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Oh to have your post Banned to: [Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]

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36 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

It's the one thread Devs state they read.

Oh they said they will read?? 😂🤣

To me that topic is GW2 Discussion section unofficial rubbish bin and ANet Devs have time to prowl through rubbish bin? Yes I have plenty of QoL suggestions but knowing that they will all ended up in the bin, so bleh why bother to post.

Edited by Min Min.9368
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  Literally the first few words of your suggestion

On 3/25/2023 at 1:09 AM, Sreoom.3690 said:

I know this is a first World issue

Seriously, what were you expecting to happen? ANet assembling an emergency-meeting with its top-developers and you as their special guest? Sorry to burst your bubble, but they do not talk to us.

When we make a suggestion or report a bug/exploit and they think it matters, they take care of it. The quickest response I ever saw was < 8 hours from post to the patch. Usually it takes up to several weeks, months or even years. But even if they do that, they NEVER give you any credit.

You have received 4 thumbs up from random players already, which is significantly more than most posts ever receive which are moved to the list. So your post will draw more attention anyway. 

I do not think your post is bad. Of all the things mentioned in the listing-thread, this has high chance to get fixed some day. But I would not camp in front of the clock waiting for it to happen. 

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It's pretty easy to understand why they'd want to keep all the suggestions in one place.  Scan through the forum and check out how many merged threads there are.  Now, imagine that these were, at one point, probably 4 or maybe 5 threads per merged topic, and imagine what happens to a suggestion post that gets a few hits, but not much else in the way of interaction, and winds up one or two pages back in the first couple of days.  Don't let a server crash, or other very real problem arise in the interim, or it could wind up 10 pages back, never to be seen by a dev, or even a moderator.

Back in my forum mod days, on another MMO, we called that "keeping all the looneys in the same place", because some of the suggestions were, quite frankly, just bad.  That's not always the case but keeping them all in one pinned thread means that they're readily accessible when someone is looking to see what's going on, especially when it's someone that can make changes, or push for them to be made in an official capacity.  So, if it happens that something you suggest gets moved to the pinned thread, be grateful, at least you know it's always on the first page, instead of being buried in the annals of time, never to be seen again.

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I can imagine it makes it easier for Anet to find suggestions, but it also kills any opportunity to discuss and refine them.

If you think your suggestions are perfect and self-explainatory and all that's needed is for Anet to read and implement them I suppose it might work (although there's no guarentee that will happen), but if you want to discuss it with other players, to improve on the idea, to make sure what you're suggesting is clear, or to gather support to show it's something which is actually wanted by more than 1 person then it doesn't work at all. Being moved to that thread is the end of other players being able to discuss your idea without the posts getting jumbled together and interspaced with entirely different suggestions which makes the discussion almost impossible to follow (especially since the quote function doesn't nest quotes so you can't even keep a conversation together that way). That's assuming other players read your post at all.

I've been on forums where very long topics like that can work. Some go for hundreds of pages and cover dozens of different conversations around the same general topic. But that's on forums with a lot fewer regular users and less activity, so it's unlikely two conversations will overlap. If one conversation starts to overwhelm the thread the mods will usually split it off or ask the posters to make a dedicated thread for it.

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