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Is it possible to fly the skyscale or the griffon if you can only use 1 arm/hand

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The title is pretty self-explanatory.  I had a stroke that made me paralyzed on my left side. I play the game PvE using a gaming mouse and key-binds for the extra buttons. 1-5 are the weapon skills just as you see them on the action bar. button 6 jumps, no heal or special action key.  I am using the razer naga pro. Does anyone have an idea that can help me? I would like to get the Skyscale or Griffon

Thanks in advance

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I never tried, but it should be possible to use the skyscale with your setting: in the end, you basically use W and space/jump to gain height, and you don't have to use them necessarily at the same time. If you want to sprint (not mandatory), you can use the right click (or bind the action to another key, if you already use the left+right click to move).

The griffon on the other hand, it's way more difficult to maneuver, as it requires to press spacebar/jump while you fly, at the same time. Plus, it's a way faster mount, more difficult to control. I'd suggest the skyscale, as it's slower/easier to control, and you can basically replace all the other mounts (apart from the skimmer), so you will potentially free up some key binds.

The main problem could be the achievements to get the skyscale: while most of them are simply scavenger quests, there is a part where you have to play some minigame with the baby skyscale. I'll gladly help if it's possible to do it in two. But I don't know if it's possible.

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Both mounts can be controlled with just movement, jump and the 1 skill for their engage attacks (and that's optional). So if you're able to move your character, fight and jump you'll be able to use the skyscale and griffon with the same controls.

They do each have additional skills, but those are optional and the skyscales can be used when you're not doing anything else, so you could activate them by clicking or moving your hand to the keyboard if you wanted to.

The griffon has a dive skill, which sends it straight down, gaining speed. After using it they can glide faster and go further before losing height. It also has a climb skill which can only be used after diving, which regains the lost height (if you've picked up enough speed you can actually gain height) at a slight loss to speed. They're only required for the griffon adventures, and outside of that only useful for getting to your destination slightly faster (if you started with enough height to dive).

The skyscale has a dash/barrel roll skill which makes it move slightly faster for a few seconds, and a descend skill which makes it fly straight down. You can fly down anyway by pointing the camera in that direction and moving forward, but hovering and descending makes precise landings easier. But since you'll have stopped moving at that point you can just click the icon on screen to descend instead of using a button.

So you might find other people with the same mounts are able to move faster than you can, but you will be able to use both.

(Long-term, if you can afford it, I recommend looking into alternative inputs for your computer. There's a lot of interesting options out there these days. This article might be a good starting point, or just search for things like 'one handed gaming'.)

Edited by Danikat.8537
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Yes it is possible to control the Skyscale with 1 hand without ever using mouse keys. I am a southpaw (left-handed) and I control my Skyscale and all other mounts with my right hand using keys on the number pad on right side of keyboard.  I have mine set up so that the 0/ins key makes Skyscale go up in air and the up arrow key is set to make Skyscale go forward, and the left arrow key makes Skyscale Dash, and the down arrow key makes Skyscale go backwards, and the right arrow key makes Skyscale come down and land I do it all just using my right hand and it works great. The same keys also work on my characters and is how I make them move instead of using wasd. My left hand is on mouse, and I use it for my weapon skills.  It's just a matter of going into control options in game and setting keys up on number pad to what you want.  I also have 1-5 keys on number pad set up for weapon skills and 6 key is healing skills and 7-0 is Utility skills though most the time I just use mouse for using skills. I actually bought a left-handed keyboard and hate it and cannot use it I have had this set up on a right-handed keyboard so long that a left-handed keyboard is weird even though I am left-handed.


Edited by Gypsyrose.5736
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35 minutes ago, Gypsyrose.5736 said:

I actually bought a left-handed keyboard and hate it and cannot use it I have had this set up on a right-handed keyboard so long that a left-handed keyboard is weird even though I am left-handed.

It's probably because you're used to the right-handed ones. I'm left-handed too and back when I was in college one teacher noticed and very enthusiastically insisted I must use the one designated left-handed computer in the IT room. It had one of those keyboards and the mouse buttons were reversed and I couldn't use it. Maybe if I'd had time to get used to it, but I'd been using right-handed ones for years at that point and did it without really thinking about it. I struggled with it for a few minutes then asked to move back to a right-handed computer. I think she was quite disappointed, I suspect she'd set it up and had been waiting for an oppertunity to make a student use it, but I just wanted to be able to do my work.

I use the number pad for skills too and I actually find it more convenient to have it on the far side from my mouse. It means I can put the keyboard in front of me and have both arms pretty much straight when I'm playing.

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Yep, I agree number pad is convenient. I have been playing online games for about 22 years and the whole time been doing it on a right-handed keyboard. The number pad works great it's a small area so I can pretty much do everything without hardly moving my hand lol. Only thing I use F keys for is each mount has a F key, so I hit F1 for Skyscale  F 2 is Raptor F3 is Springer F4 is Skimmer F5 is Jackal F6 is Griffon F7 is Roller beetle F8 is Warclaw and F9 is Siege Turtle. So, the only time I have to hit a F key is to draw or change mount. Other than that, my hand stays on number pad and the up/down/left/right arrows which I use for moving around instead of wasd.

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7 hours ago, Pavlov.8912 said:

The title is pretty self-explanatory.  I had a stroke that made me paralyzed on my left side. I play the game PvE using a gaming mouse and key-binds for the extra buttons. 1-5 are the weapon skills just as you see them on the action bar. button 6 jumps, no heal or special action key.  I am using the razer naga pro. Does anyone have an idea that can help me? I would like to get the Skyscale or Griffon

Thanks in advance

Yes, you can use "autorun" while on mounts allowing you to control them entirely with one hand. The dodge key is used for most of their abilities, and the skyscale simply moves in 3D space meaning you can enable action cam (FPS mode) and then just aim your mouse around to wherever you want to go.


In fact as a disabled player I highly recommend just learning to play with action cam all the time, this will help you to avoid alot of uneccesary button presses since its just point and shoot. It works really well with ranged classes like Deadeye, Ranger or Machinist.


I don't recommend the griffon as its an advanced mount that needs alot of control to use.


On a related note, I would consider investing in a cheap set of USB foot pedals. I recommend this to pretty much anyone who is disabled, and you can still control both with only one foot (you say you're paralysed on the left side, so I assume your right foot still works?). This gives you two extra buttons that can either be used for strafing, dodge rolling or for skill usage. Some pedals even have three pads.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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2 minutes ago, VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. said:

get yourself the razer naga. Now you get 12 keys on the side of the mouse, easily controlled by your thumb. You still have two normal mouse buttons, plus the wheel. So that alone gives you 17 different inputs. Which would be enough to cover all skills, camera movement and movement. 

OP said they use the razer naga already.

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I think it should be no problem.

You can bind mount abilities separately from character controls so even if a mouse button is already taken for character action, it doesnt clash with mount action.

I actually already do this some extent. I like to have movement, dodging skills on my mouse (right hand) so my left hand is as free as possible for other skills. 

You can also test it. Skyscale you can anyway test in Dragonfall and you will use it before you unlock it anyway. Griffon I can't remember from the top of my head if you can test it in the game right now. It should be available during four winds festival Griffon race (not 100% sure). But I am sure you can use Griffon with 1 hand if you can already move your character decently well. It doesn't have a lot of control buttons, its just how you use those buttons.

Just a tip for Griffon. You shouldn't use the attack (default 1) to dive with Griffon. You should use dedicated mount skill which you can just bind over some character skill button and it won't interfere. The attack dive animation is just much longer and clunky. 

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2 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Griffon I can't remember from the top of my head if you can test it in the game right now. It should be available during four winds festival Griffon race (not 100% sure). 

If you interact with the Remains of the Last Spearmarshall to unlock the griffon achievement, you can then get a temporary griffon at any of the griffon roosts.

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55 minutes ago, Pavlov.8912 said:

  Thank you all for your input ‼️ I still have to do the quest(s) to get the Skyscale and hopefully will build up the 💰  I have heard you need.

The Skyscale doesn't hardly cost anything to get, you just need 250 of each Living World season 4 currency which you can easily get by doing the "Return to.." achievements.

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The skyscale costs at least 45g (not all in one go).

There's also one section where you have to complete various challenges, including fighting world bosses, doing meta-events and reaching certain points in the world, some of which are inside jumping puzzles. You can bypass each step in that using Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treats, which cost about 4-5g to craft (and need charged quartz crystals) or you can buy them from the Trading Post for about 5-6g. You get one treat for free (which you can sell if you don't need it) and I strongly recommend looking at what each step requires before buying more because you'll almost certainly be able to do some of them yourself (for example one is just to fight the Shadow Behemoth in Queensdale).

The big cost is that it needs 250 of each Season 4 map currency, but if you haven't done them already you can get that from the 'Return to' achievements. If you have then you can still farm it in the maps, either from gathering nodes or from events, itn will just take longer.

The griffon is more expensive, that requires 250g and there's no way around that. But it actually requires 10 items which cost 25g each, so you don't have to get 250g all in one go, you can just save up 25g and then buy one item. (I know it comes to the same thing either way, but a lot of people find it less daunting that way.)

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