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Is warrior truly the worst class in the game?


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12 minutes ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

I could even see anet giving us a cheap copy of daredevil's staff that is only cc skills for a warrior just to try to make us shut up lol 🤣🤣

BUT! What if the second skill hit 8 times for a 1/4s daze each hit on a 6s CD and the last skill did a series of 10 small knockbacks on a 15s CD?

Body Blow would finally become useful!

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17 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

BUT! What if the second skill hit 8 times for a 1/4s daze each hit on a 6s CD and the last skill did a series of 10 small knockbacks on a 15s CD?

Body Blow would finally become useful!

But it'd be a rooted, channelled ability, so it'd be out of range after the first knockback.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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Knowing our luck we shall just get the salt shaker passed back to us  for anet's popcorn. It's truly sad the state warrior has fallen into over the past 10 years. When I first started guildwars2 Warrior felt like a warrior. I felt like what I did on the battlefield truly mattered now no matter what build i go to test in world versus world why I should I bother? The moment I can make something that is useful it shall be kittenized in the next hour.  Everything is boon or get out or bring the zerg. There is no challenge anymore not due to the skills of players but what our esteemed overlords deem "Funzies". After commanding in world versus world for 10 years doing the same circles day after day it makes one truly wonder about this corner stone game mode our  overlords so gracefully preach about. The only reason I even stick around is due to the guild that I helped to build if not for that I would of hung up my tag and retired my warrior years ago. I like you all are sick of it. Like even with arrow carts what do they even do? Back in the old days they could destroy people even entire zergs if coordinated correctly. Arrow cart farm's were one of my highlights of world versus world if the people were too stupid to run in , then that's on them not the siege. Otherwise scrap the siege give us new weapons heck I say if this so called balance team doesn't bring the cornerstone promised land I say we get the gemstore team a try they could perhaps achieve something as well. If not then have all the teams try because honestly the clocks a ticking. If wvw continues to get squandered get everyone that cares about world versus world and flood the maps with free accounts and upscale every world boss and not fight it so they fail so anet may learn to balance priorities instead of one eyed focusing them.

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5 hours ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

I wouldn't put it past anet with their cheapness giving us a piece of wood. we all know we are getting a toothpick or a splinter if we are lucky.

Look, i for one accept the role of being a savage brute and clubbing things to death

They want us to be cavemen, that's why we got the new fashion.

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1 hour ago, Shadowpeixera.2918 said:

Look, i for one accept the role of being a savage brute and clubbing things to death

They want us to be cavemen, that's why we got the new fashion.

And I am in total agreeance with you regarding this. But the entire fact they took the primal out of the caveman's weapons and instead gave them a balloon and a chunk of a pole noodle no caveman going to be chomping on some food from a successful hunt with these tools. In the older days of guild Wars2 prior to the 2020 cursed patch without a doubt the mace/shield and Hammer could be a evil combo wombo and make one feel like the cavest of cavemen. Sure we got a little bit back since then, but all we got were the first section of the hafts of our once reliable weapons. 

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9 hours ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

https://youtu.be/mhwT0qXRD-8 even though Hammer and mace use to do some damage back then it was not overbearing considering one has to constantly combat stability.

I still think Dolyak's signet is great for Hammer use, and maybe there's a quasi-signet build that would allow us to unblockable our CC. Warrior is struggling for sure, always is, but maybe we didn't think forward enough. Also our utility dependency on SIO kinda hurts us ( and the fact that Hammer is dependant on 2 traitlines to do damage, so we have to sacrifice one to get sustain, while also having to roll Arms to get signet mastery. It's complicated for sure. )

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Yeah.... Idk anet is in the mind set that 2 handed hammers shouldn't actually impact anything.  Even with the limited boon removal warrior has they won't let us eat away at their perma stability that is hiding behind all the boons in the book playing whackamole If you even get close to even landing a premeditated and highly telegraphed hammer swing it's going to gently slice off swiftness or fury before it actually can remove a boon worth a kitten🤣🤔 that is kittenness in grade A dev style. Meanwhile warrior being a " Frontline" barely can keep itself from tripping face first into the dirt  to even get a hammer swing in even with the quickness/ cc 1 stab per smackaroon. If something does happen to connect most players be sitting on 2 to 4 stacks of stability so it's pointless to still waste time using the weapon that anet broke and neglected in the first place. Which honestly it is a complete disappointment because Hammer use to be worth something instead of the useless kitten pile anet shoved it into. I can imagine they might just tweak some numbers for the next wvw patch and say everything is in working order. Balanced as all things should be with the here's the next gemstore item that had more consideration then a single weapon skill or the entire weapon skill bar , that actually affects gameplay.

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The funniest thing about this  is that anet is 2 kitten scared  due to what us as warriors could do versus what they should have us do, which involves what we could do so they are slamming cones on our heads so we can't scratch our own backs after they knitted us poison ivy sweaters 🤣🤣🤣🤣 honestly warrior should be able to kick a door in not have it slammed in its face and landing them on their kitten. We are warriors not some starved skritts yearning for shiny and kittening themselves for a single piece of shiny.  We want the glory, the enjoyment of battle being a terror on The front lines. Anymore warrior only gets laughed at and our overlords are sipping in all the enjoyment of it because they wouldn't let anyone catch them kitten actually playing a warrior outside of actually streaming content. Aside from the pvp golem lobby or pve. The cornerstone game mode is a no go for them it's too "scarrrry " for the devs to even conjure the idea of playing a warrior of any sorts in world versus world.

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It's kinda sad now that it seems their is more enjoyment about throwing facts in the devs faces about their messups with a class rather than finding enjoyment in playing that class that at one time was enjoyable and introduced one to the world of tyria.  I get there is a no fix all solution and balance itself is a nightmare no doubt. But when it comes to weapons one would figure that would be the easiest part towards balancing their usefulness. So no weapon completely outshines the other and performs better in different scenarios for every single class and espec.

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12 hours ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

It's kinda sad now that it seems their is more enjoyment about throwing facts in the devs faces about their messups with a class rather than finding enjoyment in playing that class that at one time was enjoyable and introduced one to the world of tyria.  I get there is a no fix all solution and balance itself is a nightmare no doubt. But when it comes to weapons one would figure that would be the easiest part towards balancing their usefulness. So no weapon completely outshines the other and performs better in different scenarios for every single class and espec.

exactly this. i love this game, i love warrior, didn't give up on either, all i can say is they f*d it up, and they f*d it up big time.


i know theres a "NEW" balance team, and supposedly, we need to wait for them to actually fix sh*t, there's no way around it but to wait.


but truth be told, if it took them years and all they did was f* more things up and do a bunch of nothing, then by the 6, this sh*t is beyond fixing.

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