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Kind reminder these 2 items still do nothing, despite promised ability to trade them for a currency


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did they really promise to make some use for them? i doubt that, anet loves Wvw players having their small pockets filled with useless stuff. alone the obsidian shard stacks and bloodstune dust etc stacks that i delete over the years x) and yes, i know the bloodstone has a converter, but its a pve one, and i don't bother to get them by doing pve...

same reason why i also didn't make any of my precursor drops into a legendary, i cannot be bothered to do the gift of exploration. hence i got 37 GoBs, 3 or 4 precusors, but not a single legendary weapon :9

same thing with the speartip thingy that drops now and then

and well, the avenger stacks are also a prominent part of the space-wasting, but what can u do about that? we should not have to remind anet about this.


like they gave us nothing for Wvw with the EoD specs directly, outside of the skins from the promotion campaign lol. and the extra loot bot, but eh, that's barely what u can expect from buying an expansion... it doesn't even remotely outweight all the toxic class nerfs that happened recently to PoF specs.

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These are probably coming with the reward reworks, sadly only after Alliances is fully complete and implemented in the game, so it will take a while.
Even if there's no conversion, trading, or anything, maybe they will just remove these from the loot tables, and confirm that we can safely delete them, worst outcome, but anything is better than all those useless items taking space on inventory.

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12 minutes ago, Brandon Uzumaki.1524 said:

These are probably coming with the reward reworks, sadly only after Alliances is fully complete and implemented in the game, so it will take a while.
Even if there's no conversion, trading, or anything, maybe they will just remove these from the loot tables, and confirm that we can safely delete them, worst outcome, but anything is better than all those useless items taking space on inventory.


Potentially but they were added for your Legendary WvW jewelry as well. Wouldn't say useless since they do have rolls to play already. The achievements just roll enough that you get a number more than you need currently. 

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7 hours ago, Hesione.9412 said:

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Emblem_of_the_Avenger is only used to turn the Slumbering Conflux into Conflux. Max two required per player.

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Emblem_of_the_Conqueror still needed, max two required per player.

Max is two Conflux rings.

After I recently made Conflux and how much space that freed up, I wouldn't consider it worthless. Freeing three bank tabs of rings, you can store plenty of stacks of the emblems in its place. Not saying not worthy of an exchange vendor, but worthless goes a bit far.

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5 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

After I recently made Conflux and how much space that freed up, I wouldn't consider it worthless. Freeing three bank tabs of rings, you can store plenty of stacks of the emblems in its place. Not saying not worthy of an exchange vendor, but worthless goes a bit far.

But why would you store them? They're worthless.

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5 minutes ago, Hesione.9412 said:

But why would you store them? They're worthless.


Mostly due to that fact since they are in the War Commendation and Gift of the World. There is a potential for those to be used in other future WvW legendries, so better safe than sorry. I was keeping them before since I figured I had 23 WvW toons to gear out with Leggo gear before the armory was released. 

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2 minutes ago, kamikharzeeh.8016 said:

conflux is highly overpriced compared to how rather cheap u get a two infusioned rings that u can just put a nearly free attune slot on. u don't lose anything from just having ascended 3 slot rings equipped on your chars, idk what inventory space u think u have freed from that but okay.


Assume that was at me. I had three bank tabs of stored ascended rings not on current toons incase of adding another WvW toon or re-gearing one of the builds. After just making the first felt fine in breaking down two of the tabs. To me that made Conflux worth it right there. Once I get the second made will probably break down the rest. Still recommend people do their armor first but once you have the three sets made, the rings are worth it too. But then again I am and alt-o-holic so if adds even more value. 

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i mean, i didn't even bother to make it on my main account. secondary chars on it usually are some meme material, on which i don't care at all if they have now a legendary ring or just randomly dropped 1 slot rings (which u can otherwise not do much with, selling for 4 silver, kekw)

i also never bothered with making the full legy armor sets. i have quite some, i only own most ascended mistforged variants. nothing dies fast anyways these days, the difference in damage is not big enough to make really much difference.

i don't see how alt accounts and legendary items are related. it rather devalues them bc they're obviously not usable cross-account

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