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Want to roll an Ele, but am i wasting my time?


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1 hour ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

There's a flip side to this coin.  The long quickness duration on one sphere means that, once used, teammates are much more free to run about for whatever reason.  The professions that give small amounts of their boon repeatedly have the downside that, unless you stick to them like glue, all of your boons fall away.  

Thats true, but i'd say in general people who are not within range also deal alot less dps; There are often some boss mechanics at play that severely limit the dps potential of players that are off tag (like dodging some attacks/run away with poison/bombs etc). On the other side people will simply start raging whenever there's over 5sec downtime of alac/quick (even when its partly their fault). 

If there's only 1 way to grant quickness/alac it simply needs to be provided on a relatively low cd/high uptime and should be easily accessible. 

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8 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

There's a flip side to this coin.  The long quickness duration on one sphere means that, once used, teammates are much more free to run about for whatever reason.  The professions that give small amounts of their boon repeatedly have the downside that, unless you stick to them like glue, all of your boons fall away.  

That can be said the other way around , if you use your sphere the moment people are away , well they have no quickness at all , if you have many source of quickness coming each few secs , you will allow people to run around and come back and have quickness few sec after. And quickalist has quickness locked behind a cooldown and an attunement (i know fresh air bypass that mechanic , but isntead of bolt to the heart its again some dps losses) , ah yes and also locked being that weird "energy emchanic" , jeez a cooldown should be simple enough , no ... they have to add some weird mechanic to an already complicated class.


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I am new player in GW2. Ele was my first choice when I started leveling. It's fun but when I start reading forums and reddit I have doubts if I should go with this ele... Everybody says it's not worth time. I'm afraid that despite the fun it gives me to play it, I will only get frustrated with elementalist. Now I am thinking to reroll mesmer or ranger 😕 

Edited by Jungario.6485
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7 minutes ago, Jungario.6485 said:

I am new player in GW2. Ele was my first choice when I started leveling. It's fun but when I start reading forums and reddit I have doubts if I should go with this ele... Everybody says it's not worth time. I'm afraid that despite the fun it gives me to play it, I will only get frustrated with elementalist. Now I am thinking to reroll mesmer or ranger 😕 

It's not like the spec is unplayable.  Many ele players are just frustrated by the fact that the class doesn't perform as well as a lot of other classes that are easier to perform well with and have fewer limitations.  Some feel that this should be compensated in some way in the class balancing process. 

Unfortunately, the guy in charge of making decisions for the latest expansion (who is no longer with the company) seemed to resent the idea of complexity being rewarded and went the complete opposite direction by overtuning the easiest specs with the fewest limitations.  As a result of this kind of decision making, most players would perform better if they played something else.

There is a new guy in charge, however, and a PvE balance patch scheduled for the 29th (with some information on that being released today, I believe).  Hopefully there will be some good news for ele players.

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42 minutes ago, Jungario.6485 said:

Yeah, but also everybody repeat to me "ele dies constantly", "playing ele in open world is horrible", "ele brings nothing to the groups" ;/ So... i don't know :<

Ele has good builds for open world that can deal solid damage and survive practically anything.  But so do other classes and they are easier to perform well with and have fewer limitations.

They're a perfectly adequate DPS in group PvE as well and are capable of support, although other classes are preferred.

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2 hours ago, Jungario.6485 said:

Yeah, but also everybody repeat to me "ele dies constantly", "playing ele in open world is horrible", "ele brings nothing to the groups" ;/ So... i don't know :<

If you want to be a good Ele player, become a good Ele player. 

I played a good chunk of the classes in this game and for me, other classes just feel like a worse and slower Ele. 

My overall advice is to lean in to the flexibility: it's a fun class to play.

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8 minutes ago, Ace.1784 said:

If you want to be a good Ele player, become a good Ele player. 

I played a good chunk of the classes in this game and for me, other classes just feel like a worse and slower Ele. 

My overall advice is to lean in to the flexibility: it's a fun class to play.

And get outperformed by a random guy that fell asleep on their 111111 on rifle mech. 

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6 hours ago, coinhollyc.8190 said:

If you get outperformed by a mech nowadays then it's a skill issue lol you gotta play better.

It was an obvious joke, but if you want to get all serious about it, lets go.

If we compare a good ele player to a good mech player mech can easily outperform ele. Mech can still easily outdps ele (ar at least be on par dps vise) if mech is pushing more than 2 buttons in its rotation (hi grenade kit for example). And ofc there is that little thing called power vs condi. Power mech will outperform condi ele in every fight where boss phases a lot. And still perform on the level on bosses that arent phasing that much. Mech dps is far more reliable (not a lot of skills can actually miss a moving target) and ele skills are very likely to miss if target moves like Mai Trin in AH strike for example. Ele has limited on demand access to cc, where mech can do a lot of cc on demand by pushing 3,4, signet and mech skills. Ele has limited mobility, while mech can jump half a map every 25 secs with shift signet and rifle 5. 

So yeah, unless you play ele at "Fennec" lvl you will get outperformed by mech in most encoutners. 

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If you are enjoying it you never waste your time, it's one of the more fun designs in the game.

But the last years are a slog as to me the designers constantly give you a feel that you don't matter.
Also you will basically play a profession that is considered the absolute joke of the game because the developers allowed their game to reach this point. Community reactions and behaviour is also a big responsibility and rooted in what and how the developers are doing with their game.

And there will be some skepticism, memeing and trolling into your direction just because of your class, in particular if you don't deliver outstanding results, and sometimes even then. People WILL raise eyebrows and are more likely to hop onto you if you do bad.
This isn't for everyone and the bandwagoning and memeing of being a joke further deteriorates the popularity of the class imho.


As I see it in terms of performance and effort, actually:

For PvP? Worth it!
For WvW Large Scale? Worth it! (a few commanders disregard/shittalk Weavers though. Against the facts)
For WvW Small Scale? Worth it! 
For Open World? Worth it!
For Instanced PvE? Worst pick overall by far. Especially with high ping as it makes everything disadvantegous with the class much worse.

Edited by Mauti.3520
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On 11/11/2022 at 3:34 PM, Jungario.6485 said:

Yeah, but also everybody repeat to me "ele dies constantly", "playing ele in open world is horrible", "ele brings nothing to the groups" ;/ So... i don't know :<

I get where you're coming from. I've only been playing GW2 for a few months off-and-on, and I consider myself a bad player to boot. While it can suck to feel like you have to put in more effort just to meet a bottom-of-the-barrel baseline, I still wouldn't discount the overall theme of the class if it's something you enjoy. I started off with the elemental summon utility spells as training wheels and found I didn't want to swap out of them, because being able to summon your own tanks or defiance-rotters on demand was too convenient, and I feel that's been both plenty workable and fun for solo content.

I think I'd burn out of the game way faster if I tried to play something more efficient but something I'm just not thematically into. It's not like any other class lets you be a fireball-tossing wizard, after all. And there is a kind of freedom in going "to hell with it" and playing anti-meta when you're alone because logic be damned, I want to try being a dagger weaver healer.

If there's anything I'd recommend, it's to go back to what it is about elementalists that appealed to you before you get into any game mechanics. While necro or mesmer might be alternative ideas, if you just wanna have fun with fire/water/air/earth, why deny yourself that?

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On 11/11/2022 at 12:34 PM, Jungario.6485 said:

Yeah, but also everybody repeat to me "ele dies constantly", "playing ele in open world is horrible", "ele brings nothing to the groups" ;/ So... i don't know :<

That is... them being dramatic.  The truth is that ele brings a lot to groups, and it is only death-prone if you don't know how to handle mobs in the overworld.  What they really mean is that ele isn't necessarily the best in a lot of things that it does... neglecting to mention that most professions aren't the "best" in the things they do.  

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In general elementalist is one of the most beloved classes of the gw2 playerbase. It offers the traditional archetype of a (battle) mage, access to double the amount of skills and very interactive combat design. Throughout the core game, HoT and PoF the elementalist has seen a decent playrate. Since about a year a couple of balance changes has pushed elementalist out of the meta resulting in very low playrate. 

The biggest complaint the ele community has, is that they feel like the devs do not seem to understand how the class works let alone be able to properly balance it. 

The upcoming balance patch serves as a prime example. Anet made a complete revamp on the scepter design (which was the main weapon of PvE heal alac Tempest) and removed its main (and only) heal skill, without even aknowledging its consequences for PvE HAT (which already was in a suboptimal spot to begin with). 

Same goes for catalyst changes. Majority of the ele community has been asking for easier&more forgiving playstyle, but instead the devs decided to double down, to increase its DPS and difficulty level and make the playstyle even less forgiving. 

Most important aspect about maining/playing an ele is to adapt to the often completely random changes of the devs and not to worry to much about the flaws/bugs of your class since the chances of it actually getting fixed are pretty slim. 

Edited by the krytan assassin.9235
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