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Hero Points are outdated

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3 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

You already know that answer is negative and it have nothing to do with the thread anyway so would you stop pushing that strawman already?

You can play how you want aslong as it dont hinder anyone else from playing how they want.

So find 4-9 other like minded people and play your core specs in any content you desire.

Yeah that's what I figured, core specs in end game content would be a burden to the group. Which means the game REALLY wants ALL players to grind out elite specs. 

So I totally get why a new player would feel annoyed to have to grind one out. It's unfortunate, but it is what it is. Thanks for your honesty!

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30 minutes ago, entrailsgalore.4150 said:

Yeah that's what I figured, core specs in end game content would be a burden to the group. Which means the game REALLY wants ALL players to grind out elite specs. 

So I totally get why a new player would feel annoyed to have to grind one out. It's unfortunate, but it is what it is. Thanks for your honesty!

If that is a grind to you then you cant enjoy many games mate.

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10 hours ago, entrailsgalore.4150 said:

What core builds are consistently picked for Raids/Fractals?

You start fractals with level 1, you can easily play core specs in lower levels. 
raids are HoT/PoF endgame content, of course you should have played the content and get appropriate gear first before joining them. 

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How to TRY to change/add more ways to get HP:

Step 1 - create a solid plan. Always think of ANet side and Player side.

Step 2 - create a proper pitch. Why would ANet modify something that is working and has no real issue? What is it for players? What is it for ANet? Remember, any change takes time and resources, both of which costs money. Adding alternative ways to get HP = does not get ANet money and/or takes resources away from other priorities. And remember, HPs are NOT broken. And again, remember, there is very little issue raised on getting HP. And also, player-side, what do they gain? QOL in terms of HP is already good as it is.

Step 3 - attract more like-minded people. In order to make ANet notice you, you need numbers. More noise = more visibility. Looking at this thread, you need more. DO NOT SPAM or you get banned. lol

Step 4 - pray that they notice you and take action. In the event that they do acknowledge that this is a good improvement, chances are it will be on bottom of the priority list, because see point #2.

Bonus: Watch Shark Tank (or similar movies). 

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7 hours ago, entrailsgalore.4150 said:

Ah so I won't get kicked or prevented from joining a high end group simply because I don't have a core spec? Thats good news!

Maybe if you stopped spamming this thread and actually logged in to play the game once in awhile, you'd be able to choose whatever spec you like?


Yeah that's what I figured, core specs in end game content would be a burden to the group. Which means the game REALLY wants ALL players to grind out elite specs. 

So I totally get why a new player would feel annoyed to have to grind one out. It's unfortunate, but it is what it is. Thanks for your honesty!

Yes, elite specs are generally (but not always) superior to core specs.  So what?  The question here is not whether or not players should want to unlock elite specs, but whether or not it is an undue burden upon them to do so.  While that is subjective, it seems pretty clear that you're in the extreme minority here. 

As I pointed out previously, you've spent far more time chasing tangential questions in your quest to win the internet here in this thread (post count is now over 70 and climbing!) than is required to unlock an elite spec.  In fact, since this thread began 2 weeks ago I've run around HoT with several new players, fully unlocking their elite specs while farming materials and waiting for the meta to begin.

Honestly, it's a really weird take, imo.  This is an MMO.  Most players play it for years.  I can't see why playing the game for a couple of hours is such a big issue.

Edited by AliamRationem.5172
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7 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Maybe if you stopped spamming this thread and actually logged in to play the game once in awhile, you'd be able to choose whatever spec you like?

no no no, why play the game when you can cry for days? After all, complaining on the forum is the true endgame. 
Playing the game for 2 hours to unlock elite specs is really too much to ask! 

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8 hours ago, entrailsgalore.4150 said:

 I meant if I only have core spec. Say I show up a core necro to a high end group, all high end groups will take a core necro?

If you only have a core spec, you either have no expansions (in which case you can't raid anyway), or you weren't willing to spend 1 hour of your time to prepare that character for raiding. Seriously, raids are all about preparations, so if you can't even get through the easiest and most basic one, this content is simply not for you.

Notice, btw, that once you have a ton of raiding experience behind you, and a good static that knows you, you can do whatever. It's like showing in t-shirt and underpants to an business meeting - sure, a good suit can cost quite a lot, but wanting to skip on it just shows lack of respect for everyone else there, and on someone new to the party is unlikely to meet with good reception.

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4 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

no no no, why play the game when you can cry for days? After all, complaining on the forum is the true endgame. 
Playing the game for 2 hours to unlock elite specs is really too much to ask! 


4 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Maybe if you stopped spamming this thread and actually logged in to play the game once in awhile, you'd be able to choose whatever spec you like?

Yes, elite specs are generally (but not always) superior to core specs.  So what?  The question here is not whether or not players should want to unlock elite specs, but whether or not it is an undue burden upon them to do so.  While that is subjective, it seems pretty clear that you're in the extreme minority here. 

As I pointed out previously, you've spent far more time chasing tangential questions in your quest to win the internet here in this thread (post count is now over 70 and climbing!) than is required to unlock an elite spec.  In fact, since this thread began 2 weeks ago I've run around HoT with several new players, fully unlocking their elite specs while farming materials and waiting for the meta to begin.

Honestly, it's a really weird take, imo.  This is an MMO.  Most players play it for years.  I can't see why playing the game for a couple of hours is such a big issue.

Well when are core specs superior to elite specs?

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10 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Wonder why this is the only response; could it be it struck a nerve?

Yeah it might have, people may have seen the original post and it struck a nerve as it doesn't paint GW2 in a positive light (which a lot of people seem to hate here it seems), and it caused everyone to log into their main and alt forum accounts to reply.

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9 minutes ago, entrailsgalore.4150 said:


Well when are core specs superior to elite specs?

Core guard is actually not bad in WvW, I know several commanders that play it. Core burn guard is not bad as well, core necro in PvP. 
But I don’t see a reason why core specs should be superior to elite specs. 

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2 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

Core guard is actually not bad in WvW, I know several commanders that play it. Core burn guard is not bad as well, core necro in PvP. 
But I don’t see a reason why core specs should be superior to elite specs. 

I agree, they shouldn't be. Anet clearly made them superior, and unlocking an elite spec is clearly the defined path Anet wants all players to take considering how powerful they made them.

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1 minute ago, entrailsgalore.4150 said:

I agree, they shouldn't be. Anet clearly made them superior, and unlocking an elite spec is clearly the defined path Anet wants all players to take considering how powerful they made them.

Absolutely and there is nothing wrong with it. It only takes max 2 hours to unlock an elite spec.  You can unlock them in WvW PvP and PvE. 
So far all your claims have been refuted. It’s not looking good for you buddy. 

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Just now, vares.8457 said:

Absolutely and there is nothing wrong with it. It only takes max 2 hours to unlock an elite spec.  You can unlock them in WvW PvP and PvE. 
So far all your claims have been refuted. It’s not looking good for you buddy. 

And that's great for players who like to explore maps, or WvW, etc. But I'd rather Play My Way, as advertised by Anet.

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3 minutes ago, entrailsgalore.4150 said:

And that's great for players who like to explore maps, or WvW, etc. But I'd rather Play My Way, as advertised by Anet.

And what exactly is your way? Standing afk in Arborstone while crying on the forum? Well, that must be a great way to play the game. 

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14 minutes ago, entrailsgalore.4150 said:

And that's great for players who like to explore maps, or WvW, etc. But I'd rather Play My Way, as advertised by Anet.

Then go and play your way. But if you do, don't cry about not having things just because those things weren't in your way.

If you want to have things, you need to make detours to get them. Arenanet doesn't need to waste resources on solving a 'you problem' for you.

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Just now, Fueki.4753 said:

Then go and play your way. But if you do, don't cry about not having things just because those things weren't in your way.

If you want something, you need to make detours to get them. Arenanet doesn't need to waste resources on solving a you problem for you.

You guys aren't really welcoming to new players are ya? lol.😅

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1 minute ago, entrailsgalore.4150 said:

You guys aren't really welcoming to new players are ya? lol.😅

Again, what exactly is your way of playing the game? What do you do in game that is preventing you from getting hero points?

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4 minutes ago, entrailsgalore.4150 said:

You guys aren't really welcoming to new players are ya?

A new player would go play the game instead if whining on the forums. And Hero Challenges are part of said game they would play.

A new player wouldn't even have the 50+ characters stated in the opening post.

And if a "new" player can't be bothered to do as little as few hours of Hero Challenges, how'd I trust that person to actually be bothered to try putting effort into group content?

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1 minute ago, Fueki.4753 said:

A new player would go play the game instead if whining on the forums. And Hero Challenges are part of said game they would play.

And if a "new" player can't be bothered to do as little as few hours of Hero Challenges, how'd I trust that person to actually be bothered to try putting effort into group content?

No I get it man, GW2 is your guys' favorite MMORPG, and you will die on a hill to defend it against anyone and anyone. But trust me, I'm not attacking your precious game. In fact, I decided to give it the ole college try after all these years to help fund and populate your favorite game, seeing as it's not as popular as other mmorpg's on the market, and has a smaller dev team than other mmorpg's on the market. So believe me, no one is trying to attack your precious game.

Being more open minded about criticisms or ideas will go a long way. I assume you want more people to play GW2 right? The more players the better I imagine, so when newbies show up you probably want them to stay, at least in theory.

So far my experience here is that this community doesn't actually want me to play their game. They don't want me (a newbie) here at all. Fall in line, or hit the road jack, that seems to be the theme here. Whatever Anet is serving, is what you will be having, and you will do it with a smile on your face because it's the greatest game in the universe.

No worries bro haha😅 I'll take my wallet and "ideas" elsewhere, enjoy your little game!


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11 hours ago, entrailsgalore.4150 said:

But I don't want to experience the game that way. "Play YOUR Way!" is literally on the GW2 website...so I want to play MY way. Not the way you tell me I should play or experience the game.

Not that I think it matters, but I hit 80 on a new character yesterday and have unlock the elite spec I wanted on them as of logging off last night. Especially if you have a lot of characters, it gets pretty fast just jumping around to the easy hero points and channeling. And that's in PvE. if you've played WvW much, you can instantly unlock especs if wanted.

Also, you can do end game (instanced) content on core specs. You just need to find a group that's cool with you bringing that. Players that don't know you are going to be less tolerant of you showing up with whatever you feel like playing.
You've made that quote a couple times now. So I am also curious, what is "your way" of playing?

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13 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

Not that I think it matters, but I hit 80 on a new character yesterday and have unlock the elite spec I wanted on them as of logging off last night. Especially if you have a lot of characters, it gets pretty fast just jumping around to the easy hero points and channeling. And that's in PvE. if you've played WvW much, you can instantly unlock especs if wanted.

Also, you can do end game (instanced) content on core specs. You just need to find a group that's cool with you bringing that. Players that don't know you are going to be less tolerant of you showing up with whatever you feel like playing.
You've made that quote a couple times now. So I am also curious, what is "your way" of playing?

And that makes perfect sense that a Vet of the game with multiple characters already, and many parts of the map memorized, would do that on an alt. I just don't see why that should be the expectation for a brand new player on their first ever character.


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