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I've Become more Unga Bunga with Age

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1 hour ago, idpersona.3810 said:

100% 😁

older here and been playing since 80s.  20s - early 30s i was seriously optimising everything but later when demands on life got higher i switched to GW2 where i don't have to keep up with the latest dmg meter parse records and can enjoy content without the mad rush to be 'meta'.  Now I still optimise builds but i do it at my own leisure primarily for PVP and WVW.  PVE I have a number of builds that all do fine as I avoids raiding.  


Key takeaway is that GW2 and its horizontal gameplay is awesome, I would really hate to play in other games where you constantly need to uprade to the next +X power level or suffers the consequences.

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It isn't necessarily directly bound to age, might as well be looking for a change of pace. If you tryhard rotations and constantly chase meta picks for a long time, it can easly wear you down with time, so a swap to more simplistic solutions is refreshing and suddenly kind of interesting when compared to what one was doing this whole time.

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I remember trying Ele like 5000 times and deleting it because people kept mentioning rotation. I made one last week and it ended up being my favorite class because all I do is use staff and go with it. Don't care about Meta, I'm too casual, I just wanna have fun and kill all the things!

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1 hour ago, Kain.9136 said:

I remember trying Ele like 5000 times and deleting it because people kept mentioning rotation. I made one last week and it ended up being my favorite class because all I do is use staff and go with it. Don't care about Meta, I'm too casual, I just wanna have fun and kill all the things!

I've had an Ele for 10 years now and haven't played it much (I've just left it Alt-parked). Maybe I'll go back and give it a real try. Running core with Staff or an Elite spec?


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14 hours ago, Kain.9136 said:

I remember trying Ele like 5000 times and deleting it because people kept mentioning rotation. I made one last week and it ended up being my favorite class because all I do is use staff and go with it. Don't care about Meta, I'm too casual, I just wanna have fun and kill all the things!

I have the lore keepers staff and really love it, but rarely used staff for all the typical reasons.

A little while back my daughter got back into story and I accompanied her through it. I grabbed my opportunity to sit back and just meteor shower and healing rain my way through.

Switched back to Sc/F tempest when we got to some of the more challenging HoT content, but it was good to feel like a proper wizard for a bit.

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On 3/13/2023 at 8:34 PM, McFly.2134 said:

Hi Folks.  Recently returned to the game after a several years hiatus.  I have several characters on my account at various progression, but decided to research a bit on just starting another character over from scratch.  I'm coming to a weird realization that the older I get, I think that I'm becoming much more Unga Bunga Caveman.  


I have fond early-GW2 2012 memories of playing high-intensity Mesmer build for WvW maximizing APM, being a sweaty nail-biter.  The last few days I'm reviewing builds of different classes seeing an insane amount of rotations, and all I can think of is how much of a chore it would be.  Like a choreographed dance you repeat over and over for thousands of hours.  The more and more I research, the more I just want to start a Warrior or Revenant class and just whack things like a caveman.  I turned 40 late last year and wonder if it is a product of my age, or if I just care a lot less about being "optimal".  


Anyone else feel the same way?  

Shout Reaper is fun in fractals, 2 shouts with instant cast, chilled to the bone for good damage and stability, Go into shroud and brrrrrr.

Start casting Elite , YAAW and Suffer. go shroud and spin.

YAAW hits well and gives you a lot of might, Suffer is both damage and condi cleanse. On top of all these, they also siphon life with trait. So you can carry any fractal group to boss.

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On 3/14/2023 at 11:27 AM, Vayne.8563 said:

I don't think it's purely age related either.  But I know that at 24 I had far less responsibility, no family, no one to care for but myself, and I was able to play for hours, and learn everything without nothing distracting me that was more important than game.  By the time I was forty I was working too many hours a week, I had a family to take care of, and the amount of spare energy I had was much less. As time goes on, for many people (obviously not all) the attention you have to split amongst your various responsibilities increases.  At one point I was looking to be competitive and burn off steam. At the other end I was looking for something to relax and not put too much pressure on me. I was competitive enough at work.

It's obviously not just age, but even when you're talking about age, it's not just age.  There are 24 year olds with great responsibilty too. I just think the odds are as you get older, you end up having to re-assess some priorities.

I might be a bit of an exception in that respect. I quit Ultima Online when I was 16 or 17 because I couldn't commit the time it needed, especially being able to be online for a few hours at a time on the same days every week so I could meet up and play with the same people. What I'm doing has changed over time, but I can't remember a time I didn't have other demands on my time and attention, beyond the odd day here and there.

I've actually had some people tell me I should get a job with a more predictable schedule and less travel so I can make more time for gaming, but I think I'd hate that. I think I'd also hate having to worry about hitting benchmarks and using skills in the right order and all of that, so being a casual player definitely works for me.

Although I did recently discover I've been doing WvW on a character with no sigils or infusions and 2 exotic accessories I'd forgotten to upgrade, so I think I could do a bit better at optimising things. 😆

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On 3/13/2023 at 1:34 PM, McFly.2134 said:

Hi Folks.  Recently returned to the game after a several years hiatus.  I have several characters on my account at various progression, but decided to research a bit on just starting another character over from scratch.  I'm coming to a weird realization that the older I get, I think that I'm becoming much more Unga Bunga Caveman.  


I have fond early-GW2 2012 memories of playing high-intensity Mesmer build for WvW maximizing APM, being a sweaty nail-biter.  The last few days I'm reviewing builds of different classes seeing an insane amount of rotations, and all I can think of is how much of a chore it would be.  Like a choreographed dance you repeat over and over for thousands of hours.  The more and more I research, the more I just want to start a Warrior or Revenant class and just whack things like a caveman.  I turned 40 late last year and wonder if it is a product of my age, or if I just care a lot less about being "optimal".  


Anyone else feel the same way?  

http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAIl7lFw0YXMMGKO+OtpUA-z1IY6om/UaRIUrCoCJQNjAVdICye4tkymGA-w if you want to walk all over pve and are okay with doing okayish damage I recommend this warrior build.it doesn't hit the hardest but you can outlive most things in pve if you spread out the shouts and stroll calmly through most maps even as pocket raptors try to get in your way you can simply step over them with this build. A cheaper variant I would recommend full soldiers stats main power vital then toughness. Sentinels gives more health but less damage. But it shall be the unga to thy bunga 👌

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On 3/13/2023 at 12:34 PM, McFly.2134 said:

Anyone else feel the same way?  

I have one of each profession because of this. Sometimes you wanna shoot stuff. Sometimes you wanna melt their face off. Other times you just wanna hit it with a really big stick.

Just need variety.

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