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Difficulty progressing personal fractal level

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I'm currently at personal fractal level 45 (Tier 2) and need to complete Fractal 48, 49 and 50 for Fractal Adept achievement.

In order to progress further I need to play the highest fractals of T2. Players seem to mostly play (lower) dailies and I can't see LFG of T3 to join higher fractals that would progress my fractal level.


What is the best way to progress my fractal level? I got a LFG open for "48 49 50 progression" and for 30 mins no player has joined yet. While groups for daily fill in minutes or seconds.

Should I wait for 48 49 and 50 to become daily?

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One thing you can do is ask around in LA for someone to let your group into the tier above, and then complete a low level fractal three times  (it can be the same one over and over again) in order to bump your personal level up to the next tier. I can't say exactly what the frequency of groups marked "progression" is but i do see them so if you list that it might help with filling faster.

IMO doing like T4 solid ocean over and over is easier than trying to power through each level of t3, but then you don't get the experience or reward for completing one of each level. T3 is kind of miserable to play through though so I don't blame anyone trying to get out of it as fast as possible.

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Congrats on getting your Fractals done! I'm just responding in case it helps others with the same problem.

Most groups are put together for the dailies. You will sometimes see other groups fill for achievements, progression, or collections. The time of day also factors into how many groups you'll see at a time (evenings are typically better). You'll probably have more luck on the weekends.


Suggestions on how to progress your personal Fractal level:

1) Gather your friends/Guild to make your own progression group. - Even if you don't have all 5 people, random players are more inclined to join your group when it's close to being full. People don't like waiting. Just trust me on this.

2) Wait until the dailies rotate to your needed Fractals. - It will happen if you're willing to wait a few days.

3) Join groups that are doing Fractals higher than you need. - As Vidit mentioned above, you don't have to run your current Fractal level. Completing any Fractal at or above your personal Fractal level will increase the number. If you have the appropriate Agony resist, you can join other groups in higher Fractals even if you can't personally make the group yourself.


Edited by JSmooth.7654
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On 2/2/2023 at 1:02 PM, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

I'm currently at personal fractal level 45 (Tier 2) and need to complete Fractal 48, 49 and 50 for Fractal Adept achievement.

In order to progress further I need to play the highest fractals of T2. Players seem to mostly play (lower) dailies and I can't see LFG of T3 to join higher fractals that would progress my fractal level.


What is the best way to progress my fractal level? I got a LFG open for "48 49 50 progression" and for 30 mins no player has joined yet. While groups for daily fill in minutes or seconds.

Should I wait for 48 49 and 50 to become daily?

Glad you made progress, but yes, daily or recommended fractals are the best/easiest way to do it. 

The strategy I used was that I would get my AR up to the max of the tier that I wanted to progress, then just join daily groups. 90% of the time, someone else who joined had the fractal level needed to do it and my fractal rank would just gradually go up. T3 is a slog. hang in there, t4 is better (though you have to follow normal boon support/DPS builds for a chosen class, below t4, you're just getting people to fill and using the strongest character you have that can do a combination of damage/surivial and support for team mates), and right now, i think fractals are the funnest PVE in the game, the progression you can make in the game mode just feels nice after you get pots and account upgrades. I think it's sad they're kind of overlooked. 

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11 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

I think you can join higher tier groups in LFG a few lvls before you max the previous tier. Not 100% sure about this.

You can the problem is you cant see the higher tiers so you have to lfg for an opener to unlock the higher tier lfg sections untill you stop playing for the session.

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