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Mister E and Flowers and EoD


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Hello everyone, long time no seeing you.


I have finished EoD today, I know I am late to the party, and I want to share something with you guys.


Since I first received the first letter, I have try to figure out the identity of Mister E. 


First was Lady Wi and later I thought he could be Demmi Bettlestone (because we have never received any letter after season3and she had the connections with the order of shadows and she is a human noble)



I do not know if someone has written about this already, but here is the thing:


No spoilers.


During the last episode of EoD, the epilogue, there is an option to buy some flowers to bring to the party.


The dialogue is from the wiki.


Yes, I'd like something for two of my dearest friends.

I have just the thing. And don't worry⁠—this bouquet is on the house. For all you've done for Tyria. For the world.
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/4/47/Talk_more_option_tango.png Wait, how do you know who I am?
Let's just say that you and I have a mutual connection in Divinity's Reach. But a girl's gotta keep a little bit of mystery in her life, don't you think?

But a girl's gotta keep a little bit of Mister E in her life, don't you think?


We know that Mister E is related to Divinities Reach in different ways. If this is truth Mister E is still alive and kicking.


Could it be this his way to say thank you guys?


Or I am just confused and is just a simple dialogue with no importance?

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Lord Faren.
L + F = E

Honestly my favorite one since he just seems like an idiot for comic-relief that seems to be in the "right place at the right time" when it comes to Krytan affairs.

Part of me also wonders if Mr. E. could be someone from the Canthan Minsec East Precinct? With Jory's Canthan ancestry, I mean...I guess Cantha could have been doing undercover recon in Kryta due to the Elder Dragons after the Zhaitan disaster. It may even be Jor. E. herself. In which case I doubt we'll ever find out, at least directly from her.

Covert organizations such as the Ash Legion and the Shining Blade also sign letters with a single letter. the "Mr." part, which could have just been added for more "mystery". 

Or it could have been the flower seller all along.

Edited by firedragon.8953
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On 11/3/2022 at 3:41 AM, firedragon.8953 said:

Covert organizations such as the Ash Legion and the Shining Blade also sign letters with a single letter. the "Mr." part, which could have just been added for more "mystery". 

The "Mr." part is just there for you to read it like "mystery" = "Mr. E / Mister E"

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Some years back there was some very intricate threads discussing this, and pretty much every possible noble had some kind of reason for not being Mister E, except Lord Faren, who instead of having evidence against him, had quite a bit of evidence pointing towards him (especially in Maguuma and Kourna).


Many fans have come to think of him as having some kind of Bruce Wayne/Batman dynamic. If this is true, his actual profession is most likely a Thief.


Still, others believe that Mister E died in Lake Doric in defense of his kingdom.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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