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Math to back up why Maguuma should go it alone next relink.


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26 minutes ago, Engel.6029 said:

Can you really call it winning if you are spending 56 hours a week in wvw?

I have a crazy newsflash for you.


I play while I’m at work. Things are slow, so to pass the day I play wvw. Imagine getting payed and playing a game you enjoy. I get payed very well I must admit.


So yeah I’d consider that “winning”.


I hope your day is as wonderful as mine is. Thank you.




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Anet doesn't punish a server for it's play style. They never did for BG when they ran round the clock coverage and wiped every map like mag does for ebg now, for SoS that ktrain wipes out an entire time zone for ten years, for Yaks bend sieging up every objectives to the kitten teeth, for when mag or dankhaven were all about the roaming gank life that harassed zerg tails forever, when TC was about the rp life and had their parade smashed by naughty FA one day.


Fact of the matter is, we have people ppting to Tier 1, facing unusual resistance to their ppt trains in Tier 1, complaining they're getting beat in Tier 1. Now come to complain in the forums with 50 different ways to change the game systems and wvw game play just to suit "themselves", because suddenly the rules are not in their favor after they railroaded other servers, just to make the game easier for themselves, and blame everyone else for their failure to pvp, to use proper tactics, map politics, or the flimsy excuse they can't even take a sentry next to spawn.


Anet balances servers to activity numbers, if SoS and BG with links are still rated 10/10 on the full scale, then Mag will also get matched with a link to get them around 10/10. Doesn't matter what zones are involved, or whatever play style is involved, whether that's ppt or ppk or sitting on your wall in smc pretending to scout and repair a wall every 20 mins.


If you want to beat mag then do what they do, throw numbers at them, double team them, don't come complaining about not having numbers, you're in Tier kitten 1, you have more numbers than 10 other servers or you wouldn't be in Tier kitten 1. You being too scared to fight is not a mag problem, you being too scared to log on is not a mag problem, you being too scared to form groups and make that your advantage is not a mag problem, you unwilling to use the same class/spec/builds they use and you have the same access to is not a mag problem.


Maybe instead of asking for mag to lose a link, you should ask for your server to lose their link, so you don't ppt so hard into tier 1 and avoid mag and the top ppt tier. How about that?

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17 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:


Considering timezone as part of matchmaking has been acknowledged going back to some of the earliest Dev posts on WR so I'm not ready yet to proclaim that WR is not going to fix anything with regards to that.


An update from ANet would be nice on the calculations. Last reference I saw this was to be a factor, but not till after launch. I hope you are right and they moved time zone up and is now an attribute and I just missed a post along the way. Will need to go re-read some.

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27 minutes ago, Engel.6029 said:

Just because un-employment makes a deposit every two weeks doesn't mean it's a job.

Sure thing, keep playing and losing for hours for free on your own time. I’ll keep playing and winning and making more then your dad on company time. 

Again, I sincerely hope your day gets better. Mines going great to the tune of a 3 kdr on the clock lmao.



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42 minutes ago, moutzaheadin.4029 said:

I have a crazy newsflash for you.


I play while I’m at work. Things are slow, so to pass the day I play wvw. Imagine getting payed and playing a game you enjoy. I get payed very well I must admit.


So yeah I’d consider that “winning”.


I hope your day is as wonderful as mine is. Thank you.





Ha! Thread done. \o/ I think that is a fair ball.

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3 minutes ago, Engel.6029 said:

If you have an employee playing games 8hrs a day how long would you keep them? 

My previous two jobs I got to play games while working. 

The 1st one my coworker and I made free Stadia accounts and played CoD Zombies and Cyberpunk 2077. 

The 2nd one was a fully remote position. I had work up on one screen and Gw2 on the other lol. 

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23 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Anet doesn't punish a server for it's play style. They never did for BG when they ran round the clock coverage and wiped every map like mag does for ebg now, for SoS that ktrain wipes out an entire time zone for ten years, for Yaks bend sieging up every objectives to the kitten teeth, for when mag or dankhaven were all about the roaming gank life that harassed zerg tails forever, when TC was about the rp life and had their parade smashed by naughty FA one day.


Fact of the matter is, we have people ppting to Tier 1, facing unusual resistance to their ppt trains in Tier 1, complaining they're getting beat in Tier 1. Now come to complain in the forums with 50 different ways to change the game systems and wvw game play just to suit "themselves", because suddenly the rules are not in their favor after they railroaded other servers, just to make the game easier for themselves, and blame everyone else for their failure to pvp, to use proper tactics, map politics, or the flimsy excuse they can't even take a sentry next to spawn.


Anet balances servers to activity numbers, if SoS and BG with links are still rated 10/10 on the full scale, then Mag will also get matched with a link to get them around 10/10. Doesn't matter what zones are involved, or whatever play style is involved, whether that's ppt or ppk or sitting on your wall in smc pretending to scout and repair a wall every 20 mins.


If you want to beat mag then do what they do, throw numbers at them, double team them, don't come complaining about not having numbers, you're in Tier kitten 1, you have more numbers than 10 other servers or you wouldn't be in Tier kitten 1. You being too scared to fight is not a mag problem, you being too scared to log on is not a mag problem, you being too scared to form groups and make that your advantage is not a mag problem, you unwilling to use the same class/spec/builds they use and you have the same access to is not a mag problem.


Maybe instead of asking for mag to lose a link, you should ask for your server to lose their link, so you don't ppt so hard into tier 1 and avoid mag and the top ppt tier. How about that?


I am sticking to it. It's easy to be outraged, hard to be inspired. I hear you.

During the tourni days while on another server had people during server meetings, those were a thing for that server, ask others who is staying up each night to handle coverage. People grumbled at each other and others were quite animate about it. Raised the question, so what happens after? People asked what do you mean. So once all this is done are you going to continue to push those hours? If not why are you trying to drive us higher if we don't have coverage. Replies were why not find a larger guild than and so your not going to push off hours. Said no we weren't. So as time progressed and people enjoyed over night capping the prime time became more outnumbered and people were like where are people. Overnight peeps were like we are handling our part why didn't you all hold our stuff during prime time. We can't we don't have enough were the replies. Kind of had to laugh.

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7 minutes ago, The Raven.1320 said:

My previous two jobs I got to play games while working. 

The 1st one my coworker and I made free Stadia accounts and played CoD Zombies and Cyberpunk 2077. 

The 2nd one was a fully remote position. I had work up on one screen and Gw2 on the other lol. 

7-8hrs a day?

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4 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

I am sticking to it. It's easy to be outraged, hard to be inspired. I hear you.

During the tourni days while on another server had people during server meetings, those were a thing for that server, ask others who is staying up each night to handle coverage. People grumbled at each other and others were quite animate about it. Raised the question, so what happens after? People asked what do you mean. So once all this is done are you going to continue to push those hours? If not why are you trying to drive us higher if we don't have coverage. Replies were why not find a larger guild than and so your not going to push off hours. Said no we weren't. So as time progressed and people enjoyed over night capping the prime time became more outnumbered and people were like where are people. Overnight peeps were like we are handling our part why didn't you all hold our stuff during prime time. We can't we don't have enough were the replies. Kind of had to laugh.

My days on SoS were ocx complaining why NA couldn't ppt enough to push us into T1. They always wanted to go to T1 in those days for whatever reason, to the point the big ocx guild bragged about having 20k gold in reserve to move if they have to. In the back of my head I was thinking, then wtf don't you move then, or pay for guilds to come cover Na. Eventually they did move to BG, after a year of giving kitten to NA for not holding their own, or PST for stealing their content. 🤷‍♂️ 

Dunno why anyone gives a kitten about ppt these days.

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1 minute ago, The Raven.1320 said:


The 1st job my boss spent more time drunk at the strip club than in the office. 

The 2nd one is just the power of having 3 monitors and multiple HDMI ports. 

guys like him that only know how to flip burgers have no concept of having free time on the job. So why bother lol

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3 hours ago, exeggcuter.8394 said:

But! Going back to my original point, and since math seems to rile you guys up more, for w/e reason. Here's another, which is the gist of what's really happening, and why it really is so shamefully simple:

Its not as much as that as you walked into an ongoing conversation. People quite often don't adjust their tactics versus Mag and then pop into the forums and make declarations. That leads to back and fourth that you see. That also leads to over inflation of statements on all ends and various chaos. The irony of it is paper rock scissors in an extreme model. Havoc takes Roamer, Zerg takes Havoc, mass Roamers takes Zerg. RAGE!!! Makes you smack your head. So its more you touched upon a normal ongoing thread.

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10 hours ago, Spiral.3724 said:

I have my main account on YB (paired with Mag). I have never seen such distasteful team chat as I have seen with Mag. I have never reported so many players for verbal abuse and spamming. The chat is full of hostility, childishness, hateful comments, arrogance, ignorance, racism, and flat-out clinical narcissism every single time I log on.

My only account is on YB.  While I'm not in WvW that much, I'm not seeing this type of chat.


What I do see are messages like:


"This is so boring, nothing to do."


"Content -- 3 Reds taking center south flag"

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I guess I should point out the obvious: skill of course does matter. A lot! But when the advantage in numbers gets to a certain point, it stop mattering. How many more players need to move to mag before the mag players admit they have an advantage? Do twice as many people need to move to that server? Ten times as many? A Thousand? Surely there IS a point where you can't deny that's the only reason.

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8 minutes ago, exeggcuter.8394 said:

I think I see what's going on with this ~obs fella. His entire mental psyche is intertwined with WvW. Attacking WvW in any way is an attack on him personally. I've seen it elsewhere when people attach a part of their identity with something outside of themself. We aren't attacking you ~obs, at least I'm not. I'm pointing out a (admittedly way too obvious) problem. nothing against you personally dude. Have a peaceful day.

Na that’s not the case, I just want to give the MAG perspective on most of these topics. If you read these forums and Reddit the list is huge of how many bad things we do. It’s simply not the case. We outplay people. They can’t take it for what it is and make excuses and cry about it on the forums.


So when I read this stuff I like to keep the conversation real. So people that don’t know any better aren’t fooled by the exaggerated list of excuses as to why they lose to MAG.


also thank you, you too.



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Just now, exeggcuter.8394 said:

To the grimm. Hmm I actually wonder what % of people reading this thread sincerely believe that it's got anything to do with something other than pure numbers. I know what I see lol. It's not skill, not really.

Numbers play a big role in all fights. Skill is debatable in a lot of cases. A good roamer might be terribad in a group. A good support might be terrible while not in a group. Pure numbers and coverage will win the day though. Agree there. My current guild jokes me when I drive and say breaking rule #1, which is never leave from the front gate. Developed that when people used to use the tactic on ABL to leave a blocking force at spawn to try and force attackers off the map. Came down to telling people, just use the side exits and hit them in the flank then. People still stuck to the but we need to use the front gate, mean while we would be killing their defenders and taking their backlines while people just keep trying to leave the front exit. People sometimes just don't want to change tactics.

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Just now, exeggcuter.8394 said:

I guess I should point out the obvious: skill of course does matter. A lot! But when the advantage in numbers gets to a certain point, it stop mattering. How many more players need to move to mag before the mag players admit they have an advantage? Do twice as many people need to move to that server? Ten times as many? A Thousand? Surely there IS a point where you can't deny that's the only reason.


I can't speak to what has happened since Mag opened.  But before Mag opened.  IF we assume anet's "average daily play hours to server fullness" algorithm was working properly.  Then Mag had roughly the same average daily play hours as every other Full server.


The reason you saw so many extra players on the mag side was a combination of: 

1. T1 servers tend to have many of their play hours outside NA prime, since it's easier to win the PPT war outside NA prime.

2. For 1-3 years most servers have spent less and less time actively fighting mag, and more time taking the week off any time they face mag.

3. Winning servers pretty much always get bandwagoned on the guest server if it's open, in this case, Yak's Bend.

4. Since the launch of path of fire, allowed the sustain meta to become so strong, it has become less and less worthwhile to play if you are not playing as part of an organized squad.   So most players, especially the type of players willing to "git gud" now only log in when a guild commander they know and trust is running.  If those commanders play less, all players associated with them also play less.  Mag is nearly 100% exempt from this effect.

5. People simply play more when they're winning, and play less when they're losing.


So, while Maguuma absolutely is fielding more numbers at the moment, they do not bear much if any responsibility for it.  It's all on Arenanet.


It's possible that Maguuma being opened has now moved it's average player hours threshold over some limit that triggers the no link state, but I wouldn't count on it.




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31 minutes ago, moutzaheadin.4029 said:

I just want to give the MAG perspective on most of these topics

Sure, but no one really believes you would give a sincere perspective in good faith on the subject because it always sounds like ironic trolling.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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28 minutes ago, Arya Whitefire.8423 said:

2. For 1-3 years most servers have spent less and less time actively fighting mag, and more time taking the week off any time they face mag.

Yes.  Because as servers become ossified over the years, there's been a decrease in the diversity of playstyles available.  Fighting a cloud can be just as boring as fighting a boonball.  When you don't have any options in what you end up fighting, you usually log off instead.  Now those reputations are really snowballing.

Some could argue that Mag's opponents are winning the meta game by logging off and denying Mag players of their fun.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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