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Equinox Outfit: plz revert effects changes!

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Am I imagining things or has the dark fume on the left half of the outfit suddenly become more prominent?

Edit: Has been answered. Now we can only pray that they will revert this unwelcome change or refund players their Gems.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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16 hours ago, ollbirtan.2915 said:

dunno I like it the new way

And I liked the subtle effects it had before, which is why I bought it. Now it's just another visual annoyance.

You can't just go and change a skin after people had already paid Gems for it.

@Rubi Bayer.8493, is there a chance this change can be reverted to the way it was before the patch? Please? 🥺

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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I don't have either outfit but I just previewed the equinox one and immediately noticed the 'smoke' cloud behind the character which I've never seen before (and I spent a while looking at that one because I was considering buying it), even on a character using a lot of other effects it was noticable.

I didn't see any change in the nightstalker outfit, but I'm not very familiar with how that one looks.

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@Rubi Bayer.8493: People spent Gems on this thing, because it has a great design and had subtle effects of light emission and dark fume.

With the last patch, it was changed, making especially the dark fume way too prominent, ruining the whole outfit for people who paid to get this because of the right balance between design and effects it used to have.

My assumption is that this change was not deliberate and that some technical changes have caused it to affect this (and another) outfit.

Please have it fixed, I really love(d) the Equinox Outfit. 😞

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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5 hours ago, Biziut.3594 said:

I wish they would upgrade graphic / dye slots on other armors as well. Especially ones that are with us from the release. Guess they will only bother with the gem store ones tho, becouse profit. xd

I think it's overly optimistic to assume any changes made to cosmetic items would be an 'upgrade' you'd like and wouldn't make them look worse or unsuitable for how you use them.

That's happened in the past. One I remember is the Shining Aureate Weapons (incidentally not a gem store set). Originally they didn't literally glow, they were just more colourful than the original Aureate weapons. Then Anet "updated" them with additional effects and so many players complained they added the Refitted Aureate Weapons which has the original appearance of the 'shining' set.

I suppose in a way it's good that we eventually ended up with 3 variations of the weapons, but it goes to show piling on some more effects isn't always regarded as an upgrade by players.

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41 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I think it's overly optimistic to assume any changes made to cosmetic items would be an 'upgrade' you'd like and wouldn't make them look worse or unsuitable for how you use them.

That's happened in the past. One I remember is the Shining Aureate Weapons (incidentally not a gem store set). Originally they didn't literally glow, they were just more colourful than the original Aureate weapons. Then Anet "updated" them with additional effects and so many players complained they added the Refitted Aureate Weapons which has the original appearance of the 'shining' set.

I suppose in a way it's good that we eventually ended up with 3 variations of the weapons, but it goes to show piling on some more effects isn't always regarded as an upgrade by players.

I know what you mean. I meant it rather as a change to some low level armor skins, so they look better and not so 2013. To make armors such as Rawhide, Studded, Emblazoned ect: (basicly all vanilla armors) look on par with the sets from expansions and livnig world in the terms of just graphic, not the level of shiny, so they are actually usable in fashion wars.

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  • Ashantara.8731 changed the title to Equinox Outfit: plz revert effects changes!
On 5/30/2023 at 4:43 PM, Biziut.3594 said:

I meant it rather as a change to some low level armor skins, so they look better and not so 2013.

I don't know whether they can be improved with better dye slots.

On my Charrs most look awful.

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Thats why I meant both, dye slots + graphic (not to confuse with "shinyness", just plain graphic, something skyrim modders do to armors, so they look cool even after a decade). As for the charr part, yeah I get you sis, tis the main reason I wrote this, as I main a charr myself. And many of this armors could be so much more, if given a little upgrade. ^^

29 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:

I don't know whether they can be improved with better dye slots.

On my Charrs most look awful.

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