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Dragon's end Meta event

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36 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:



Someone new to the game tries rushing to the latest content and since that latest content requires understanding of the game, it's somehow supposed to be a reason to nerf that event?


And what's your point with repeating this part? Do I somehow have different/better lfg groups than you or anyone else? Why? How? If I'm "personally not affected", every run I succeed the rest of those squads are also apparently not affected -and these are different squads at varying times. So this is not somehow "just me, personally".


Exactly, this is repeteadly exaplined here and then dodged by him every time. 

If I had to guess, I'd say that he (and others with the same complaint) have long since given up on this event and rarely (if ever) participates.  I did the same for months following release because it did have a high failure rate.  But they made some changes and players learned how to better handle this event.  The success rate for LFG pickup groups is now pretty high, so I do participate in it. 

The main barrier for me is that insanely long and boring pre-event stage.  I can't believe anyone thought this would be fun.  And it's a shame because the Soo-Won fight is easily the best open world encounter in the game.

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2 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

How do you know that the OP is new to the game? I just checked, OP has 10,5k AP. Does this mean new? 

Okay, not new to the game. New to the forums. Still definitely not a part of a "few people on the forums".

2 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

Did you even read what was quoted? It’s not about the threads, it’s about the narrative. 

"Narrative" as "having different game experiences than you do"? Notice, that "the game experience you and few other on forums have" that tell you tha everything is fine can also be called a narrative to pretty much the same degree. The difference is that i happen to acknowledge your experiences, while you completely disregard any experience of others that happen to not fit your preconceptions.

2 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

So no, these threads are not created by the usual few that always complain. But they created the narrative that the meta is dividing the player base and that it is such a horrible event, the reality in game is different. 

No. The players that come here to forums to bring up the issues they have met in the game do exist. They do not repeat "a narrative" created by "a few people on the forum", but are speaking about their experiences within the game. By claiming that this is part of some "narrative" (a thinly veiled attempt at accusing others of lying without expressly saying it), you are trying to enforce your own narrative. One in which those experiences apparently do not exist, and all mentions of them are part of some sort of conspiracy steered by few people on the forums who have apparently some wide reach, being able to influence new posters before they even join the forums. Or supposedly all those threads are being made by smurf accounts, maybe?

All i can see is "a few people on the forums" wilfully ignoring reality when it comes knocking.

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2 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

I believe that some people don't enjoy this meta.  What I have a hard time buying is that they regularly participate in it despite that and that their experiences (i.e. joining LFG DE meta groups and routinely failing) are so dramatically different from that of players who enjoy this meta and join the same LFG groups.

Have you considered that perhaps people that complain here do not join the same LFG groups as you?

But, if you are curious, personally, my experiences run this: there are three types of groups i experience this content with.

First are formed through discord and never appear on LFG. You have to knowthe group is forming, and know  commander name for /squadjoin, or you won't even notice them. Those groups have pretty much 100% success rate.

Second, there are LFG groups. You have to look for them a long time before the event, and there's a good chance that by the time you see them the map will be full already. Of those groups, those that form early usually have the greatest chance of succeeding, those that form late (or those you can join easily late) fail at least half of the time.

And there's a third type - ad-hoc groups, that form on the map that got far in the preparation phase, made by the people that are already on those maps. Those groups fail 9 times out of 10.

For obvious reasons i usually try to run with the first groups, but i have enough share of my experiences with two later kinds to know they still exist. And that ad-hoc groups still fail most of the time. And that the groups that succeed are definitely not filled with average OW players.

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25 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

All i can see is "a few people on the forums" wilfully ignoring reality when it comes knocking.

Exactly and that’s what I repeatedly wrote: the reality in game is very different from what the few people that always complain want us to believe. 

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8 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Those groups fail 9 times out of 10

As someone that often join these kinds of meta squads, this is false. I join your examples 2 and 3 always. I have never joined through discord. It’s very rare an event I join in the middle of it fails. Even when commander barely communicate. Often the worst struggle will be to get into said map if it’s one in lfg. If I’m already in the map and someone tags up, the meta run is all good and I have not had a fail this way in a long time. Are you claiming my experience with success 9 out of 10 runs like this in dragons end is pure luck from my side? 

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