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Function gyro nerfed. Bye every non nades scrapper build in sPvP


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I can't even begin to express what a stupid and ill thought out nerf this is. You can literally just garbage bin every scrapper build that doesn't use nades or spec for glass cannon dps. For real. Anet keeps wanting to make scrapper back into a bruiser, and now they nerfed one of the few burst options you have on a 'bruiser scrapper' outside of hammer 2. Ask yourself, how are you going to secure a kill now? Acid bomb is stationary, mortar is hard to land on kiting targets, you literally have nothing to burst a moving target anymore. Literally egun auto attacks are your best bet now. You don't have enough damage on a duelist build to compete with the other sidenoders already, and you just nerfed it even more. G kittening G Anet. In my 3 years of playing this is the biggest nerf I have seen yet for this class, even if it's just a nerf to 1 skill.

As usual all it takes is one overperforming build for them to nerf another core scrapper class mechanic. I knew it would happen. I just don't get it. What does this solve? It doesn't solve jack kitten. Let's just nerf every damage option outside of nades. That will definately stop making people flock to grenade kit!  Guess I will just keep playing core for fun and become a ranger main. 

Edited by Koensol.5860
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4 minutes ago, Pati.2438 said:

Anet Logic: Grenades are OP so we Nerf stealth and superspeed xd

I'm actually fine with stealth nerf, it was one of the things that made the build dumb. Imo they didn't nerf that enough. Superspeed is fine too tbh, still more than plenty superspeed sources. The function gyro nerf is just totally unnecesarry, plus it will nerf every single scrapper build out there and not just the overperforming one. Typical short sighted lazy move from anet.

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SuperSpeed and stealth nerf thankfully didn't destroyed the disangage mechanic for non grenadiers (still waiting for 75 cd reduction again to 60 tho)

But Functional Gyro was a totally stupid nerf.


They already destroyed F5 when they removed core F5 to add Function Gyro, burying completely Supply Crate as an option like in the past. Forcing players to run Stealth Gyro for survivality (they nerfed mortar kit too, ty Protec Holo for that)

Literally balance team is randomly nerfing it at this point.

Why do you want to play a "bruiser" that isn't able to hold a point 'cause has not enough sustain and damage? why you gonna play a bruiser when you have classes like Tempest and Core Guard that can hold, heal, spam boons, spam blindness, aoe cc, spam reflects or proyectile blocks, etc?


Edited by AlPower.2476
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Stealth gyro didn't need to get nerfed, it needed a rework to something that fits the bruiser role.

The function gyro nerf was stupid.

Superspeed needs its increased (personal not group) duration from last month back and just culled to an 83% speed boost across the board. 

Reduce the damage of grenades by 30%.

Change big boomer to explosions deal 20% more damage and heals by 10% of damage done within a radius of 240.

Make adaptive armor reduce all damage by 20%.


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At this point I just think Anet hates Engineer. Engineer as a whole got a lot of nerf and a few "misplaced buff" but I dont know what Anet is trying to do with Scrapper and I also think Anet DOESNT know what they want Scrapper to be.


Hammer skill are slow but they also removed quickness. Superspeed has been heavily nerfed previously and they added back an old trait that heals you under swiftness and superspeed....except it is worse than before in every single way since the healing provided has been drastically nerfed and the superspeed duration isnt the same as before. It is a miracle we managed to keep the moving gyro instead of a ground target base well that looks like any other well except worse but Anet said they will be changing gyro as the current one isnt something they like. 

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One day later and I still feel salty as kitten about the function gyro damage nerf. Do you want people stop playing nades Anet? Do you want other scrapper builds to become viable? Then revert this nerf and further adjust sneak gyro to add more counterplay. 1 sec stealth on 5 pulses with smoke field is still busted if you properly leap/blast it. Just remove the smoke field or smth. Function gyro was never the problem. At this point I'd honestly just prefer they delete nades, even though it isn't the root cause of the overperformance of this build (which are boon spam, insane modifiers and stealth). But engineer as a whole has seen so many nerfs because of this dumb button spam kit that I literally don't care.

Edited by Koensol.5860
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18 hours ago, Exalted Quality.8534 said:

All it would've taken was for them to admit that the random buff to nades was not needed and not warranted. Instead they slowly destroy the class two-three nerfs at a time. 


Meanwhile Eles are fine -______-

But they neither buffed grenade barrage nor the AA if I recall (the things people are complaining about)

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I'd like to see a rework to bomb kit, since is actually work than nades. Like roll the bombs to the enemy same with big ol' bomb. This could give it some usefulness and fun if you roll big ol' bomb into enemy players to send a few flying.  And the damage increased. 

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