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How About Stopping the Hackers for Once?


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8 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

Rofl. Too funny. You actually think I would care what you post.  I talk like that to people face to face. Could care less how sensitive people like you are.


Interestingly enough.

You run a macro during combat. Good for you. You also ran away really purty like multiple times while I  was testing that theory out with my mesmer. Lol.  And yes. You run a macro.


With my secondary wvw toon, I fought you and kept an eye on your buffs and movements.  You had no stability. I tried both the root and knockback one right after another. They didnt affect you.


No stability nor aegis, but then I also didnt see any blind on me nor miss/evade messages... or that lame obstructed garbage. 


You charged through multiple solid objects with no issues to jump on me. I found that amusing. That is where my engineer died. Line of sight doesn't exist in your world. 



That's why I got my memser. So I could watch to see if you rinse repeat the same moves and timing or if you change it up. Everything was exactly the same. Even when you turned your macro off to run away, and boy howdy you run fast....


I got bored watching you run so I left the 3rd time you broke combat. Pointless. My mesmer is built to fight not chase.


One of the the first things I noticed. There is a brief pause before he runs his macro. He sets up his positioning then hits begin. 


The exact same timing and abilities each time.  With my mesmer I got to see this multiple times (he ran away 3x). 


You may want to change your macro timing at the beginning. Get rid if that delay because it is super easy to see.


But Lolol 


Makes it even more amusing that an exploiter gets upset so he comes here, and actually thinks I would care. I'm not some sensitive woke hurt my feelings failure. 


And yes. For someone to feel the need to exploit or cheat to win, they are pathetic outside the game. 



So Lotus is the person you are having a beef with?

Why are you making hacking/exploiting accusations and naming and shaming another player in this public forum and especially without any recorded proof?  You're supposed to notify Anet through the /bug command or email your evidence to exploits@arena.net and keep this off the forum.

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On 11/12/2022 at 2:24 AM, Jitters.9401 said:

Rofl. Too funny. You actually think I would care what you post.  I talk like that to people face to face. Could care less how sensitive people like you are.


Interestingly enough.

You run a macro during combat. Good for you. You also ran away really purty like multiple times while I  was testing that theory out with my mesmer. Lol.  And yes. You run a macro.


With my secondary wvw toon, I fought you and kept an eye on your buffs and movements.  You had no stability. I tried both the root and knockback one right after another. They didnt affect you.


No stability nor aegis, but then I also didnt see any blind on me nor miss/evade messages... or that lame obstructed garbage. 


You charged through multiple solid objects with no issues to jump on me. I found that amusing. That is where my engineer died. Line of sight doesn't exist in your world. 



That's why I got my memser. So I could watch to see if you rinse repeat the same moves and timing or if you change it up. Everything was exactly the same. Even when you turned your macro off to run away, and boy howdy you run fast....


I got bored watching you run so I left the 3rd time you broke combat. Pointless. My mesmer is built to fight not chase.


One of the the first things I noticed. There is a brief pause before he runs his macro. He sets up his positioning then hits begin. 


The exact same timing and abilities each time.  With my mesmer I got to see this multiple times (he ran away 3x). 


You may want to change your macro timing at the beginning. Get rid if that delay because it is super easy to see.


But Lolol 


Makes it even more amusing that an exploiter gets upset so he comes here, and actually thinks I would care. I'm not some sensitive woke hurt my feelings failure. 


And yes. For someone to feel the need to exploit or cheat to win, they are pathetic outside the game. 



Couple of notes:

1.) Rev has two stunbreaks and your ccs have animations, I can prepare myself to stunbreak once the animation lands, one is an aoe blind and vuln application with a small animation over the revenant, the other is a roll backwards that removes cc, chill, cripple, and immob, you should really understand a class before you make accusations.



2.)I don't use macros, having consistent and efficient play on rev is far more beneficiary and outside of classes with a set combo that is optimal burst in essentially every scenario, macros are veritably useless, and as you stated, theres a gap in skill usage, which would defeat the purpose of a macro entirely and yes revenant has ports that lets them port through any wall to somewhere that you could walk to without needing to jump, that's pathing my guy, your assassins engineer's issues aren't on me

3.) I think the concept of kiting is lost on you, you swapped to condi virt which heavily relies on blocks and slower ranged animations, why would anyone feed into it unless they wanted to die on a class with low amounts of cleanse, not a macro, along with stealth, the most efficient use of cds is to walk in the opposite direction since you're at range and your only mobility is staff 2 and blink. I'm not obligated to eat your condi virts damage and going out of combat while you're stealthed with torch 4 or mass invis really isn't on me as I have no idea really outside of guess work where you would be when you can clearly still see me, you aren't obligated to feed into my kiting but getting upset at it doesn't mean you win either my guy.

4.)I know this will fall on deaf ear anyways, I'm just bored. I really don't understand why you accuse everyone of hacking the moment you lose or can't win, it's truly painful to watch.You got rolled, and it's really telling you have to insult people's lives outside the game, reference their sensitivity while at the same time blocking and subsequently rage whispering anyone who kills you, and reference contemporary politics because you can't take an L, keep coping.




Edited by Bred.3582
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18 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

Lololol  Epic fail


Trolls are getting  less witty and more stupid on these foruns. Everything I wrote was in plural on the hackers. 


You now changed your position and saying you are a mediocre wvw player who loses an average amount of 1v1s? I mean, you told everyone that you were so pro at 1v1s and suddenly you are fighting armies of hackers all hacking the same way?

Note there is no reason to hack to get into a tower, you just need one person to exploit without hacks and a portal everyone else. Anet probably won't ever touch whoever exploited and certainly won't touch the ones who took the portal.

Edited by Karagee.6830
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1 hour ago, Bred.3582 said:

yes revenant has ports that lets them port through any wall to somewhere that you could walk to without needing to jump, that's pathing my guy, your assassins engineer's issues aren't on me

That reminds me of a soulbeast using Smoke Assault on me as I went up an elevator in desert BL.  He must've been so confused when he also went through the portal because it looked like he was frantically trying to figure out what to do next as allies were squishing him.  Ended up falling to his death.  Maybe he was hacking instead xD

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