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Lets Talk about the Problems of the matchmaker


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So, we all know that the matchmaker has problems, lets Talk about.

- If you are to high you get almost Impossible Matches to win, 3-4 gold Players against a full Plat 2 roaster, a result of the Matchmaker trying to Bring the avarage mmr of both Teams in Line

- If the q Population is Low, plat1 and 2 Players get Mixed into gold Matches, whifh creates 4 gold Players With 1 plat1/2 against the Same, this results into 2 Players Need to "Guide" their peepos and on of those will Always get -16 or Something arround that

- Same as the Last Thing but turned arround, still q Population is pretty Low, so 3 Plat 2, 1 plat3 Gamer and a gold 2 get in 2 Team and in the other Team the Same ist going on, so you have to Hope your peepo isnt getting farmed or walks in the correct Position, or at least listen to some calls

- easy matchfixing With Low Rating Accounts in duoq, for everyone that doesnt know what this is, people creating a second Account 4 free, loosing Like 30 Matches With afking and than duoq at 4 am with their 1700+ friend to secure him an easy win, this is also a Problem created by the matchmaker trying to avarage the Teams Out. If you have 1700 and 800 q togheter you effectivly searching at 1250 Rating range where they destroy everyone.

So what is the conclusion? People end Up in the wrong Matches, very often, i know anet showed once how "Close" the mmr of the Players that played togheter was, BUT that was in gold 1/2 and it still had gold 3 Players in, which Sounds fine, but from gold 3 to Plat 2 its the Same Rating range, but an absurd amount of Skill increase that is happening here. These Players should never matched With and against each Other.

I am asking for 2 Things in with this Post

1. Disable duoq With Guys that X amount Rating away from you (Something about 200-300), first to Not confuse the matchmaker, second to disable the possibility to abuse night q's and third, to get away some of those afkers

2. Make hard restrictions to who can Play Play with who, Legend Players should never get gold Players in their Team, even plat2 Players should Not be able to be matched With them, this almost Always ends in a toxic Interaction, where i would Bet, the lower rated Players rather quit directly PvP and never Turn Back to it, while the Higher rated players quit Overtime because the get so hard dissapointed.

Make Like that If you above 1550 you will only get Players from 1500+ in your Games, everything below is searching for 1549-1400. restrict it even more for people in lower leagues, Like as hard the skillgap is dropping in gold3 and below, These Players are still way ahead from silver players, they should Not get matched With them.


This went longer than i thought

Edited by Avatar.3568
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removing the leaderboard fixes everything.. unfortunately there are many people in the world who can't do anything without cheating and they always have to look for bugs and loopholes where the system can be bypassed in order to be better than others.I don't see any reason why they should get a TITLE for such cheating.. and what you wrote is just one of the many ways to cheat in pvp..

the game is still more and more dead and the pvp game has less people, mainly because of the leaderboard, losing raitin is frustrating and demotivating , you can't even win many times you're only involved in a wintrade game / afk / matchmaking modified game..

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5 hours ago, guildwarsalterino.1347 said:


removing the leaderboard fixes everything.. unfortunately there are many people in the world who can't do anything without cheating and they always have to look for bugs and loopholes where the system can be bypassed in order to be better than others.I don't see any reason why they should get a TITLE for such cheating.. and what you wrote is just one of the many ways to cheat in pvp..

the game is still more and more dead and the pvp game has less people, mainly because of the leaderboard, losing raitin is frustrating and demotivating , you can't even win many times you're only involved in a wintrade game / afk / matchmaking modified game..

Removing the Leaderboard wouldn't fix it, we still would get Bad matches

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9 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

2. Make hard restrictions to who can Play Play with who, Legend Players should never get gold Players in their Team, even plat2 Players should Not be able to be matched With them, this almost Always ends in a toxic Interaction, where i would Bet, the lower rated Players rather quit directly PvP and never Turn Back to it, while the Higher rated players quit Overtime because the get so hard dissapointed.

Make Like that If you above 1550 you will only get Players from 1500+ in your Games, everything below is searching for 1549-1400. restrict it even more for people in lower leagues, Like as hard the skillgap is dropping in gold3 and below, These Players are still way ahead from silver players, they should Not get matched With them.


consider two points.


firstly, the matchmaker is not putting gold and plats in games because of an error, it's doing so because it literally doesn't have enough players to form two teams of plat players.

so if plats have to play with plats, they might not end up being able to play PvP at all.

secondly, a new account is assigned 1200 rating when they start ranked. how can a matchmaker make meaningful distinctions in player quality when a new player is gold 1?

I would suggest rating new accounts by default at 1200 is one of the reasons both player retention is so low, and it's also why gold has such a wide skill disparity. I would imagine the default rating being 800 or 900 would lead to much more balanced games, but what do I know. maybe gold 1 being new account is really the best way to set up MMR kekkekeke

Edited by Bunbury.8472
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5 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

Removing the Leaderboard wouldn't fix it, we still would get Bad matches

fix everything because people don't have to cheat and they will play for fun .. anyway, most people who play pvp do it for fun and not to be in the table .. who cares about the rating table and titles that have no value? nobody.. everyone wants to have nicely balanced games.. without toxic communities and affluent players.. which arise mainly because of rating..

Disable duoQ will not change anything or prevent players from cheating in the game and manipulating the rating.. you still have the option of Q at once and wait for it to come into play together with a colleague who will wintrade and manipulate the game for you

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7 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

I would suggest rating new accounts by default at 1200 is one of the reasons both player retention is so low, and it's also why gold has such a wide skill disparity. I would imagine the default rating being 800 or 900 would lead to much more balanced games, but what do I know. maybe gold 1 being new account is really the best way to set up MMR kekkekeke

Consider also people using new accounts starting at a lower MMR, but Duo Q still existing. You'd have match manipulators exploiting even harder.

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The matchmaker is working properly. You cannot fabricate balanced matches if the playerbase the matchmaker has to work with is so disparate and small that skill gaps between players cannot be accounted for, especially if the matchmaker also has to honor duos.  This is like asking a retail clerk to bring you specifically a 32 inch monitor from the back room when they have none in stock. You will not get what you want, regardless of how efficient the clerk is. 


The easiest fixes for this do not involve reworking the matchmaker. They involve removing duo queue for ranked at least temporarily, and organization that brings new and returning players to the game mode, like events.

Edited by JormagSorbet.8079
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4 minutes ago, JormagSorbet.8079 said:

The matchmaker is working properly. You cannot fabricate balanced matches if the playerbase the matchmaker has to work with is so disparate and small that skill gaps between players cannot be accounted for, especially if the matchmaker also has to honor duos.  This is like asking a retail clerk to bring you specifically a 32 inch monitor from the back room when they have none in stock. You will not get what you want, regardless of how efficient the clerk is. 

If only it doesn't expand matchmaker range to +/- 150 point after 5 minutes of waiting... but I guess it is a problem of small population...

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Just now, Spellhunter.9675 said:

If only it doesn't expand matchmaker range to +/- 150 point after 5 minutes of waiting... but I guess it is a problem of small population...


Not that I don't have possibly bannable opinions about pvp at the moment, but I'd rather wait 5~ minutes for a slightly unbalanced match, than wait 5+ minutes for a slightly more balanced match that is still subject to all the problems the former match experiences. 


Waiting longer won't stop people from afking after wiping at mid or guarantee you won't get duos to fight against, and I have to get on with my day~



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1) Duo Q's should be averaged as if both players were the higher players MMR in ranked.
2) Players should have a check box option to be matched against groups bigger than the group they are in.  Ie. if you are a soloQ'er you should have a check box that says only match me against other teams where everyone is a solo Q er.

3) Players should be allowed a slider for the max MMR differential they are willing to accept for players on their team.   If matches can't be made then so be it.   They can choose to set unlimited spread if they so wish.

4) A players gain or MMR loss should be based off the delta of the average MMR's, not on that players personal MMR.  Its silly that the player expected to carry the whole team loses more rank for a loss then the folks who were supposed to be carried (I believe this is how it works anyway).

5) Each top score should reduce the rank loss by 1.

6) Close games should have less MMR loss than blow outs.


Many others... but I'll take these 6.

Edited by shion.2084
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The lack of players problem is easily solved by opening up 2v2 and 3v3 all year around. Players who want more balanced matches with those very strictly close to their rank can queue for a smaller game to reduce queue times, meanwhile DuoQ should be removed from ranked entirely.


If you want to keep DuoQ, a least add a 4v4 mode so we stop getting "four veterans and a guy". (Especially since it sucks to be the fifth player in a match that is out of your league.)

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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The problem with the matchmaker is that spvp is such an abandoned, imbalanced, toxic wasteland that only about 100 people actually want to play it. Of that about 70 of those are only doing it for easy dailies or the backpiece with the remaining 30 being the absolute worst people you will ever meet in your life, who live, breath, and eat GW2 spvp to an almost pathological level, because they either know that they can't compete in any functioning pvp environment that doesn't constantly have specs so absurdly beyond busted that they completely take any sort of skill requirement out of the equation or they know that spvp is a place so utterly unmoderated that they can be the worst PoS troll imaginable forever and never get busted for it.

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