining your buffs.

Outgoing damage on both builds is low compared to meta-builds, obviously. If you have any questions, ask.

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This is what I have been using to solo on Scrapper since the recent patch.  The added crit chance to fury and firearms really let me build up armor where it wasn't really possible before.  I also used to hate using blast gyro previously because it knocked mobs away from me but now I love it.  This build is not made for supporting allies but it still has the group Quickness and superspeed and gyro heals.


3150 power (before bloodlust sigil stacks), 99% crit chance, 216% crit damage, 2870 armor.  Perma might/fury/quickness. 



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I like to play tanks in other games, and I was excited when I first unlocked my scrapper to make a tank build with support as well. It has gone through revisions. Damage is on the low side, but I still enjoy it as I can face tank most things. Note: I am a casual player and almost just play in the PvE open world were anything can really work.

Here is my Shocksmith: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeQAIlRwWYNMHWJeqSmNdA-zRRYnRBXNcQKnR2SgwVAacAA-e

You have strong control with:
-Thunderclap stun
-Blast Gyro stun
-Supply Crate stun
-Function Gyro daze
-Thumper turret knockdowns
-Three lighting fields with Rocket Charge (Two leap finishers) to apply two stacks of daze (Personally I love to go Thunderclap into Rocket Charge)

System Shocker trait and Expert Examination trait improve your control and tankiness with Barriers, Weakness, and Vulnerability.

Protection is great with this build. You take less damage, removes/converts conditions, and gain regeneration. Most of the skills also apply protection to others also and thus remove conditions from others. The following apply protection.
-Reconstruction Field
-Medic Gyro with Reconstruction Encloser trait
-Thumper Turret with Experimental Turret trait
-Superior Rune of Durability
-Protection Injection trait

I also have very high might generation.
-Auto attack
-Blast Gryo
-Fire field from Blast Gryo with multiple blast finishers (end of Blast Gyro, Thump when placing Thumper Turret, detonating Thumper Turret, and Rumble)
-Superior Sigil of Ruthlessness when interrupting
-Hidden Flask trait

Applied Force trait also increases your power to increase your damage.

You can also deal with CC. You have a high amount of stability and two stun breaks.
-Bypass Coating stun break
-Rumble stun break and small amount of stability
-Defense Field stability
-Applied Force trait stability

Other notes:
-Supply Crate will supply some boons as well when out
-Bulwark Gyro is nice to take some of the damage from others
-Shock Shield can block and provide barrier
-Elctro-whirl deals decent damage
-Wanderer stats provide Power for some damage, Vitality and Toughness for survivability, and Concentration for all your boons and support 

-Iron Blood trait can provide even more survivability to you, but I like the support and extra boons Purity of Purpose brings when I condition cleanse.
-Gyroscopic Accelerator and Kinetic Accelerator traits will provide group quickness and superspeed that can feel really good. You do lose a major source of barrier, some stability, and your might isn't as strong on you.
-Adaptive Armor trait can improve your tankiness, but you will lose some of the little damage you have. (I feel Applied Force is the middle of the road in the Grandmaster traits. It provides some survivability with the stability and damage with improved might.) 
-Diviner stats will increase you boon duration even more and you will deal more damage. You will have lower health and toughness, and thus less tanking.
-Shredder Gyro can be fun. The toolbelt skill provides lightening field and a daze. The Shredder Gyro also deals some good damage. I have used this in the past.
-Personal Battering Ram can be good. The toolbelt provides a ranged daze and the Battering Ram is a knockback on a short cooldown. The knockback isn't great though as you have little range and need to run to the enemy afterwards.

The main weakness is going to be your damage. You are not taking very many damaging traits and your crit chance and ferocity are basically 0. You also have almost no range attacks. Basically the same weaknesses of most tanks in many games.

Edited by nomir.4597
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  • 2 weeks later...

I believe the main things you will want to look into for a tanky scrapper are blast shield and system shocker as these grant you additional barriers as well as a chunk more health, if paired with damage dampener, they can easily reduce your damage intake by alot.


Primarily you will probably want to have power precision ferocity and toughness but for some reason they don't let you get demolisher stats in PvE which is more or less the ideal set for scrapper general idea.

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