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Give Meteor Shower Burning


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7 hours ago, the krytan assassin.9235 said:

Sure they could just increase the dmge coefficients, but with all the uproar about a skill that literally prepares you 2 sec in advance to Dodge its attack (DT) i don't think such massive dmge boosts would be welcomed by the pvp community. 

You dont even need to really dodge it. You just walk out of it cause theres a delay before the first meteor even hits. 

The meteor hate is really just to protect the gvg boon balls. 

Staff in PvP is nothing but just a utility ever since they removed Celestial. 

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12 hours ago, Bunny.9834 said:

The meteor hate is really just to protect the gvg boon balls. 

There is a balance split system if that was the case. Yet they butchered MS in all game modes. IMO MS should be a "doom" type of ability with a lot of dps IF you manage to cast it. In pvp like literary if enemy team lets a staff ele freecast MS they should be punished for it. Same goes for Wvw (especially since boon ball meta makes the game stagnant). There should always be dangerous builds/classes that can do a lot of damage, but at the cost of being really fragile (which it already was before the major nerfs). Like literary 90% of staff eles were insta downed by a single ranger LB 2. That also allowed rangers to be usefull for sniping dangerous targets unlike now. 

As for pve. I think anet still has ptsd from 65k-70k dps tempests during HOT era. Although i do think its perfectly ok to buff MS in the current meta. 

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On 2/11/2023 at 2:43 AM, Kodama.6453 said:

It's still is an amazing skill for zerg fights in WvW, tbh.

That's true for any ranged AoE, just the nature of blob fights. If you get close to the blob you insta-die so people stay stacked for boons and cleanse and take potshots from a distance. WvW should not be the reason that meteor shower, revenant hammer, warrior rifle, deadeye rifle etc have to suffer in PvE and PvP. Totally different applications. Just split the skills.

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19 minutes ago, Anonynja.3172 said:

That's true for any ranged AoE, just the nature of blob fights. If you get close to the blob you insta-die so people stay stacked for boons and cleanse and take potshots from a distance. WvW should not be the reason that meteor shower, revenant hammer, warrior rifle, deadeye rifle etc have to suffer in PvE and PvP. Totally different applications. Just split the skills.

Just to clarify something: I think it needs improvements in PvP, the skill is definitely lackluster there.

But OP just said "in competitive modes". And how I understand it, WvW is included in these competitive modes and therefore I was just pointing out that the skill is fine in WvW, since it serves a clear role there as a nuke in zerg fights.

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The damage nerf should be reversed (reversed not reverted). It's a weird skill because instead of becoming more effective the longer you can maintain the channel and keep the enemy in the area of effect, it becomes worse. Imo it would work a lot better as something akin to an overload that ramps up over a duration and then rewards the ele for being able to pull off the full cast.

Edited by Sweetbread.3678
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2 hours ago, Sweetbread.3678 said:

The damage nerf should be reversed (reversed not reverted). It's a weird skill because instead of becoming more effective the longer you can maintain the channel and keep the enemy in the area of effect, it becomes worse. Imo it would work a lot better as something akin to an overload that ramps up over a duration and then rewards the ele for being able to pull off the full cast.

i think its a bit hard to say that since meteor shower already has a ~1s pre-meteorfall cast time (+1s before the first meteor actually hits) that should be rewarded, and that continuing the channel is still better dps on average than going back to lobbing fireballs in pve (assuming target stays in aoe) because what else is a power-based staff elementalist going to do

im assuming this comes with some rework because simply reversing it (20% first hit and +10% for each consecutive hit up to 100%) would be garbage against smaller targets which only take ~7 hits from a full cast for 350% total, while a huge hitbox would take all 24 for 2040% (currently its 490% vs 840%). the original purpose of diminishing returns was to reduce discrepency between hitbox sizes and this does the complete opposite 🤔 its also why reverting isnt really an option either since thats 700% vs 2400%

im all for a rework for that matter, another issue i have with it is that even after a 4s cast, its a lingering aoe that needs to be relevant for 5-8s after (its affected by quickness ?what?) to get full value

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3 hours ago, Sweetbread.3678 said:

Imo it would work a lot better as something akin to an overload that ramps up over a duration and then rewards the ele for being able to pull off the full cast.

Which would make it even worse, cause even a dumb mob can get out of range of ur MS in a sec or so. Imagine pulling this off in Wvw or Pvp. 
The only viable (not perfect, but viable) options would be to turn MS into a giant damaging fire field like GoTS (fire). Or make it a single big meteor that hits in one instance of damage. That way anet could address the issue of MS overperforming on large hitboxes and underperforming on small ones. 

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I didn't expect anyone to take reversing the damage literally when that would obviously be a completely worthless skill. What I mean is that it should ramp up to a significant payoff instead of ramping down to a tickle. While yeah you do get a few seconds bonus duration for finishing the full cast right now, it's also paired with significantly diminished damage and is basically useless on anything but a giant stationary boss. It's just an incredibly wonky and counterintuitive skill.

Honestly the skill needs a total rework. Imo, get rid of the individual meteor aoes, have the damage and area grow the longer you channel it, then give it a real payoff at the end that isn't just a few extra seconds of tickle damage that's probably gonna be walked out of anyway, something like a GW1 style meteor at the end that stuns and has a blast finisher or something.

Edited by Sweetbread.3678
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given peoples experiences related to overloads and its long castime/interruptibility, i think that ramp down is actually one of the better features of meteor shower, especially considering that its a stationary cast on very often a glassy setup. perhaps it is better to think of it as a 1s cast, but you get rewarded for spending additonal time in animation (will reiterate that even last second spent casting is still better than going back to fireball spam). small targets rarely get hit enough times to reach tickle dmg (while also requiring a longer channel to get hit enough times for that to matter due to rng), while big hitboxes get hit a lot which all add up anyway

a different approach that could possibly work is if the meteorfall time was drastically shortened, and the "first" meteor (the one that deals 100% dmg) also inflicts knockdown for a short duration. i believe the tickle portion of the skill would also feel a little less bad if it was more obvious that many instances of it happen and clearly looks better than fireball spam when squished together in a shorter timeframe

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45 minutes ago, Noodle Ant.1605 said:

a different approach that could possibly work is if the meteorfall time was drastically shortened, and the "first" meteor (the one that deals 100% dmg) also inflicts knockdown for a short duration. i believe the tickle portion of the skill would also feel a little less bad if it was more obvious that many instances of it happen and clearly looks better than fireball spam when squished together in a shorter timeframe

I did that in Beta (fell fast af) and every physical meteor knocked down. A little over the top and it was quickly nerfed (despite it and Dragon's Tooth being a l2p issue) but man what a time to shine. That's where the Ele hatred already began.

Nostalgia trip over...

I prefer to full cast being old school I guess and pulling it off safely in WvW (I'm fairly glassy) takes a combo of trigger burning retreat > start channel > lightning flash > switch to air and hope someone in our cloud has managed to CC a few targets - only to see, blocked - barrier - some numbers - smaller numbers - smallest numbers is kinda meh. Main reason I'm even running Staff Cata is so I can weave in Relentless Fire so MS is unblockable and some interplay with air sphere quickness + static field > fire + MS.

Anyway I'm waffling on - our pinnacle Staff skill just feels outdated after a decade of "adjustments".


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