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If the Jadebot can get its skins shown, why not the Skyscale or Jacakal chair?


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As the title asks, if the Jadebot can get its skins shown on its mini, why not add this feature to the Skyscale or Jacakal chairs? Or even the Raptor mini.


I don't mind this change, but I do think it's heavily pushing for Jadebot skins, which I can't agree with considering their price and their general under-use.

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I'd like it if they did this, and would buy the chairs (at the moment the only 'chair' I've bought is the siege turtle one which is more like a novelty). I like the idea of them but find it too weird that it's a random default mount and not 'my' one. (Especially for the skyscale - I put the bioluminescent skin on my main characters skyscale shortly after unlocking it and I don't think I've changed it since, that's just what her skyscale looks like now.)

But I suspect they did this because not many people were buying jade bot skins and that's because you see them so rarely. I assume either they couldn't change the actual jade bot to be visible all the time or if they did it would affect all players and that would be more annoying than helpful, so adding a mini which matches the skin you've chosen and hides when you use the bot is a work-around to allow those who want it to have their bot with them all the time, and therefore justify buying skins. There isn't the same incentive to do it for the chairs because people were buying those anyway.

Having said that it might be that now they've figured out how to tie mini pet and jade bot skins together it's simpler to do the same with mount and chair skins and so the cost would be minimal and easier to justify. But I don't know, we've been told that skins for different things are made in very different ways and that limits what can be done with them. Someone recently said jade bots were designed by just 1 person, so it wouldn't surprise me if they copied code from mini pets to make them.

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I don't think they've ever retroactively modified an item that wasn't broken once it hits the gem store. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong)

That being said, I don't think you'll find anyone disagreeing with this. We'd all love to see it happen. (but not at 1600 gems mind you )

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8 hours ago, Harak.8397 said:

I don't think they've ever retroactively modified an item that wasn't broken once it hits the gem store. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong)

That being said, I don't think you'll find anyone disagreeing with this. We'd all love to see it happen. (but not at 1600 gems mind you )

The white and black feather wings, launched before HoT. When HoT came out you upgraded them into glider skins as well. 

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13 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I assume either they couldn't change the actual jade bot to be visible all the time 

the dev that developed jade bots, said anet was worried about game performace if they add 1 more "indepedent" visible all time object to be processed(basically will be like everyone have 2 minis), so they implemented jade bot functions as character skills. 

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I don't think it could work, simply due to some skins having different proportions, like forged jackal beinng more massive thus wouldn't probably fit into that default posture without cliping into the chair.

Which means, they'd probably have to redesign many chairs/postures which we know they've never done before and probably It wouldn't be worth over all.

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the tech for the Jade bot is very diffferent from mounts skin

rather than being an entity(with rigging and a real model) the jades bots are skill effects like a Virtuoso's blades, or a dragon hunters trap skills.  this is done to reduce server load and prevent culling, like what happens to other mini's in high population events.

the Jadebot mini itself is actually an invisible entity with the jadebot skill effect above it(which is why the Ghost skin can do its whack-a-mole animation without the mini teleporting all over the place)

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