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Thoughts On The Patch: Rifle, Signets, CDs, and More


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Dear @Cal Cohen.2358 and Roy,

Thanks for all the hard work in putting together the June 27th patch.  There is an incredible number of changes there that should really shake up the game!  I'm very excited to see how this plays out.  A few thoughts, if I may, on the proposed changes to Warrior:


These changes are excellent.  I can finally see Rifle being a compelling choice, and it may open up some interesting avenues of gameplay for various specs.  I very much look forward to trying this out!

I do feel, however, that Kill shot has been overlooked.  A 1.25s channeled self-root feels absolutely terrible (it's like a worse Dragon Slash), and it's very outdated in the current game.  Consider that Death's Judgement has a 1/2s cast time, and even Gunflame has a 3/4s cast.  Considering that Kill shot only does high damage with max adrenaline (and doesn't cleave or daze like Gunflame does), I think reducing the cast to something like 3/4s makes a lot of sense.  Keeping KS with such a disadvantage will make rifle harder to use on Core and Spellbreaker builds.



I'm very grateful for the CD reductions to be made baseline, as these are some very powerful tools.  However, a few thoughts:

Dolyak Signet: Please reduce its  CD to 32s (as it is currently with the CDR).  I use Arms and traited Dolyak signet frequently, and it hasn't shown itself to be OP in the slightest, esp with the degree of boon removal/corruption in the game.  Further, with Balanced Stance appropriately getting its CD reduced to 40s in all game modes, there's just little reason to take Dolyak Signet if it has the same CD.  Balanced Stance is just better.  Giving DS a slightly shorter CD would help it stay competitive.  Changing the +toughness bonus to a -10% incoming damage modifier would help, too.

Signet of Rage:  Please reduce its CD to 30s in all modes.  Seriously, this signet is pretty underwhelming for an elite skill, especially on such a high CD--so much so that it is often taken just for its passive adrenaline gain rather than active effects.  Reducing the CD would be a good way to boost its usefulness.  Slapping a few seconds of quickness on it wouldn't hurt, either.

Healing Signet:  Needs more than a CD reduction.  The resistance change hit it hard.  Buffing its active heal (~4.2k) and reducing its cast time to 3/4s would give it a niche, though.


Removal of the self-root is a very welcome change.  However, please change the immobilize to apply once per target per cast (so that if the first hit is blinded, blocked, or misses, the entire immob is not negated like it is currently).  Increasing the range to 180 would also help make MH sword a compelling option, even for power builds.


Cooldown Reduction Removals and Reworks:

Overall, I'm glad to see it.  But please don't forget about a few:

Torch:  with Heat the Soul getting reworked, Torch needs its reduced CDs baseline.  Please consider further reducing Flames of War, as Torch underperforms as is; it could use a little boost.

Shrug It Off:  should also get the reduced shout CD

Greatsword/Forceful Greatsword:  I know you have limited bandwidth and a lot of changes to make, but pretty please make the reduced CDs baseline for GS.  This change has the potential to help a lot of builds, especially in competitive modes where Warriors usually have to run Defense over Strength.

To The Limit!: This skill should be great, esp for Berserker, but in competitive modes it heals for about the same amount as Mending whilst cleansing no conditions and having a 4s longer CD.  Please lower the CD in competitive modes to at least 20s to make it a more viable alternative.


Thanks so much for considering it!

Edited by CalmTheStorm.2364
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Good post. 

Signet of Fury havind 40 or 30 s CD doesn't change much. 

The 40s CD already makes Fury and swiftness near Perma and we easily bridge the gap with traits/skills anyway. 

It really needs more Ompf. 

Extra quickness like you said would be a welcome change. 


Forceful greatsword should be renamed to Forceful Zweihänder and double it's effects when wielding a 2h weapon. 


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1 hour ago, DKRathalos.9625 said:

Do you guys think designing something based on Arsenal System on Barb D4 can be done?
Seems like Barb D4's Idea is wielding a lot of weapon and can swap often, I think the idea of GW2 warrior is similar right? having a lot of weapon and swap often?

Interesting idea...I guess that's kinda what the Discipline trait line is trying to do with the faster weapon swap? An interesting design space could be adding/replacing our profession mechanic with a third weapon set and have some bonus's there? Maybe with an expac they make that a core warrior specific thing to try and make it better? I think that sounds hype af! Or were you thinking more like we could equip say four/five weapons and mix and match each of our weapon skills? So say we have hammer, GS, sword and axe on, we can use like sword auto attack, GS 2, hammer 3 and then axe 4 and 5?

Also if you're playing Walking Arsenal you have good taste my friend 😉

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8 minutes ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

Well, it's the silver lining of this disastrous update.

Folks better get ready for gun flame warriors, they will be out there in wvw. The new rifle buffs all but guarantee it.

I was here the whole time, alternating between it and greatsword. 


Edited by UncouthTRex.4098
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On 6/15/2023 at 12:06 PM, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

Greatsword/Forceful Greatsword:  I know you have limited bandwidth and a lot of changes to make, but pretty please make the reduced CDs baseline for GS.  This change has the potential to help a lot of builds, especially in competitive modes where Warriors usually have to run Defense over Strength.

^ this, i'd really appreciate the above, wish they extended the same cd reduction treatment to both gs and longbow, as well as sword.


nonetheless, i really appreciate the coming patch, specially the flurry rework.


thank you cal, roy and the rest of the balance team.


lots of interesting things for me to test out, i can't wait.


praying i don't jinx it. 🙏

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