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Bypass faulty match making in ranked solo q


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Hi Anet,

your employees said to me you read the forums so please read this! 


MM is in a catastrophic stage. Everyone knows it and I don't want to waste words on how bad it is. 
I also understand you don't have the resource to improve it, however I have a very easy solution which could cause pvp players less frustrated and more satisfied.


Matches result in 500-150 or below - no matter if they were wintraded, botted, duoqued by top players or just xp and build unbalanced games - clearly the fault of the match maker. 
The team that scores below 150 points should lose waaay less rank points that they have normally lose because MM left them no chance to win. I suggest only 10% rank points to lose.
In that way ranked pvp could be much more fair and fun and less frustrating. 


It's a very easy quick patch. Even a monkey could write the code in 5 minutes but the impact would be game changer literally.
Please consider that. Thanks. 

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All it takes is 1 weak link in the team or 1 bad play for a snowball/blowout to happen. Even in plat matches scores like this happen, now if you take in consideration how many throws/bad rotations/straight up feeding happens in lower rankings, doesnt matter what they do with the MM, scores like this will always be a thing. Just my opinion tbh.

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There are a lot of other "easy" quick changes they could do to improve the game and don't. I wouldn't hold your breath. 

I think just removing incentives to throw matches to begin with would be ideal. I also think unranked could use the matchmaking system as many times, it's worse than ranked. There needs to be a way to group players by skill level in both settings and if they add the matchmaking to unranked, they could potentially make the placement matches occur in unranked which would alleviate some of the instances where you get players just stepping in being a hindrance, or vice versa and being so highly skilled that they inflate other people's ratings from the start. It would balance out eventually, theoretically.

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I just want to clarify that there are compounded problems equating to the very frequent and intolerably exhausting blowout match situations. It isn't just a bad match maker or win trading/alt throwing. These are only half the problem. The other portion of the problem is directly linked to mobility creep in the conquest game mode and how chase potential is roughly double disengage potential at the end of 2022 here.

The bigger problem equating to straight blowout matches is that everything now has very powerful forward movement aggressive chase power, such as teleports that go through LOS and long range teleports/mobility skills that require LOS, whereas elongated stealths and/or ground target teleports, ect ect, are much more rare utilities to possess. This makes the ability to chase & kill players much easier than it is to escape players.

What this equates to is the comparison of GW2 conquest pvp in 2012 to 2015 vs. GW2 conquest pvp in 2022. In older patchings, a losing team could disengage just as fast as they were chased and get to nodes before reengaging the opponents. This allowed counterplay for good rotations even if the enemy was stronger in combat. But in 2022 a losing team just gets spawn camped and can't make it past a team who is stronger in combat, due to chase power being so much stronger than disengage. This is what leads to blowout match scores. There is now very little counterplay rotationally vs. being on the losing side of combats. In 2015 a losing team could end the match with a score of 350 to 500 but in 2022 that same losing team would lose that same game with a score of 150 to 500, due to how chase power creates snowball spawn camping. This is exactly what's happening.

All due to mobility creep.

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Yes pvp is a very complex game mode but there are things you cannot change as player.

Only AreanNet could change this things but they do nothing, so all of these are their fault. 

If the builds are unbalanced => anet's fault (extreme mobility and damage too)

If lower level players should fight against much higher level ones  => anet's fault

Duo q => anet's fault

Botting => anet's fault

Wintrading => anet's fault

If you accept these terms snowballing is also (you guessed it) anet's fault.


We could open each of these topics but anet really don't want to waste time on pvp, that's why I suggested a really really easy fix. 

Maybe that way they consider a 5 minute job to make pvp less frustrating.  

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23 hours ago, Bazooka.3590 said:

The team that scores below 150 points should lose waaay less rank points that they have normally lose because MM left them no chance to win. I suggest only 10% rank points to lose.


This solution is exploitbale and toxic. Ppl will decide in the first few minutes to play, or not and will go afk if they lost a mid fight. If someone chooses to fight instead he/she will get flamed for ruining everything. It sounds too bad sitting 10-12 mins doing nothing just seeing enemy team on spawn.


14 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

The other portion of the problem is directly linked to mobility creep in the conquest game mode and how chase potential is roughly double disengage potential at the end of 2022 here.


I completely agree to this. Mobility creep kills tactics, regrouping, kiting and overall roles as you only need to target, precast a nuke/cc with some buddies, and enemy goes down without a chance. I played tif recently and tried to run away, when 3 enemy popped on me and said their farewell to my little soul. For one chasing, its okay... for two, its okayish... but 3 ppl nuked on me wtf.

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On 10/13/2022 at 3:51 PM, Bazooka.3590 said:

Hi Anet,

your employees said to me you read the forums so please read this! 


MM is in a catastrophic stage. Everyone knows it and I don't want to waste words on how bad it is. 
I also understand you don't have the resource to improve it, however I have a very easy solution which could cause pvp players less frustrated and more satisfied.


Matches result in 500-150 or below - no matter if they were wintraded, botted, duoqued by top players or just xp and build unbalanced games - clearly the fault of the match maker. 
The team that scores below 150 points should lose waaay less rank points that they have normally lose because MM left them no chance to win. I suggest only 10% rank points to lose.
In that way ranked pvp could be much more fair and fun and less frustrating. 


It's a very easy quick patch. Even a monkey could write the code in 5 minutes but the impact would be game changer literally.
Please consider that. Thanks. 

If my team loses the first teamfight, what motivation do I have to keep playing? If we manage a comeback that's just barely not enough, we get punished by "superlosing" rating in full, however if I just go afk we only "soft lose" for 1/10th of the rating we'd lose for performing better. How exacly would this be "more fair and fun and less frustrating"?

One simple idea to fix PvP! Devs hate him! Click the link to get instant knowledge!

Edited by Bazsi.2734
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On 10/13/2022 at 1:23 PM, lotus.5672 said:

All it takes is 1 weak link in the team or 1 bad play for a snowball/blowout to happen. Even in plat matches scores like this happen, now if you take in consideration how many throws/bad rotations/straight up feeding happens in lower rankings, doesnt matter what they do with the MM, scores like this will always be a thing. Just my opinion tbh.

Right you are. And it's not just one game either. That snowball then turns into an avalanche in the next series of matches. That is...until the matchmaking decides to pick you up again!

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On 10/13/2022 at 7:23 PM, lotus.5672 said:

All it takes is 1 weak link in the team or 1 bad play for a snowball/blowout to happen. Even in plat matches scores like this happen, now if you take in consideration how many throws/bad rotations/straight up feeding happens in lower rankings, doesnt matter what they do with the MM, scores like this will always be a thing. Just my opinion tbh.

This is exactly the Problem, people do a Lot of weird Rotations in lower leagues that its Not mm fault how the score ends

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On 10/14/2022 at 3:18 PM, Mythras.2091 said:


This solution is exploitbale and toxic. Ppl will decide in the first few minutes to play, or not and will go afk if they lost a mid fight. If someone chooses to fight instead he/she will get flamed for ruining everything. It sounds too bad sitting 10-12 mins doing nothing just seeing enemy team on spawn.


Afkers should be punished by full score lost not just 10% of course. 

150 points is very fast to reach. Only a few minutes.

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You shouldn't sit around. If you afk you will get the full penalty score.  Only active players should get the reduced penalty as I said before..


This whole topic is just an idea.

Please write your own ideas too. But don't forget Anet really don't like to waste time to work on pvp so it should be easy and efficient. 

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I would completely turn it around: the less point gap is between the teams, the less you lose. Do some mid score loss calculating, then a percentage difference in match result and there you go. AFKers will quickly drop, tryhards will try, learn and keep up. That would be super motivating, but...


... but match making with low pop will always have a chance to send you a plat team with double dou and you will always have a stupid AFKer on your side, so no hope 😛

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