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Suggestion: Give people with Frostfang the option to trade it for the new axe

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On 10/4/2022 at 9:37 PM, Randulf.7614 said:

Frostfang is cheaper to make I assume though, so wouldn’t that make a shortcut for getting the new one? I can’t see a way of them doing it for pre 3rd gen and for after. That’s going to get messy to sort out

It is cheaper and by a lot. At current prices (just checked) the difference between Aurene's Rending and Frostfang is around 800g. And then you still have to do the Jormag version on top of that, which will cost time and a few hundred of gold on top of it. So essentially Frostbite costs at most half of what the gen3 one costs. 


To the op:

Gen1 legendaries are the cheapest to make of all generations and cheaper by a LOT. I don't think therefore that people should be able to ugrade gen1's to gen3's. And yes, I have Frostfang myself.


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Wth? you seriously want to swap legendary weapons without having to invest anything?  No way , no how,  you want stuff you craft it. I mean hey can you imagine everyone in the game will want every legendary swapped to a newer shinier one for free. LOL heck that would ruin the entire legendary system

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have Frostfang, I wouldn't be interested in swapping for Jormag's rending. I also have Eureka, the fire mace legendary, but I wouldn't trade it for Primordus' Tail.

But yeah, that's what would happen if we could trade one Legendary Weapons with a similar theme for a Gen 3. Theres Eureka, the torches, Flames of War, The Predator who would they be tradeable for Primordus skins? Would Kudzu owners get to trade for Mordreoth's Flight? Would Sharur owners get Zhaitan's Weight?


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On 10/4/2022 at 5:40 PM, Zaraki.5784 said:

I'd much prefer if they'd update the visuals and effects of Frostfang, like they did with Meteorologicus in the past.

I'd quite like this for all of the Gen 1 and 2 weapons. The Gen 3's extra effects do kind of invalidate such as frostfang. I'm not sure I'd want to trade frostfang for the Jormag axe, but I'd love it to have it's own effect. I prefer Frostfang's more pure snow/ice footfalls, having a kill animation would improve it and only seems fair. Even if it's just the aurene crystals recoloured. I'd quite to see what they would do with Quip and such as Juggernaut if they were to update them with kill effects.

A flower/spore explosion on Kudzu for example, would absolutely rock.

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On 10/5/2022 at 10:20 AM, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

As I said, I'd lock it to people who crafted the axe before the variants were announced.

Problem would be that there were people working on Frostfang when the new weapons got announced. Assuming they prefer Jormag's Axe they already had to choose, complete Frostfang or start from scratch.


I'm currently working on Nevermore. I have the Raven Staff and Gift of Nevermore. Hurtling through the other two gifts. As it is now Nevermore is the staff I want. I like ravens. I wouldn't want to trade Nevermore for The Bifrost or a Gen 3 legendary. If we imagine that Gen 4 legendary weapons can change like the Gen 3s only it's the Spirits of the Wild. And it turns out that I prefer Raven's Insight. I've already got to choose whether I want to finish off Nevermore or start again on Raven's Insight. Then to rub it in the people who already have Nevermore get to swap.

Would, "I was working on it," get a swap once they finish?

If you could swap if you had already started a previous legendary with similar effects. Going with the Spirits of the Wild example, I'm not currently working on Howler. Years ago I crafted a Wolf Statue, must have been thinking of it at oe point but there is a Wolf Statue in my bank. Maybe I'd think hey, I'll finish off Howler, that Wold Statue means I've started it, then I'll swap it to Wolf's Voice... Then, I'll unlock the Raven's Voice skin for that.

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1 hour ago, Sinmir.6504 said:

Problem would be that there were people working on Frostfang when the new weapons got announced. Assuming they prefer Jormag's Axe they already had to choose, complete Frostfang or start from scratch.


I'm currently working on Nevermore. I have the Raven Staff and Gift of Nevermore. Hurtling through the other two gifts. As it is now Nevermore is the staff I want. I like ravens. I wouldn't want to trade Nevermore for The Bifrost or a Gen 3 legendary. If we imagine that Gen 4 legendary weapons can change like the Gen 3s only it's the Spirits of the Wild. And it turns out that I prefer Raven's Insight. I've already got to choose whether I want to finish off Nevermore or start again on Raven's Insight. Then to rub it in the people who already have Nevermore get to swap.

Would, "I was working on it," get a swap once they finish?

If you could swap if you had already started a previous legendary with similar effects. Going with the Spirits of the Wild example, I'm not currently working on Howler. Years ago I crafted a Wolf Statue, must have been thinking of it at oe point but there is a Wolf Statue in my bank. Maybe I'd think hey, I'll finish off Howler, that Wold Statue means I've started it, then I'll swap it to Wolf's Voice... Then, I'll unlock the Raven's Voice skin for that.

So your specific example is more complicated, but for Frostfang (and Bifrost, which someone mentioned above and I agree has the same issue of being very similar to the Aurene staff), anyone who is currently working on it still has the option to craft it and sell it, so I don't think this raises the same issue.  Gen 2s clashing with a hypothetical Gen 4, is more of an issue, but highly speculative.

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