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What are you disliking about spvp? Question to non pvpers


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3 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Well. Then the Matchmaker doesnt work(low pop) or you are "meta gaming" the system.

In theory, something like that should never happen.

A somewhat higher Winrate in to be expected, if you have a high skill level. Same as having a bit lower winrate when you a re bronze but with a Healthy population and if a player isnt meta gaming the system, the Winrate should always hover around 50%.


in theory something like this happens every season... :DDD

i can consistently soloQ my way to a winrate of over 75%.

right now i am sitting at 12 games played with a single lost game so far.....  Sometimes you just have to carry those games that the Matchmaker expects you to loose...

Edited by Sahne.6950
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     Can I consider myself  as  a traveler? For I like to go to various places, the borderlands in World versus World gamemode(whenever I miss it a lot), the Silverwastes(one of the most favorite maps across Tyria) and the Free-For-All Arena(If I feel motivated  and cheerful enough, I dance with others. If something or someone is too bad to handle, I leave at once).

     What I don't like much from Player versus Player gamemode:

1. A person who loves to interrupt others' duels.

2. A person who is obsessed with bullying someone who doesn't play the meta builds.

3. A person who likes  to insult someone who doesn't play the elite specializations(from Heart of Thorns  to End of Dragons)

4. A person who accuses someone as a cheater or hacker when the player displays combat skills  as effectively as the player is able  and the person doesn't know how the player can perform them.

5. A person who jumps up and down on somebody who has been completely defeated from a fight or a duel.

6. A person who despises certain professions  and  judges everyone in each professions  that they are all the same, villians in the person's eyes.

7. A person who insults someone's parents when the person knows nothing about the player.


Edited by Sylvia.4870
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Personally, the capture point style of PvP in a small map is my least favorite. I've always preferred larger scale open PvP on a big map. There is a joy to be had in hunting for a target. The early days of WvW where you had to spread out to avoid the AoEs before target caps were put in were some of the most fun for me. Felt like an actual war simulator then.

But for the PvP mode, there needs to be more game mode variety, as well as a larger population of players. Increasing game mode variety with the population size that exists now would just kill the mode because people would spread out to different preferred modes and thin the pool too much. 

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I really dislike trying to have 1 enjoyable unranked match after a 9 hour shift only to instantly join a match against a full guild of high plats. 

But hey, I'm sure the new players really love getting coordinated cc chains and being spawn camped. Really great for the gamemode. 

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Played GW2 on and off since launch, with large gaps (last played pre PoF until this year). 

Started sPVP for the first time in the last week - I'd probably do WvW, but gearing seems like a nuisance and when I tried it out it was zerg vs zerg which I had enough of in my DAoC days.


The good:

  • Low barrier to entry - turn up and play on a level playing field
  • Balanced matches are genuinely fun
  • Players fight back, instead of being dumb immobile hitpoint sponges with CC immunity
  • Conquest is nice and grokable


The bad:

  • Match start is slow, and there is usually one or two people running the timer down
  • Most matches are unbalanced curb-stomps
  • Turning a bad match around is rare
  • Partial premade teams are miserable to play with and against (either they are kicking your head in or whinging in chat or ignoring everyone else as they are on voip)
  • The deathmatch mode is wretched, horrible cramped little slugfests 
  • Legacy of Foefire is a steaming pile
  • Stronghold is tedious
  • No way to concede - if I have been farmed for the first half, I'd like a way to bow out gracefully - having to be farmed for the remainder is soul-destroying: why no surrender vote 😞


Given up on the ranked 3v3 as miserable - I'll give ranked Conquest a go when it rolls around, but moving towards just grabbing dailies and forgetting it altogether at some point.

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Used to be a regular PvP player... like 5 years ago but I'll still answer:

  • Conquest as the only game mode
  • The nerfing of core skills and traits to death instead of addressing elite specs. Years of damage is still here and will remain even after the next patch.
  • Class homogenization attempts
  • Repeatedly nerfing classes and specs with high skill ceilings, e.g., Mesmer, revenant, elementalist.
  • Duo queue

That's probably it.

Edited by XxsdgxX.8109
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On 9/19/2022 at 9:19 PM, Sahne.6950 said:

you can definitely break out of these 50% winrates....

last season i had 23 wins and 3 losses, placing me in p2.


i keep hearing about the forced 50% winrate all the time... but i, myself always end seasons with a winrate way above 50%....


That's probably because you only played 26 games. There's always going to be an imbalance early on while the system figures out where to place you.

The people talking about how matchmaking normalises to around a 50% win rate (unless you are the literal best or literal worst player queuing at the time) are the ones who play it as their main playstyle, playing hundreds to thousands of games.

Edited by Eponet.4829
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1 hour ago, Eponet.4829 said:


That's probably because you only played 26 games. There's always going to be an imbalance early on while the system figures out where to place you.

The people talking about how matchmaking normalises to around a 50% win rate (unless you are the literal best or literal worst player queuing at the time) are the ones who play it as their main playstyle, playing hundreds to thousands of games.

you are spot on! 😃


I normally play my 10 placement games -> get ranked in p1 -> 4 or 5 more games -> plat 2       

And from here on i just play every 3 days to avoid rating decay.


But still... i am miles from a 50/50... even when i finish seasons which will be on average 30-40 games played.

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Came back recently after a years long absence and I was shocked at how there has been virtually no progress made with spvp. It still has all of it's old issues:


  • - Balance is still a complete mess, if not worse what with the absurd amount of power creep from elite specs. It also seems like GW2 has the same issue as Destiny 2 (another game with an awkwardly large initial investment into a poorly realized pvp mode that later got more or less abandoned and kept on life support entirely by bribing PvErs into being fodder for a meatgrinder) where the effect of something seems to scale inversely to how much effort it actually requires to pull off. I guess that's more of a general game issue than an spvp specific problem, but it definitely leads to a more toxic and frustrating pvp environment when player skill expression is so much less important than playing whatever the fotm meta build is (and its probably super boring, faceroll, and *hilariously* overtuned). 

    - The combat is still largely illegible and said power creep has only made this worse now that every ability has been buffed into doing 5 things at once and class identity is virtually nonexistent. The level of play time / game knowledge to simply understand where the 60 boons and conditions flying out every second are coming from is a severe barrier for entry. That's not even mentioning the constant poorly telegraphed skill spam. I don't think I've ever seen a game with so many flashy animations and so much visual noise that conveys so little information about what's actually going on. You haven't seen hell until you've seen 5 enemy players with 10+ clones/minions getting aura shared from a Tempest. It's just a mess.
  • - Solo pugs are still constantly being thrown against premade comps. Like it's crazy to say that the last time the mode had any actual potential was before they got rid of solo queue in their stupid competitive esports push and that was almost a decade ago.

    - Still just one *actually* supported game mode. Stronghold was pretty much DoA and its clear they never did anything to try and make it work.
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Match making = craptastic

duo queue = craptastic

build diversity = craptastic

afkers = craptastic

match manipulations = craptastic

I haven't pvpd a ton but when I do play it this is what I think about it, which is why I don't do it much. 

It's like, why try, when there is so much wrong with it. Sorry, I want to like it, but...there is just so much wrong with it.

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