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Need help dodging dragons tooth


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17 hours ago, Serephen.3420 said:

Ranger longbow 2 forces a dodge and has much longer range with no delay.

As ranger main i'd trade RF for DT anytime. You really should be glad ranger does not have access to DT. Just imagine this skill with soulbeast/marks modifiers, which could be easily set up with LB4 ... the crying would be real - and justified.

RF and DT are very different mechanically, a comparison does not really make sense.

Edited by UmbraNoctis.1907
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21 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

As ranger main i'd trade RF for DT anytime. You really should be glad ranger does not have access to DT. Just imagine this skill with soulbeast/marks modifiers, which could be easily set up with LB4 ... the crying would be real - and justified.

RF and DT are very different mechanically, a comparison does not really make sense.

I would be kind of cool if they did indicate projectile with red dots on the ground. Nothing worst then trying to see an small arrow the same coler as the ground come at you from your blind splots.

Its all the same effect realy "dmg" its just some dmg you can see coming with an build in delay others you cant that has no delay. One you have a real time fram to deal with others you have to at best guess. If any thing more skills should at like DT and less skills should act like Rapid Fire. Maybe giving DT an ring that grows before it falls is what you want. I know i would love to see RF get some tell then an hid-able animation on a player though infusion or simple size.

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On 1/4/2023 at 12:55 PM, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

As ranger main i'd trade RF for DT anytime. You really should be glad ranger does not have access to DT. Just imagine this skill with soulbeast/marks modifiers, which could be easily set up with LB4 ... the crying would be real - and justified.

RF and DT are very different mechanically, a comparison does not really make sense.

If you switched LB2 for DT it would be a dream come true for me. I would never have to fear rangers again.

Your bias is showing. You really want DT to be considered op because you can't dodge lol

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6 hours ago, yiksing.9432 said:

Dodge the DT, get fried by scepter #1. This weapon is just well balanced and I’m enjoying it before it eventually gets detuned. 

If you get nuked by an ele autocasting fire 1 you wouldn't have survived even if he was in full minstrel, trust. It's not difficult to counter. Look for fire attunement, save defensives for this attunement, if they don't attune out of fire (or as soon as they do) use your bursts/all the crap every other class gets to have and no one bats an eye. 

Yes cata is overtuned and yes scepter is good but lol

I was expecting different complaints. No mention of water 3 yet surprisingly..

.even tho it's way more op than DT 😹...

Goes to show...



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On 1/4/2023 at 12:55 PM, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

As ranger main i'd trade RF for DT anytime. You really should be glad ranger does not have access to DT. Just imagine this skill with soulbeast/marks modifiers, which could be easily set up with LB4 ... the crying would be real - and justified.

RF and DT are very different mechanically, a comparison does not really make sense.

I would have to reconsider that. Rapid Fire instakills people on warclaw sometimes and ignores aegis due to multi-hit. If Dragon Tooth hits someone that has aegis you do zero damage unless you have Relentless Fire up , a Catalyst-only utility.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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4 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

I would have to reconsider that. Rapid Fire instakills people on warclaw sometimes and ignores aegis due to multi-hit. If Dragon Tooth hits someone that has aegis you do zero damage unless you have Relentless Fire up , a Catalyst-only utility.

If this is the best use / counter offer then I will take the deal to swap both skills in their current form 😄


Edit Just to add to or remind you of what @UmbraNoctis.1907 said, one of the core ways to deal damage on ranger applies to a single hit or uses short period of burst.

Edited by aymnad.9023
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2 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

I would have to reconsider that. Rapid Fire instakills people on warclaw sometimes and ignores aegis due to multi-hit. If Dragon Tooth hits someone that has aegis you do zero damage unless you have Relentless Fire up , a Catalyst-only utility.

It instakills when combined with 30/60s cds against players who don't dodge (and therefore die anyways). And yes, rf isn't completely negated by aegis/blind, but it is by any sort of projectile denial. I'd still take my DT (with the potential to hit for like 20k+ on ranger, mind you - there is a reason ranger has relative low coefficients on single hit burst skills).

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On 1/6/2023 at 3:29 PM, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

It instakills when combined with 30/60s cds against players who don't dodge (and therefore die anyways). And yes, rf isn't completely negated by aegis/blind, but it is by any sort of projectile denial. I'd still take my DT (with the potential to hit for like 20k+ on ranger, mind you - there is a reason ranger has relative low coefficients on single hit burst skills).

When you say 30/60 second CDs, it sounds like a lot, but as someone who has played the build as well, it's not. Plenty of things to do while waiting for a 30s utility and 60s is pretty low for an elite.

Also it is worth mentioning: if I had a nickel for every time I've been unblockable rapid fired I'd be rich. Can't reflect that.

Ive said it already but any ele dumb enough to remain in fire attunement spamming auto and dragons tooth should be an easy target for cc/being bursted down. Cata aura proc is only a few seconds of stab when traited for it. People forget that you can watch someone's buffs/attunes, count cooldowns etc and..you know, counterplay them as a good player does xd

Nvm tho much easier to complain about it instead of learning

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