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Someone with a very odd thought, attacking me without saying a good reason for doing so. This made me confused and laugh at the same time.


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  (This took place in the Free-For-All Arena) In the evening of my Saturday 24th September 2022:

    [Whisper mode]

   A: You had to change,huh?

   Me: ( In mind:excuse me?).

  A: Funny

 Also A: I see now.

 Me: (In mind: what in the bloody universe are you trying to say?)

 Also me: Changed what?

 A: You are just a b-tch.

 Also A: puts me into the blocklist afterward.

 Me:  (In mind: What the heck is going on? By Joko. What have I done wrong this time?)

 P.S.  Let me get this straight. Assuming that I comprehend what he refrerred to correctly(Since he loved to leave such a vague mark to me and let me imagine his  to something else). Is change so awful? Even if I play another class such as the warrior instead of my main thief? I don't get it. I played the heavy armor class way before touching the thief(that time, I lacked of motivation to continue on playing warrior, tried on thief and set the class  as the main one till this day). Everyone has to change. Everything has to change. Provided  that he meant that I changed from the thief to the warrior for just evading something or him, that idea is already dead wrong.


                                                                                                                        The  End.






Edited by Sylvia.4870
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PvP Mapchat truly is the lowpoint of the community imho. I don't care too much, as I've been to far worse places on ze interwebz. I just block and move on with my life/game. Makes PvP more enjoyable and there's alwas room for more on my BL.

Also: As you discribe it, there is a possibility that the person in question /w'd to the wrong person, mistaking you with somebody else.

Also also: People get mad about the weirdest things and you'll always find someone to be upset about whatever happens. If you want to, you can give it a short thought about what might have caused the situation on your side, but in the end, if ppl just insult then block, so you can't even respond to them anymore, it's their problem tbh. Again, block and move on.

Also also also: Offering to out players to the community does not look all to well on yourself either. Maybe remove that part of the OP. Is it really better to call for a witch hunt over what could have been a case of mistaken identity or simply  person at the end of a hard day losing their kitten?

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37 minutes ago, lokh.2695 said:

PvP Mapchat truly is the lowpoint of the community imho. I don't care too much, as I've been to far worse places on ze interwebz. I just block and move on with my life/game. Makes PvP more enjoyable and there's alwas room for more on my BL.

Also: As you discribe it, there is a possibility that the person in question /w'd to the wrong person, mistaking you with somebody else.

Also also: People get mad about the weirdest things and you'll always find someone to be upset about whatever happens. If you want to, you can give it a short thought about what might have caused the situation on your side, but in the end, if ppl just insult then block, so you can't even respond to them anymore, it's their problem tbh. Again, block and move on.

Also also also: Offering to out players to the community does not look all to well on yourself either. Maybe remove that part of the OP. Is it really better to call for a witch hunt over what could have been a case of mistaken identity or simply  person at the end of a hard day losing their kitten?

  I removed that part as you suggested. Thank you for your advice.

  No. He intentionally whispered to me. No mistake. Not at all. If  he blocked me after saying such a thing to me without regret nor hesitation, that meant he had thought to do so from the start. Additionally, I didn't even start the conflict at all. He did. I don't have anything else to explain for I did nothing offensive to him. I have been confused up till now.


Edited by Sylvia.4870
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Wow , this is why i hate pvp , salt , insults , etc ... people are hidden in their room , safely looking at the pc screen and so they can afford say anything their twisted minds wants , things they surely will not let out Irl.

I understand the feeling , if it would happen to me , i would also be confused ... then pretty angry.

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Most PvP players are guys that should know better but haven’t managed to find anything in their life to feel proud of.

Their performance in Guild Wars 2 PvP is the only thing validating them in this world. So when a match goes bad, they can’t stop themselves from crying like pathetic children. And the reality is their garbage attitude is often the reason things went downhill.

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5 hours ago, Revalent.4205 said:

I stopped playing this arena cause of a big amount of very strange people that live there. They play specific builds that make sense only there, they are very aggressive if you manage to kill them, very toxic 


This is very true. The builds played in the arena would not last long in Conquest or deathmatch. That's why I avoid it at all costs. It puts you in the wrong mindset regarding fights. And makes you wanna create builds for fights that aren't' even relevant. 

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On 9/24/2022 at 7:29 AM, Sylvia.4870 said:

  (This took place in the Free-For-All Arena) In the evening of my Saturday 24th September 2022:

    [Whisper mode]

   A: You had to change,huh?

   Me: ( In mind:excuse me?).

  A: Funny

 Also A: I see now.

 Me: (In mind: what in the bloody universe are you trying to say?)

 Also me: Changed what?

 A: You are just a b-tch.

 Also A: puts me into the blocklist afterward.

 Me:  (In mind: What the heck is going on? By Joko. What have I done wrong this time?)

 P.S.  Let me get this straight. Assuming that I comprehend what he refrerred to correctly(Since he loved to leave such a vague mark to me and let me imagine his  to something else). Is change so awful? Even if I play another class such as the warrior instead of my main thief? I don't get it. I played the heavy armor class way before touching the thief(that time, I lacked of motivation to continue on playing warrior, tried on thief and set the class  as the main one till this day). Everyone has to change. Everything has to change. Provided  that he meant that I changed from the thief to the warrior for just evading something or him, that idea is already dead wrong.


                                                                                                                        The  End.






You know what? I'm just to call a spade a spade.

He whispered you as such because you are a woman on the internet. It is as simple as that. A lot of guys on the internet tend to get snarky and very hostile when it comes to the opposite sex.

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