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[Suggestion for ANET] Regarding animation of Charr movement for the purpose of aesthetics and exclusion of racial discrimination

FD KIM.8293

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17 hours ago, Sarm.5923 said:

Switching between two legs and all fours would be seen as natural to them and just who they are, instead of something to be ashamed of.

thank you, very interesting opinion. So I don't mind continuing to run as I ran 😃 but I couldn't voice the original proposal, which in general, based on the comments, may help some people who, for some physiological reasons, cannot play for the Charrs due to motion sickness. as I see there are two types of people in the camp who are not against or support and those who do not play charras 😃

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  • FD KIM.8293 changed the title to [Suggestion for ANET] Regarding animation of Charr movement for the purpose of aesthetics and exclusion of racial discrimination
24 minutes ago, FD KIM.8293 said:

thank you, very interesting opinion. So I don't mind continuing to run as I ran 😃 but I couldn't voice the original proposal, which in general, based on the comments, may help some people who, for some physiological reasons, cannot play for the Charrs due to motion sickness. as I see there are two types of people in the camp who are not against or support and those who do not play charras

Oh, I see what you mean now. Yeah, I think the translator might be messing up your intent a bit. It's not racial discrimination, but a potential gameplay disadvantage for those who can't get used to it. I know I initially had some difficulty adjusting because I kept mistakenly thinking my character was positioned further ahead than he really is. But I don't suffer from motion sickness so I can't judge.

I play a charr elementalist and I think them running on all fours is part of the race's charm. ❤️

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On 10/26/2022 at 1:09 PM, Sarm.5923 said:

I know I initially had some difficulty adjusting because I kept mistakenly thinking my character was positioned further ahead than he really is.

yes, not much more complicated. it was harder for me to be a Norn. well, if everything is really bad, then take off your pants and use the attacking skill into the void to stand on 2 paws 😃 oh, how did spectral walking save me on JP

Edited by FD KIM.8293
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  • 2 months later...

Personally, I'm a huge fan of the charr running animation, but having a toggle option for running on two or all four would be a good idea. It would be helpful for a few things - like jumping puzzles or similar stuff (RP too) Currently, the only option is to draw weapons or use kits.
Such ideas have been mentioned many times before, but so far nothing has changed. I guess devs are not interested or prefer to invest time/resources elsewhere.


"...But, in the historical plot, there are charrs who followed in the footsteps of intelligence..."


Standing upright as a sign of intelligence? Flame legion already demonstrated "higher intellect" before...
Look at Iron Legion engineers - they run all fours and at the same time they are the ones who invent complex machinery, weapons, or other steampunk-style technological marvels.
Iron Legion metallurgic knowledge is also pretty impressive - even asuran scientists are visiting BC to have a chance to study them - this alone suggests that charr are pretty smart.
They don't have to stand upright, cast firebolts, and terrorize others with their false gods.
The upright pose was always more of a superiority complex.
A lot of such lore details can be learned from various NPCs in BC.

Running on all fours is something natural for all charr. Running on two legs or on all four has nothing to do with "intelligence".

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On 1/17/2023 at 3:33 PM, GreyCatfish.9356 said:

The upright pose was always more of a superiority complex.

Accidentally (or not) it can also be an attempt at domination. Remember, that charr are cats, and with cats, the individuals "higher" in social group hierarchy often show it by literally being (sleeping or resting) higher than those "below" them. As such, the upright pose might be intepreted as an attempt to show, that the shamans are "above" the normal charr.

Of course, that still has no relation whatsoever to intelligence.

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On 1/17/2023 at 9:33 AM, GreyCatfish.9356 said:


Running on all fours is something natural for all charr. Running on two legs or on all four has nothing to do with "intelligence".

One theory that scientists have about why humans became bipedal is because it freed up the hands for frequent tool use, which would be linked to intelligence.

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