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What is with the ELO System


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Reference: https://imgur.com/a/pQAkL9E

Sitting at 1,428 skill and a 70% winrate, but people with 1,600 MMR have 68% or less winrate? 

Do I dare ask how the ranking system actually works? I could go on a 10 winning streak and barely break 1,500 MMR at the +10 per win it gives.  This is AFTER climbing from Gold 1, and I won 7/10 games in placement so same 70% winrate.

I could see if it was somehow a gameplay issue, but I get top stats nearly every game.  

In the end guess it doesn't matter much, just curious to see if I could break into this illustrious 'platinum / top 250 club' with Solo Q, but it would be a hell of a road because at some point I'm going to get the 1 win / 1 loss deal to preserve 50% rate. 

Even if I managed to avoid it, as above it'd take 20 or so straight wins to get to 1,600 which I doubt is feasible without some major luck.  


Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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In short: Your rating does not only depend on how often you win loose (or it's ratio), but also on the ratings of your oponents.

Winning against a high rated oponent gives you more than winning against a low-rated oponent.  Loosing against a low rated oponent cost you more points than loosing against a high rated oponent.

Edited by Dayra.7405
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GW2 uses Glicko2, not elo.  But as the first comment stated it's all relative to your reset rating.  And then based on the number of games you play, your volatility will lessen thus giving you less rating.  It maybe take two or three seasons to be a top the leaderboard if you start out relatively low.

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On 10/4/2022 at 9:18 PM, phokus.8934 said:

GW2 uses Glicko2, not elo.  But as the first comment stated it's all relative to your reset rating.  And then based on the number of games you play, your volatility will lessen thus giving you less rating.  It maybe take two or three seasons to be a top the leaderboard if you start out relatively low.

Thanks for the heads up... and interesting... so if GW2 ranked pvp used the glicko2 algorithm, surely anet will see that the volatility (the 'σ') would be very high for a lot of players and should be looking at how this + the RD would be distributed as a means of normalisation, matchmaking, rating points calculated.
Given many players AFK, game-fix, et al, this would have a match RD calculation that would be quite wild.

Anyway, hopefully something anet looks at and thinks about how compounding/accumulative calculations affect the systems at play

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50 minutes ago, Arimir.5864 said:

Thanks for the heads up... and interesting... so if GW2 ranked pvp used the glicko2 algorithm, surely anet will see that the volatility (the 'σ') would be very high for a lot of players and should be looking at how this + the RD would be distributed as a means of normalisation, matchmaking, rating points calculated.
Given many players AFK, game-fix, et al, this would have a match RD calculation that would be quite wild.

Anyway, hopefully something anet looks at and thinks about how compounding/accumulative calculations affect the systems at play

There's quite a bit that they can and should be doing but realistically, they're just going to let this game mode go on cruise control.  PvE and WvW seem to be their focus so any change to PvP matchmaking would be a surprise.

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6 minutes ago, phokus.8934 said:

There's quite a bit that they can and should be doing but realistically, they're just going to let this game mode go on cruise control.  PvE and WvW seem to be their focus so any change to PvP matchmaking would be a surprise.

Funny you mention that.. I know this will pee a lot of people off, but imo I reckon ranked should be tied to character + build.. 
ie; you have WON X matches on "PlayerA", Chrono mesmer build unranked + placement within the season qualifier period... that character/build combo can do ranked... but if "PlayerA: changes to mirage, then that aint the player/build combo that did the work beforehand, and therefore should not be deemed as "experienced" enough to play ranked... just a thought I had! 
Sick of peeps trying new toons/builds where you loose 501:230 because of it. lol

Given the algo used, the RD and sigma would be critical in how carryover would work... prolly why you see top players with low match counts. they proly play every 2nd day upto 2-3 matches to minimise volatility (sigma) and increase RD, if they have steady win:loss !!! Anyway, always fun speculating and dreaming !! LOL

Edited by Arimir.5864
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32 minutes ago, lvis.3824 said:

Yeah or like fighting vs ppl that are 300 rating above you, that duo-queue and your game ends like 500:<100 and you still lose -15. Nice job Anet, really makes me want to quit this kitten forever.

haha.. i hear you... especially on matches where it's literally been a loss at 500:499 and you loose a tonne of points.. like: https://ibb.co/mtv2VHb !!!

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On 10/7/2022 at 2:06 AM, lvis.3824 said:

Yeah or like fighting vs ppl that are 300 rating above you, that duo-queue and your game ends like 500:<100 and you still lose -15. Nice job Anet, really makes me want to quit this kitten forever.

the classic of I havent played in 6 months and came back to pvp.
queue at night since I cant sleep, turns out im against rank1 and rank 2 duo.
team wipes mid before my close cap is finished.
go to bad, wasnt worth it.

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