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Why Don't Necros Fear People Off Cliffs Anymore?


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Like I've said in other posts, I originally left in 2015.... but back then this was normal....


Attacking hills from cata wall/cliff side.  We'd have to be really watchful because of the terror of necros basically chain fearing you off the cliff to your death.... but it was entertaining.  Whether you used ventrilo or whatever communication outlet, you would hear peope laugh as they got feared and plummeted to their death. 


It was always so entertaining.  So what gives? 

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Fear is just not as effective anymore compared to the pulls necromancer has, you would need proper duration buffs to have at least 2-3s fear and perfect positioning also the enemy has to be close enough to the edge which they usually aren't.


By comparison, spectral grasp 1200 range 5 target pull that you don't even have to aim or target for. And on reaper GS 5 grasping darkness another 5 target 900 range pull.


So for instance if enemy is attacking hills cata spot:

  1. Stand on the corner bit of the wall at north -> enter shroud -> activate stability skill 3
  2. Shroud 2 off the wall so you are closest to the cliff in least amount of time.
  3. Activate spectral walk on the edge.
  4. Jump off the edge while casting spectral grasp, if you do it right you'll get up to 5 kills. If you want loot you have to have deathly chill trait enabled so the chill from grasp applies a bleed stack and actually tags them.
  5. Once that's done, spectral walk back up to the cliff. Maybe wait a few seconds in case they camp the edge to bomb you.
  6. Turn your back to the cliff, activate GS5 while walking backwards off the edge at the same time. (Same with grasp, deathly chill trait applies a bleed stack and gives kill credit.)
  7. If successful you'll have killed a maximum of 10 people given perfect circumstances. Usually you'll get 3-5 kills.

I came back to wvw 3 months ago or so, have only been playing reaper because the boonball fights these days put me to sleep. Now i can still pull half a "fight guild" off the cliff and then they'll hunt me down later and throw siege or jump on my corpse. But hey, more salt for the salt gods.


So yeah you can still have fun with it, i'd just not recommend using fear but pulls instead. Just accept that every enemy guild in your matchup is going to chase you for the remainder of that matchup. At least in EU they are not very "entertained" by it these days. So if you are on the attacking side, make sure you have that perma stability and hug your guild tight 😛


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9 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

Like I've said in other posts, I originally left in 2015.... but back then this was normal....


Attacking hills from cata wall/cliff side.  We'd have to be really watchful because of the terror of necros basically chain fearing you off the cliff to your death.... but it was entertaining.  Whether you used ventrilo or whatever communication outlet, you would hear peope laugh as they got feared and plummeted to their death. 


It was always so entertaining.  So what gives? 

I post a few of fears off walls but pulls are the thing.



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11 hours ago, Obe.4283 said:

So for instance if enemy is attacking hills cata spot:

  1. Stand on the corner bit of the wall at north -> enter shroud -> activate stability skill 3
  2. Shroud 2 off the wall so you are closest to the cliff in least amount of time.
  3. Activate spectral walk on the edge.
  4. Jump off the edge while casting spectral grasp, if you do it right you'll get up to 5 kills. If you want loot you have to have deathly chill trait enabled so the chill from grasp applies a bleed stack and actually tags them.
  5. Once that's done, spectral walk back up to the cliff. Maybe wait a few seconds in case they camp the edge to bomb you.
  6. Turn your back to the cliff, activate GS5 while walking backwards off the edge at the same time. (Same with grasp, deathly chill trait applies a bleed stack and gives kill credit.)
  7. If successful you'll have killed a maximum of 10 people given perfect circumstances. Usually you'll get 3-5 kills.

I came back to wvw 3 months ago or so, have only been playing reaper because the boonball fights these days put me to sleep. Now i can still pull half a "fight guild" off the cliff and then they'll hunt me down later and throw siege or jump on my corpse. But hey, more salt for the salt gods.



This is the way. Air keep in desert BL also has some really good spots for pulls in outer areas. I've gotten like 1 fear kill for every 50 pull kills because fear is far too short in duration and much more easily countered than pulls. To get good fear duration you need to run the fear trait (which iirc is either in a traitline that doesn't match up well with most of the builds or is competing against much better options), but even then fear can easily be stunbroken. 

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