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Help me pick a fun class please


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Hello, I'm a returning player who started a brand new account along with a friend. I love that so much has changed!

Previously, I played Necro, which I enjoyed (besides those instan kick necro parties hahaha).This time, I am looking to play something that is more challenging. I'm only interested in pve, and have both expansions.

I initially wanted to try warrior, as melee combat sounds like a challenge, but I read on reddit that warrior is the easiest class that facetanks everything. After trying, Im not sure if I agree, but maybe it'd change with the elite specializations. The other classes I'm looking at are Elementalist and Mesmer.

So, could you please give me some advice on the current difficulty of the 3 classes?

Thanks a lot!

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I believe it is hardly possible to give you "an advice", because you will get as many recommendation as existing opinions, since preferred class is entirely a matter of taste. At the top of it, the question is not only "what class" but also "what way to play with this class", because for each profession there are different weapons, different builds, non-elites + 2 elites, and therefore many different way to play for one class. Crazy! :)

Personally, my biggest fun is with mesmers. I have 4 of them and each has different build, so that I play completely differently with each of them. Next are the necros: I have then 2, one reaper (for PvE an raids) and one scourge (for fractal). Rangers would be next: I have 2 (longbow, shortbow) and last would be elem (one staff, one 2 x daggers). After those main, for the other classes I like less, I had to find a builds suiting me. That's how I have - for example - an engineer playing 2 x pistols with gyro elite, that is quite funny to use! The list of the others would be too long, I stop here. All that to explain: There are so many options possible! Each of us has his/her own preferences. We can only share with what we have the biggest fun, but if this will be valid for you? Not sure...

My suggestion would be: Try a bit of everything and find out what suits you the most. :)

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@Kamehameha.4301 said:Hello, I'm a returning player who started a brand new account along with a friend.

Please don't take it personally, but account sharing is not allowed by the user agreement. It is not like they will actively shut you down, but when there are issues, they might need to delete the account as nobody can prove ownership. Just giving you a fair warning so you can change the arrangement with your friend now, when it is fresh.

To answer your question. Warrior is indeed a fairly easy class. Elementalist and mesmer are more challenging. Mesmer specifically has a steep learning curve, and only gets really strong when you have access to max level (or near max level) stats and options.

Elementalist is a glasscanon like class. It is very strong, but very vulnerable class and require a lot of work to make it work. But when it does, it is very rewarding.

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@Kamehameha.4301 said:Hello, I'm a returning player who started a brand new account along with a friend. I love that so much has changed!

Previously, I played Necro, which I enjoyed (besides those instan kick necro parties hahaha).This time, I am looking to play something that is more challenging. I'm only interested in pve, and have both expansions.

I initially wanted to try warrior, as melee combat sounds like a challenge, but I read on reddit that warrior is the easiest class that facetanks everything. After trying, Im not sure if I agree, but maybe it'd change with the elite specializations. The other classes I'm looking at are Elementalist and Mesmer.

So, could you please give me some advice on the current difficulty of the 3 classes?

Thanks a lot!

I picked up mirage a little over 2 weeks ago and I really enjoy it. You have basically no healing capability, so it's all about actively avoiding damage by using your skills. I like to illustrate my points with videos, so here's a good example of how it works in actual gameplay:

If you watch the beginning of the video, it isn't until a good 25 seconds after I engage the boss that I even take any damage! By that time, the boss is already down to 74% health!

By contrast, here is a video of my healer elementalist running zealot (power/precision/healing) gear against the Zintl Inquisitor. This build has low-moderate damage, can't take a hit any better than a glass build, but heals back any damage I do take rapidly. It's considerably slower than the mirage (I have a video up on my channel of the mirage doing the same boss in under 2 minutes, without having to deal with respawns), but quite a bit more forgiving since just about any mistake you make can be almost instantly healed back as long as it doesn't kill you!

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Like @Dreamy Lu.3865 says, you'll get as many recommendations as you have options, probably plus a few for things you don't mention. (I prefer Elementalist of the three you list.) What I'd actually recommend is that you try each of them out with your Level 80 Boost. That's not permanent until you accept it, so you can run each base profession around the Silverwastes for a while to try them out and see which you like best, and re-roll until you're happy. It won't let you try the elite specs, but it'll at least give you some idea of what you'd be building on.

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@Kamehameha.4301 said:Thanks a lot for the suggestions guys!And no worries, when I said I started with a friend, I meant in separate account :)

When I was going to pick elementalist, but after seeing that mirage vid, not sure anymore haha.

Time to try both a bit more

Sorry I didn't have any videos of weaver. I haven't found my thing with that spec yet and mirage has been occupying my time lately. But if you want more complexity in your class design, I'd say mesmer and ele are good picks! They both play fast and have lots of tricks up their sleeves.

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Both Mesmer and Elementalist are classes that are consistently challenging to play. Core Mesmer has a ton of utility, Chrono is great with buffs, and Mirage is a DPS spec; so it gives a good spread of use cases that go well with a partner to play with. Elementalist has more combat versatility, with tons of options in Core, Tempest and Weaver.

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What kind of things do you like to do in the game? Just flat open world? Jumping puzzles? Mesmer is great for aiding others and the mirage spec allows you to move through content. Aside from the new elite specialization I found damage and combat rather slow/bland personally. The new weaver spec gives you a lot of options and buttons to mash. My only concern is the low HP, but you can remedy that with some gear that isn't just glass cannon.

Personally, my necro is still my go-to. Followed by Revenant-Renegade. I can provide support, heals, flat damage, power or condition. Condition is the best performer damage wise, but depending on what you're doing a power build may be better suited. I find this class a lot of fun and versatile.

If you're concerned with burning your booster, I suggest WvW as Scourge. You accumulate Tomes of Knowledge very quickly there and WvW isn't nearly as intense as small scale PvP. I have over a 100 tomes and I just did WvW off and on over the Thanksgiving holiday.

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