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Do you folks remember the first ever PvP ladder, pre-season, when PvP rules were enforced?

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Just came across a thread from almost 7 years ago. I wasn't the OP of the that thread but commented a few times and even got a response directly from one of the pvp devs. It was rather militant back then because whenever you swap to a different character/class, it was automatically counted as a loss thru desertion, even if you won the match. Regardless, I still preferred that over what we have (or not have) now. When Anet Cared and Loved PvP

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Oh yeah, dev communication was actually important back then. Nowadays communicating with arenanet means infiltrating their secret society and firewall-protected discord full of the most notorious cartel members this game has ever known.

To get in you'll need to hire a priest, computer hacker, and a criminal psychologist. Once you assemble these people; maybe, and only maybe you will get into the discord to commune with a red castle intern.


Punishing people for class-swapping was nothing short of genius though. That's a sweaty, exploitable metagame that we didn't need. Based anet was the best anet.


But anyway if you're looking for a more classic, more competitive gw2 pvp experience, or just friendly duels then I recommend checking out 


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Yes, I remember. That was aeons ago.

Back when gw2, in terms of online multiplayer, actually tried to be a viable product. But alas...

4 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Oh yeah, dev communication was actually important back then. Nowadays communicating with arenanet means infiltrating their secret society and firewall-protected discord full of the most notorious cartel members this game has ever known.

To get in you'll need to hire a priest, computer hacker, and a criminal psychologist. Once you assemble these people; maybe, and only maybe you will get into the discord to commune with a red castle intern.


4 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Punishing people for class-swapping was nothing short of genius though. That's a sweaty, exploitable metagame that we didn't need. Based anet was the best anet.

Some things simply do not need a metagame, they need to be obliterated from existence. This is one of them.

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 @JTGuevara.9018 - Lol hi, yeah that felt like it was ages ago when I played in NA. I was the whiney one who got downgraded out of the top 100 coz of the 11 desertions (more like class swap) that took place so far that season. I was dropped to rank 101 but the desertions ate up my 60% W/L ratio, solo to around 54%. Oh well. Also back then, they tracked down top 1000 in both regions. Boy do I miss the larger population. 


See, when PvP rules are enforced, players behave. 


Im aware of @Trevor Boyer.6524 1v1 - nice initiative but I can't play in NA anymore. Best of luck

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19 hours ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:

I was the whiney one who got downgraded out of the top 100 coz of the 11 desertions (more like class swap) that took place so far that season.

I'm honestly curious what you mean there.

One thing I saw pretty often when I still played ranked was people being megasweats and playing what I call 'class-swap hot potato' -- A metagame that exists parallel to Gw2 sPvP in which players will class-swap repeatedly on both teams in an effort to land a counterpick against the best player on the enemy team.

It starts when the pre-match timer starts, and it ends after that ends and class-swapping is no longer an option.


So what usually ends up happening; because class-swap feels more like a bug/exploit than a game feature, is at least one team will start the game 4v5, because their 5th is too busy loading in from their obnoxious class-swapping.

And because there is no ui for swapping-classes, the rest of that person's team just assumes they have a quitter(class-swappers appear as disconnected) and they are now fighting 4v5, which I feel has an actual impact on the match itself with one team just assuming they've already lost as soon as it starts, even if the swapper comes back.

Am I crazy or am I the only one who's noticed this?

19 hours ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:

1v1 - nice initiative but I can't play in NA anymore. Best of luck

 Hey buddy, between you and I, shhhhh, may want to insert a Rabbi as well. Just coz... 🥰

I understand, and hope to continue seeing you around.

The priest is highly negotiable and can be drawn from any sort of like-company. It is however necessary to combat the bad juju of the wintrader cartel, otherwise in a few years we'll all be sweating before our PvP matches have even started just like them.

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1 hour ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

I'm honestly curious what you mean there.


Not  a prob. Back then, I class swapped not coz of enemy comp but coz of our team's comp. We'd have 2 thieves or 2 mesmers etc etc. Up until that thread was made, Anet did  not count class swapping as desertions/loss. That was why people, myself included, were complaining about having 11 losses in that same hour when I had only played 4 games, 3 won, 1 lost. When they stacked the 11 losses in that hour, it affected  my W/L ratio and overall rating. I played solo exclusively. The 11 losses that they counted were actually won games and yes I got sweaty then. Not anymore, I stopped caring these days lol. 


I lived and played in the West Coast with superspeed connection (I was also a day trader amongst other things)


2 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

The priest is highly negotiable and can be drawn from any sort of like-company


HAHAHAHAHA I don't know  much about priests but that's something Rabbi Horowitz would probably say. hahahaha, you're funny. 


I do know that Catholic hospitals have helped the hungry and homeless in coastal cities. I also know that unlike privately held hospitals, the Catholic ones don't chase one for bills to be paid and report to credit bureaus. Sadly a lot of those hospitals have closed down. That's pretty much my knowledge of priests and do respect all religions. I've been to the Vatican. Interesting place and I immediately thought of Emperor Constantine. 


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