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Are fish descriptions bugged or just deceitful?

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When I'm fishing for the daily catch, one of two things happens:

1. I catch the daily catch within the first 3 casts, return it, stop fishing for the day

2. I max out fishing party (99 casts) without getting a single one of the daily catch fish despite getting 3-7 copies of every fish that's supposed to be rarer than it. Every time I get the same rare or exotic fish over and over, I double, triple check the fishing log to make sure I'm actually supposed to get the fish in that type of swarm.


Is this bugged? There's no way the RNG can be this unfavourable.

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8 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Why is it, recently, that it seems everything that is questioned is considered to be deceitful or lying by Anet?

It's not that, but there's no wiki, guide or in-game description that provides more information than: <general geographical area>, <type of hole> and then you aren't sure if you're unlucky or fishing in the wrong place

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22 minutes ago, Player.2475 said:

It's not that, but there's no wiki, guide or in-game description that provides more information than: <general geographical area>, <type of hole> and then you aren't sure if you're unlucky or fishing in the wrong place

List of fish gives you all the information you need to catch any kind of fishes. It has filters and sortings so it's easy to search for any of them on the page.

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15 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:


List of fish gives you all the information you need to catch any kind of fishes. It has filters and sortings so it's easy to search for any of them on the page.

Exactly. And I will be fishing in a shiverpeaks map for lake fish, get 10+ of the same 5 fish, then switch to a different shiverpeaks map and get 3 fish I never did before. I check their preferences, and they're all the same area, any time, lake fish. Except that in 100 casts, I somehow didn't get a single one of them, on that map.
My idea was that maybe fish with a preference for some time just have a much higher chance of appearing that you'll see other types of fish you can theoretically catch any time, only at one time of the day.

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13 minutes ago, Player.2475 said:

Exactly. And I will be fishing in a shiverpeaks map for lake fish, get 10+ of the same 5 fish, then switch to a different shiverpeaks map and get 3 fish I never did before. I check their preferences, and they're all the same area, any time, lake fish. Except that in 100 casts, I somehow didn't get a single one of them, on that map.
My idea was that maybe fish with a preference for some time just have a much higher chance of appearing that you'll see other types of fish you can theoretically catch any time, only at one time of the day.

And as already said, if you're using correct fishing holes, maps, baits and do it during the corect time (mostly day/night) then it's just rng. Higher fishing power also apparently gives you higher chance for higher rarity catches,.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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There is a lengthy and consolidated thread combining many different theories and ideas... however until Anet produces something to the contrary, all those different theories just evidence that it is all just RNG... you will go through hundreds of casts searching, and then get 3 consecutive Legendries... Are the drop tables somehow weighed in some fashion, as you suggest?  Maybe? Those who know aren't letting on... Ultimately there are enough people sporting their "Cod swimming..." titles to assure you that odds are you will eventually catch all of the fish you are looking for...  

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It is just RNG. I do fishing on two accounts at more or less the same time while standing in the same skiff. Alternating between them as each account use up the fishing hole. It is fairly common that one account will be getting daily catch after daily catch while the other gets all the wrong fish. It is not the same account that is always "lucky" either.

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2 hours ago, Player.2475 said:

When I'm fishing for the daily catch

Is this bugged? There's no way the RNG can be this unfavourable.

I was curious so I tried the daily catch for today at Shiverpeaks to determine if it was bugged. Although in my experience, I know that Fishing Power will increase the chance of higher rarity, I decided to check it again.

Did 96 cast (same baits/lures, location, time of day) starting with 0 stack each time - 48 with no added buffs and 48 with 150 FP Yellowfish Sushi :

  • Fine fishes - 22(no buff), 10(with buff)
  • Master - 17, 12
  • Rare - 10, 12
  • Exotic - 0, 1
  • Legendary - 1, 5

Caught 1 Sockeye with no buffs and 5 with buffs.

My conclusion: Although it is RNG, use fishing buffs and get higher rarity fish. Chances of daily and legendary are also increased.


Edited by Silent.6137
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17 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

My conclusion: Although it is RNG, use fishing buffs and get higher rarity fish. Chances of daily and legendary are also increased


It's cool that you did that test, but my understanding is that the effects of Fishing Power as you suggest has been confirmed and is not in doubt.


While your conclusion confirms your theory, basing this on a comparison between 48 casts is a very small sample size... In example, I have also tracked results and between hourly rates have had anywhere between 6 and 18 Legendary fish drop, with all other criteria being equal.   I attribute that significant variance to RNG.  


Note also that your 'Rare' catches, which is the type in question, didn't vary significantly with the increase in Fishing Power.  I believe from my own results that this is likely a result of your Fishing Power not being maximized; I'm not sure where 48 casts gets you up to on Fishing Party table, but you have caught about 20% Fine fish, whereas I am consistently below 10%.  That difference can be applied to the higher rarity fish. 


Are you suggesting that the increase in a specific Rare (Sockeye) is attributed to the increase?  I can't say that you're wrong, but this would mean that... Anet has coded increased drop rate for the specified Daily Fish?  Doesn't seem likely to me, but anything is possible.


Anyway, love looking at the numbers and definitely agree with your conclusions!

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19 minutes ago, Garrison Storm.3046 said:


It's cool that you did that test, but my understanding is that the effects of Fishing Power as you suggest has been confirmed and is not in doubt.


While your conclusion confirms your theory, basing this on a comparison between 48 casts is a very small sample size... In example, I have also tracked results and between hourly rates have had anywhere between 6 and 18 Legendary fish drop, with all other criteria being equal.   I attribute that significant variance to RNG.  


Note also that your 'Rare' catches, which is the type in question, didn't vary significantly with the increase in Fishing Power.  I believe from my own results that this is likely a result of your Fishing Power not being maximized; I'm not sure where 48 casts gets you up to on Fishing Party table, but you have caught about 20% Fine fish, whereas I am consistently below 10%.  That difference can be applied to the higher rarity fish. 


Are you suggesting that the increase in a specific Rare (Sockeye) is attributed to the increase?  I can't say that you're wrong, but this would mean that... Anet has coded increased drop rate for the specified Daily Fish?  Doesn't seem likely to me, but anything is possible.


Anyway, love looking at the numbers and definitely agree with your conclusions!

This was more to check if the daily was indeed bugged more than anything else.

Yes, it has been confirmed FP increased rarity but I wanted to check if I'd get more of the daily with higher FP. That was an extremely small dataset but even then, that there was such a big difference in lower rarity would mean higher % of the the higher rarity. Thus, more rare fishes although my little test didn't bear that out. Also, as you mentioned, my FP was not maximized. That wasn't my intention but rather to just see if there's any visible changes to the daily amount.

Hopefully, more people will test it out.

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I do the Daily Fishing every day.  The only times I have an issue is when I find I'm fishing at the wrong time, or the wrong area.  For instance, not all Shiverpeak areas will produce a particular fish that is found in the Shiverpeaks. 

You have to dive (pun not intended) a bit deeper in the Wiki to find the exact place(s) to fish.

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