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Progression with latest LWS - Emotional Release [Merged]

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7 minutes ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • Were you able to talk to Taimi and complete the "Return to the surface step", but the issue is that the subsequent step is not revealing?
  • If yes: Did that interaction with Taimi trigger any dialog?
  • If yes: Did you leave the map or otherwise disconnect? Or, did the dialog get interrupted by other dialog in the map (such as from the meta?)
  • If no: Is Chul-Moo present along with the other NPCs standing in a group next to Taimi?

I don't believe I talked to Taimi, or I may have talked to her before everyone else loaded. The brief instance was completed and I left it. The "Return to the surface step" is flagged as completed and greyed out. No further interactions or dialog are available or triggering. I likely tried to talk to them immediately after the loading screen back to gyala delve, but before other NPCs loaded.

Chul-Moo and other NPCs are currently standing around. Their presence appears to change on each map load. Sometimes they're all there, sometimes they're not. Usually seem to not show up if there's enough players around.

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20 minutes ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Hey everyone, I have a couple of follow-up questions as we continue working on this. If you're experiencing this bug, can you let me know the answers to these:

  • Were you able to talk to Taimi and complete the "Return to the surface step", but the issue is that the subsequent step is not revealing?
  • If yes: Did that interaction with Taimi trigger any dialog?
  • If yes: Did you leave the map or otherwise disconnect? Or, did the dialog get interrupted by other dialog in the map (such as from the meta?)
  • If no: Is Chul-Moo present along with the other NPCs standing in a group next to Taimi?

Taimi is there and I hit F but nothing happens, no dialogue. Left the map after it wasn't working to see if it fixed it and nothing. Same with relogging. Chul-Moo is present.


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Me too same problem. I also tried to relog and change map but nothing happened. 

1. the "Return to the surface step" is marked as completed but no dialogue is triggered. (I don't even get the green marker that usually shows the player where to go)

2. No dialogue started. If I press F to interact with any of the characters nothing happens.

3. Did not leave the map and didn't disconnect

4. Chul-Moo is present.

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27 minutes ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Hey everyone, I have a couple of follow-up questions as we continue working on this. If you're experiencing this bug, can you let me know the answers to these:

  • Were you able to talk to Taimi and complete the "Return to the surface step", but the issue is that the subsequent step is not revealing?
  • If yes: Did that interaction with Taimi trigger any dialog?
  • If yes: Did you leave the map or otherwise disconnect? Or, did the dialog get interrupted by other dialog in the map (such as from the meta?)
  • If no: Is Chul-Moo present along with the other NPCs standing in a group next to Taimi?

1. Yes. I was able to select to talk to Taimi, got the sound like dialog was going to start, and then nothing

2. Nope

3. No

4. Chul-Moo is not present, but others are

For me, it looks like the Chul-Moo event started while I was in the story instance

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35 minutes ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Hey everyone, I have a couple of follow-up questions as we continue working on this. If you're experiencing this bug, can you let me know the answers to these:

  • Were you able to talk to Taimi and complete the "Return to the surface step", but the issue is that the subsequent step is not revealing?
  • If yes: Did that interaction with Taimi trigger any dialog?
  • If yes: Did you leave the map or otherwise disconnect? Or, did the dialog get interrupted by other dialog in the map (such as from the meta?)
  • If no: Is Chul-Moo present along with the other NPCs standing in a group next to Taimi?

No, I wasn't able to talk to Taimi after coming back from using her golem in the depths.

Chul-Moo is here with the other NPCs though.

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38 minutes ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Hey everyone, I have a couple of follow-up questions as we continue working on this. If you're experiencing this bug, can you let me know the answers to these:

  • Were you able to talk to Taimi and complete the "Return to the surface step", but the issue is that the subsequent step is not revealing?
  • If yes: Did that interaction with Taimi trigger any dialog?
  • If yes: Did you leave the map or otherwise disconnect? Or, did the dialog get interrupted by other dialog in the map (such as from the meta?)
  • If no: Is Chul-Moo present along with the other NPCs standing in a group next to Taimi?

No, I wasn't able to talk to Taimi after coming back from using her golem in the depths.

Chul-Moo is here with the other NPCs though.

Edited by Ogwom.7940
Sorry had an issue with the comment loading. It accidently seemed to spam twice. How do I delete my two replicated comments?
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37 minutes ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Hey everyone, I have a couple of follow-up questions as we continue working on this. If you're experiencing this bug, can you let me know the answers to these:

  • Were you able to talk to Taimi and complete the "Return to the surface step", but the issue is that the subsequent step is not revealing?
  • If yes: Did that interaction with Taimi trigger any dialog?
  • If yes: Did you leave the map or otherwise disconnect? Or, did the dialog get interrupted by other dialog in the map (such as from the meta?)
  • If no: Is Chul-Moo present along with the other NPCs standing in a group next to Taimi?

No, I wasn't able to talk to Taimi after coming back from using her golem in the depths.

Chul-Moo is here with the other NPCs though.

Edited by Ogwom.7940
Sorry had an issue with the comment loading. It accidently seemed to spam twice. How do I delete my two replicated comments?
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I'm trying to recall how it happened.

1) I left the instance with Scruffy and if I recall correctly the interaction with Taimi simply wasn't there.  Return to the surface to discuss the experimentation is grayed out and checked like it already happened so I can't have the interaction to progress forward.
2&3 no
4) Chul-Moo is opposite her near some crates just standing there. Gorrik is beside her on the other box. Yao is near a pole to the right side. Detective Rama is near a pile of junk. Scruffy is standing between Chul-Moo and Rama.

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43 minutes ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Hey everyone, I have a couple of follow-up questions as we continue working on this. If you're experiencing this bug, can you let me know the answers to these:

  • Were you able to talk to Taimi and complete the "Return to the surface step", but the issue is that the subsequent step is not revealing?
  • If yes: Did that interaction with Taimi trigger any dialog?
  • If yes: Did you leave the map or otherwise disconnect? Or, did the dialog get interrupted by other dialog in the map (such as from the meta?)
  • If no: Is Chul-Moo present along with the other NPCs standing in a group next to Taimi?

After returning, tried to talk to Taimi, but Taimi does not respond. The step "Return to Surface" is greyed out, and there are no more steps.

No dialog is triggered.

There was no ambient dialog ocurring. Once I realized I could not advance, tried to leave the map, restart chapter, logging out. Still stuck.

Chul-Moo is there. With things floating in his chest, like dynamite, three or four runes, a couple skritt, a birdhouse (?). I can see other players interacting with him and all the characters.

It's just that the characters have decided not to talk to me.

Or better, just this one oc in particular, I was able to do the chapter in other two characters. Maybe it is because this was the first one I tried to play the chapter on.

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2 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Hey everyone, I have a couple of follow-up questions as we continue working on this. If you're experiencing this bug, can you let me know the answers to these:

  • Were you able to talk to Taimi and complete the "Return to the surface step", but the issue is that the subsequent step is not revealing?
  • If yes: Did that interaction with Taimi trigger any dialog?
  • If yes: Did you leave the map or otherwise disconnect? Or, did the dialog get interrupted by other dialog in the map (such as from the meta?)
  • If no: Is Chul-Moo present along with the other NPCs standing in a group next to Taimi?

1. Yes.

2. I interacted with Taimi, but there was no dialog triggered, only the return to the surface step greyed out.

3. I left/disconnected in order to try to fix this after it happened.  But everything was normal before it did.  I don't recall if there was other map dialog going on, the meta was not active on the maps I was on.

4.  Chul-Moo is present along with the rest.  I could see others carrying boxes to Chul-Moo.  I cannot interact with any of them.  I reported earlier I also tried quitting the chapter, relogging, resuming the chapter and in that case the NPC's didn't appear until I relogged while the chapter was active.  

5.  FWIW, my character is Norn, my other characters don't have progression on this story.


Currently replaying the chapter from Mai's Memorial, ho hum.  Wish me luck!

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I was able to progress past Taimi this time.  I followed the person's advice above about making sure to be out of combat before leaving the test location.  Not sure if that's what did it but it seems to be working for me now, and I was able to get the dialog and complete Chul-Moo's crates without issue.

Edited by Tyrsa.4981
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I did not have a problem with this step, which I did within an hour or two after release, but do have an idea on another possible factor besides combat status.  There are two ways to leave a story instance, either at the green star or clicking the little exit arrow by the mini map.  I do not recall which one I used; normally I use the map exit, but this particular instance is so small I may have used the green star for once.  I do know I was not in combat when I left.

Which method of exit was used could conceivably be affecting what happens next.  (Pure speculation on my part, simply raising an idea of something to look at).

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6 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Hey everyone, I have a couple of follow-up questions as we continue working on this. If you're experiencing this bug, can you let me know the answers to these:

  • Were you able to talk to Taimi and complete the "Return to the surface step", but the issue is that the subsequent step is not revealing?
  • If yes: Did that interaction with Taimi trigger any dialog?
  • If yes: Did you leave the map or otherwise disconnect? Or, did the dialog get interrupted by other dialog in the map (such as from the meta?)
  • If no: Is Chul-Moo present along with the other NPCs standing in a group next to Taimi?
  • Was able to interact with Taimi after returning from the test with Scruffy. "Return to the surface to discuss the experimentation results." has a green check mark and is greyed out but no other story objective appears.
  • No audio or text dialogue triggered.
  • Did not hear any other dialogue at that moment. Did not leave the map or disconnect until after waiting a couple minutes and checking if any other NPCs were interactable. Also tried quitting and restarting the chapter in Story Journal. Logged out to character select and then back in afterwards.
  • Chul-Moo is NOT present now. Unsure if he was before logging off and back on.
Edited by Obxidian.5391
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Having this problem as well.

1)  Came out of Scruffy test and could not talk to anyone yet.

Text on quest has the "return to surface" part greyed out and checked off and yet also white above it as if grey part is a step in the process of returning to the surface.  Like it was supposed to say "find exit nearby"  "return to the surface"  "talk to someone" as steps in the quest.

Stuck at that point and all npcs are present.  Gorrik and Taimi sitting on top of the boxes, Rama to my right, Scruffy past him turning to the right, Chul past them, and Yao past them.  Nice little circle with all of them if I turn in place.  Have moved away, teleported to LA after having logged off and back in.  Even left the game for a few hours and came back to get Twitch drops.  Still at same spot and same setup for where everyone stands.  Finally came to the forums and found this thread as apparently I'm the only one affected on my server.  At least guessing as people are doing stuff like carrying boxes around and such for meta or whatnot.  And no one could mention that it's a bug mentioned in the forum.  People aren't very helpful in this game.


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Just now, Valkyrie Omega.1239 said:

I am also stuck on this, I have left the map, swapped character, re-logged entirely. I completed the first scruffy test, left the instance and on return to Gyala I see the NPCs but cannot interact with any of them 

Same. Waiting for fix. 

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Hi all, I was able to reset chapter 18 progress at least and can replay the mission. Hopefully it will not get stuck again.

I started chapter 17, then I quit it. When I pressed Continue chapter 18 it went back to beginning of chapter 18 (Yong reactor part). Hopefully when we get to this part again, it will not get stuck again.

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