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First chainmail bikinis and tattoo armor, now long boots? [Merged]

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Did no one notice the leggings included in the icon? Didn't even have to preview to see there were leggings included.  No leggings icon in the short boots; did players just think the leggings included in the tall boots were just for show?

Gem Store Icon(s):



Edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234
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5 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Did no one notice the leggings included in the icon?

Honestly, probably not, dude.

Considering that the item icon, gemshop ad, promotional material, and all text information focused solely (🥁) on the feet and said nothing but 'hey, come getcha boots' and that most folks rely on those things (and the preview window which, for medium characters, would just show you yet another pair of plain pants in the dyes you're currently using which is extremely easy to overlook), I'd say sure, a lot of people probably didn't notice the single picture you have that shows a pair of pants and doesn't say they'll be included as a onesie. Boots usually don't work this way.

5 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

did players just think the leggings included in the tall boots were just for show?

Buddy, absolutely. This wouldn't even be the first time they've used multiple items in an ad to try and highlight how you can use the newest offering with your other skins.

EDIT: I went and got a recent example of this in case you were curious. The Water Dragon Chestguard looks like this in the gemshop ad, but the item icon in-game looks like this and the preview window makes clear that the gloves are not actually part of it.

Edited by AgentMoore.9453
Added an example, for example enjoyers.
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57 minutes ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

Honestly, probably not, dude.

Considering that the item icon, gemshop ad, promotional material, and all text information focused solely (🥁) on the feet and said nothing but 'hey, come getcha boots' and that most folks rely on those things (and the preview window which, for medium characters, would just show you yet another pair of plain pants in the dyes you're currently using which is extremely easy to overlook), I'd say sure, a lot of people probably didn't notice the single picture you have that shows a pair of pants and doesn't say they'll be included as a onesie. Boots usually don't work this way.

Buddy, absolutely. This wouldn't even be the first time they've used multiple items in an ad to try and highlight how you can use the newest offering with your other skins.

EDIT: I went and got a recent example of this in case you were curious. The Water Dragon Chestguard looks like this in the gemshop ad, but the item icon in-game looks like this and the preview window makes clear that the gloves are not actually part of it.

Well you beat me to it.  I was going to demonstrate the promotional stuff as a final showing as to why the boots skin shouldn't have come with bonus pants as the promotional stuff didn't show the pants that well. (And the pants should have just been additional and sold as a 'rebellious' pack, but that's just my 2 pence).

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15 minutes ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

Well you beat me to it.  I was going to demonstrate the promotional stuff as a final showing as to why the boots skin shouldn't have come with bonus pants as the promotional stuff didn't show the pants that well. (And the pants should have just been additional and sold as a 'rebellious' pack, but that's just my 2 pence).

If you bought something based on just "promotional stuff" then I'd say it's easly on you.
Do people really do that? They see the promotional stuff and instantly decide they'll buy it no matter how the advertised item actually looks like? If they do then... well... just don't. And it's not even just about some ingame items, but literally anything.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Oh my. The drama over a pair of boots is real. When you see commercials, do you expect the product to be exactly as seen there? Or will you do some research about the product before you buy it? Have you ever gotten a burger at McDonald’s that looked exactly as shown in an ad? Or have you ever bought clothes that looked amazing when you ordered it only for it to look like crap when you got it? Things like this has taught me to check stuff before I buy them. It goes for anything you want to buy. Specially if it’s online. 


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1 minute ago, Freya.9075 said:

When you see commercials, do you expect the product to be exactly as seen there?

If i've purchased a product from the same company, and the marketing is similar to previous offerings, yes, I expect it to be as shown. Is that supposed to be a 'gotcha' moment? Are you really trying to shame someone for buying a pair of boots and annoyed that there are a pair of pants that are forced attached to the boots?

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Just now, DexterousGecko.6328 said:

If i've purchased a product from the same company, and the marketing is similar to previous offerings, yes, I expect it to be as shown. Is that supposed to be a 'gotcha' moment? Are you really trying to shame someone for buying a pair of boots and annoyed that there are a pair of pants that are forced attached to the boots?

Not shaming. I’ve had buyers regrets as well. Which is why I said it has taught me to research the product before I buy them. 

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2 hours ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

Honestly, probably not, dude.

Considering that the item icon, gemshop ad, promotional material, and all text information focused solely (🥁) on the feet and said nothing but 'hey, come getcha boots' and that most folks rely on those things (and the preview window which, for medium characters, would just show you yet another pair of plain pants in the dyes you're currently using which is extremely easy to overlook), I'd say sure, a lot of people probably didn't notice the single picture you have that shows a pair of pants and doesn't say they'll be included as a onesie. Boots usually don't work this way.

Buddy, absolutely. This wouldn't even be the first time they've used multiple items in an ad to try and highlight how you can use the newest offering with your other skins.

EDIT: I went and got a recent example of this in case you were curious. The Water Dragon Chestguard looks like this in the gemshop ad, but the item icon in-game looks like this and the preview window makes clear that the gloves are not actually part of it.

Well, sis, when I previewed them, the included leggings were a completely different color (black) than the medium pants I was wearing.  Odd that they were the same color for everyone else.  🤷‍♂️

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Ah these arguments are so bland.

"Someone might complain if it's changed now" Then just add a pants skin that's the same.
"You didn't see the pants in the icon?" The promotional material only shows off the boots.

"It's to prevent clipping!" Basically every other boot that goes above the ankle and knee functions just fine without having extra pants attached to them.

"You should have done more research!" Aside from the original post being literally day-of release, IDK how someone could have done more research given the context.

"Next time, preview it over several other armors!" Sorry, but it's not easily able to be previewed as the skin isn't in the wardrobe until you unlock it and the gemstore preview is awful.  The general populace doesn't even know about chat codes.

Edited by Epsilon Indi.2031
Sobx ​☕ ​
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21 minutes ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

Ah these arguments are so bland.

You seem to be calling them bland simply because they don't fit your complaint and no other reason than that.

21 minutes ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

"You didn't see the pants in the icon?" The promotional material only shows off the boots.

So -again, said by multiple people- did you literally buy something based on seeing a promotional material without checking what you actually bought? The icon is right at the store when you buy the item itself.

21 minutes ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

"It's to prevent clipping!" Basically every other boot that goes above the ankle and knee functions just fine without having extra pants attached to them.

What's bland is the claim that clipping skins shouldn't be prevented from clipping "because some past skins also clip!". That's just nonsense. Just because something clipped by far doesn't mean everything else should disregard clipping issues. What even is that logic.
And no, not every other boot that goes above the ankle and knee function just fine, I already told you about that and you started claiming I'm "moving goalposts" (still unclear how thought 🤔)

21 minutes ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

"You should have done more research!" Aside from the original post being literally day-of release, IDK how someone could have done more research given the context.

"I bought something based on some promotional material I saw and it's not what I wanted!"
-well, maybe you should check the item preview and make sure you know what you're buying
"oh wow, what a bland argument!"

Welp... You do you, mate. Absolutely keep going with your blind purchases based on some promotional material if that's what you want to do.

("Aside from the original post being literally day-of release, IDK how someone could have done more research given the context." -literally pay attention to item preview and "it was on release day" has no meaning here. That should be obvious, I thought?)

21 minutes ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

"Next time, preview it over several other armors!" Sorry, but it's not easily able to be previewed

Completely false, previewing in a shop is really easy. Stripping character and previewing item is really easy (even though that one is really unneeded, but hey! The point is that even that is really easy and leaves 0 doubts about what you're buying).

21 minutes ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

as the skin isn't in the wardrobe until you unlock it and the gemstore preview is awful.

It doesn't need to be in wardrobe to preview and never needed to be. Nothing wrong with gemstore preview, what are you even trying to say here?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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10 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You seem to be calling them bland simply because they don't fit your complaint and no other reason than that.

You seem to have no understanding that ANet choosing to randomly changing how boots work in this one instance and selling something labeled as a boots skin in the gemstore but actually comes with pants is a problem. But here we are, 4 pages after the first.

You've been shown examples of every other time ANet's made boots that go above the knee and  it's come through fine on most skins.  You disregard this and continue to see no problem.

You've been shown that the promotional material was all around the boots.  You ignore this and say people should do more research.  Basically blaming the victims of misleading marketing.


But hey, you do you.  No skin off my nose.

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5 minutes ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

You seem to have no understanding that ANet choosing to randomly changing how boots work in this one instance and selling something labeled as a boots skin in the gemstore but actually comes with pants is a problem. But here we are, 4 pages after the first.

It's not "randomly" and it's not in any way hidden. Preview what you buy, really easy to do.


5 minutes ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

You've been shown that the promotional material was all around the boots.  You ignore this and say people should do more research.  Basically blaming the victims of misleading marketing.

I didn't ignore anything, literally responded to all of it above, including the "but promotional material!". You're the one who ignored the responses to that to now tell me... I somehow ignored what you said. Bold tactic, but what you've just said here is false.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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25 minutes ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

Sorry, but it's not easily able to be previewed as the skin isn't in the wardrobe until you unlock it and the gemstore preview is awful.  The general populace doesn't even know about chat codes.

No need for chat codes. You check the wardrobe tab in your bank. Not the one in hero panel. It has almost all skins available for preview there. If I remember right, it also strip your character to only show the selected skin as well.

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9 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

Because unlike other boots you can't pick the looks of your leggings. That makes it less than ideal per definition. Some people just like to mix and match. Don't get me wrong, I love them too but I can't combine them with the Viper's Medium Leggings Skin, for example, which is essentially a skirt. 

That's a fair point and probably what the OP is complaining about.

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11 minutes ago, Freya.9075 said:

No need for chat codes. You check the wardrobe tab in your bank. Not the one in hero panel. It has almost all skins available for preview there. If I remember right, it also strip your character to only show the selected skin as well.

Did you miss the part where I said the skin isn't in the wardrobe, at all?  I've been looking in the bank on my main account and on my alt account.  I've even asked friends about it. It's not there.

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20 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

It's not "randomly" and it's not in any way hidden. Preview what you buy, really easy to do.


I didn't ignore anything, literally responded to all of it above, including the "but promotional material!". You're the one who ignored the responses to that to now tell me... I somehow ignored what you said. Bold tactic, but what you've just said here is false.

Here you go, victim blaming everyone who has a problem with the pants again.

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5 minutes ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

Did you miss the part where I said the skin isn't in the wardrobe, at all?  I've been looking in the bank on my main account and on my alt account.  I've even asked friends about it. It's not there.

Preview is right in the gemstore. If was mentioned many times already. Chat codes and not being unlocked in wardrobe has nothing to do with it, all you need to do is literally click on an item in the store before buying it to see what exactly it is.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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3 minutes ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

Did you miss the part where I said the skin isn't in the wardrobe, at all?  I've been looking in the bank on my main account and on my alt account.  I've even asked friends about it. It's not there.

Previewing current gemstore offers are right there in the shop. It’s probably too early for it to be in the wardrobe system, and will be available later on. I was just pointing out that bank wardrobe system is a good way to check skins as you failed to clarify it was about the boots in your post. That may have been lost in translation on my part thought as English is my third language.

It still doesn’t change that preview is quite easy to do and should be done before purchasing anything. Unless you’re open for some buyers regrets that is. And if you’re still unsure after previewing, you can ask map chat in lions arch for someone to show you the skin. It’s often requested there when new skins are released and people want a closer look at it.

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Just now, Freya.9075 said:

Previewing current gemstore offers are right there in the shop. It’s probably too early for it to be in the wardrobe system, and will be available later on. I was just pointing out that bank wardrobe system is a good way to check skins as you failed to clarify it was about the boots in your post. That may have been lost in translation on my part thought as English is my third language.

It still doesn’t change that preview is quite easy to do and should be done before purchasing anything. Unless you’re open for some buyers regrets that is. And if you’re still unsure after previewing, you can ask map chat in lions arch for someone to show you the skin. It’s often requested there when new skins are released and people want a closer look at it.

What has the thread topic been about the past 5 pages?  The boots and how and why ANet shouldn't have stapled pants with them (Which you and Sobx are the only two defending ANet's decision to market boots and sell pants).

Just now, Freya.9075 said:

It still doesn’t change that preview is quite easy to do and should be done before purchasing anything. Unless you’re open for some buyers regrets that is. And if you’re still unsure after previewing, you can ask map chat in lions arch for someone to show you the skin. It’s often requested there when new skins are released and people want a closer look at it.

And that doesn't change the facts that no other armor set really does this outside of very few and rather rare exceptions and they're generally not sold or marketed as such or are obviously designed to be that way.  It doesn't change the fact that ANet promoted boots and people got pants.  It doesn't change the fact that customization with these long boots is now worse than if they just allowed the boots too work with whatever pants.  It doesn't change the fact that the technology to prevent clipping with certain pants already exists.


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25 minutes ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

What has the thread topic been about the past 5 pages?  The boots and how and why ANet shouldn't have stapled pants with them (Which you and Sobx are the only two defending ANet's decision to market boots and sell pants).

And that doesn't change the facts that no other armor set really does this outside of very few and rather rare exceptions and they're generally not sold or marketed as such or are obviously designed to be that way.  It doesn't change the fact that ANet promoted boots and people got pants.  It doesn't change the fact that customization with these long boots is now worse than if they just allowed the boots too work with whatever pants.  It doesn't change the fact that the technology to prevent clipping with certain pants already exists.


And it doesn’t change the fact that people should preview the skins before buying them. The fact that it exist skins that affect other skins you wear already makes it even more important to do. It’s quite easy to preview the skin to check it. You will not know if a new skin is an exception before you preview it. Which has been the point all along and you keep ignoring.

Would it be better if the pants were not attached and option to take them off were available? Sure. But Anet chose not to do that for a reason. So lesson here is to preview your item before you purchase it. Or ask for a refund if you feel it’s false advertising. 

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24 minutes ago, Freya.9075 said:

And it doesn’t change the fact that people should preview the skins before buying them. The fact that it exist skins that affect other skins you wear already makes it even more important to do. It’s quite easy to preview the skin to check it. You will not know if a new skin is an exception before you preview it. Which has been the point all along and you keep ignoring.

Would it be better if the pants were not attached and option to take them off were available? Sure. But Anet chose not to do that for a reason. So lesson here is to preview your item before you purchase it. Or ask for a refund if you feel it’s false advertising. 

According to this thread, that "Fact" isn't a fact. Even with how easy it is to preview, people still made the assumption it was just boots.  Who'kitten thunk that advtertising boots as boots with all the previews would have had everyone assuming it was all boots🤔


I haven't been ignoring it.  I've been sympathizing with the people who got swindled out of a boots skin by trusting ANet to deliver based on their (ANet's) marketing.  People both you and Sobx have been essentially mocking for trusting the marketing posts.

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6 minutes ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

According to this thread, that "Fact" isn't a fact. Even with how easy it is to preview, people still made the assumption it was just boots.  Who'kitten thunk that advtertising boots as boots with all the previews would have had everyone assuming it was all boots🤔


I haven't been ignoring it.  I've been sympathizing with the people who got swindled out of a boots skin by trusting ANet to deliver based on their (ANet's) marketing.  People both you and Sobx have been essentially mocking for trusting the marketing posts.

So. According to you, advising people to preview the skins they want to buy before getting them is mocking people? An easy solution to make sure the product you want to buy is what you expect it to be. And Anet swindled these players. Now that’s a nice plate of hyperbole you served there.

This is not a case like the charr chairs where they look like they are sitting on a tiny toilet rather than a kitten charr on a throne like in the promotion. In this case you could not preview the actual chair with your character before buying. If you remember these topics when the chairs was released, it was a completely valid criticism and Anet changed their promotion because of this. However you can preview these boots with one click in gemstore. It can’t be compared. 

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