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Arc Divider is the soul of Berserker


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Yes another thread.

There are 3 primal bursts that zerker is known for;

1. Arc Divider

2. Decapitate

3. Gunflame

All three form the trinity that is the essence of Berserker. BIG DAMAGE, BIG EXPLOSIONS, BIG BOY SPINS.


When I want to sell people on Berserker I immediately tell them about Arc Divider. You simply cannot sell anyone on Berserker with Orange Slice.

I propose instead, adding more spins to Arc Divider.

That is all.



Edited by Waffles.5632
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Heck if they want to make it more functional for PVP and are worried about benefit vs casting time, add extra vulnerability to the pulses, or even boonstrip or cripple or weakness, or any combination of the above. Heck, a cripple/weakness slap mirrors getting your guard/limbs cleaved through with a greatsword IRL, which is what a greatsword is actually used for.

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Because there's alrdy 2 confused emojis, here is why Arc Divider is fine as is:


It's a pulsing big damage AOE that is able to apply a lot of pressure. You can't simply aegis through it. Trust me when I say the people advocating for the new arc divider are either agents of chaos, or simply don't understand how pvp actually works at higher levels.

Sure on paper the new one looks promising, but it's a failure of design. One big hit is never going to be as useful nor impactful as 3 big hits back to back. One big hit is very binary it is either overly oppressive (one shots) or it's completely useless (get's aegis'd)

Having your primary burst rely on such an extreme interaction is just bad. As it is right now, you ALWAYS get some value out of Arc Divider, if it gets changed, there will be many situations where you get ZERO VALUE for using Arc Divider. I have pvp'd as berserker and against berserker, so I know my stuff ty.

Again, anet needs to double down and add more spins. More spins = more damage = everyone is happy. No need to destroy the soul to meet spreadsheet math requirements.



Edit: I thought only Mesmers applied the confused emoji face while hiding anomyously, but I see the disease has spread to the warrior section as well. Fun times, I will always laugh when this tactic is used, as if it says anything other than "Look at me I'm a coward"

Keep the confused emoji's coming! Each one just proves more how right I am on this, and you know what they say, sometimes your biggest fans are gonna be haters!

Edited by Waffles.5632
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a lot of pressure? what you talking about, the damage is literally separated into 3, and if you missed one or 2 in non pve mode, you may as well just auto attack.


you literally contradict yourself, 1 big it is never going to be useful, but gunflame is literally one big hit so is decapitate.

and multi hit is not multi hit if the cast time is almost 2 seconds. i can do 3 auto attack with the same cast time.

multi hit only works when the cast time is good. is it really multi hit when it takes ages to cast and you can cast 3 single attacks in given time?

cast time>hit counts.

it's easy to set up one hit to make sure it lands good, but right now 1.8 sec cast time 3x arc divider, it's impossible to land all the damage unless enemy is bot.

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On 6/16/2023 at 10:29 AM, felix.2386 said:

a lot of pressure? what you talking about, the damage is literally separated into 3, and if you missed one or 2 in non pve mode, you may as well just auto attack.


you literally contradict yourself, 1 big it is never going to be useful, but gunflame is literally one big hit so is decapitate.

and multi hit is not multi hit if the cast time is almost 2 seconds. i can do 3 auto attack with the same cast time.

multi hit only works when the cast time is good. is it really multi hit when it takes ages to cast and you can cast 3 single attacks in given time?

cast time>hit counts.

it's easy to set up one hit to make sure it lands good, but right now 1.8 sec cast time 3x arc divider, it's impossible to land all the damage unless enemy is bot.

Ah, you reveal yourself.


Axe and Rifle have several tools to assist when they miss their burst, axe 5 is it's own burst, so missing decap isn't anywhere close to punishing as missing arc divider will be on GS. There is no contradiction, Arc Divider IS more useful than Decap and Gunflame BECAUSE it hits multiple times, there is a reason Gunflame is considered the meme build. You either one shot and win the match, or you miss it and lose. That's why few zerkers play it to begin with.


1v1 side node against a thief, you get them low,  but they stealth, you Arc Divider, you get 3 chances to secure that match up. Same can be said with mes, or any other class that functions similarly with stealth/clones/aegis. This will straight up be gone next patch and you will see zerkers lose many node 1v1's because of it. Guaranteed.

Also cast time isn't comparable to hit counts, there's so many more factors at play. If you have a skill that hits 1000 times but has a 5 min CD and 1m range, Arc Divider with it's 2sec cast time and 3 hits is still far superior. There's many variables at play here. Your post shows a real lack of pvp experience. You can't just focus on things in a vacuum. Arc Divider is not only 3 hits, its 3 hits that are 360 degrees around the zerker at increased ranges for each one. This is important.


Lastly, take your own advice and don't contradict yourself. If cast time is the issue, lower the cast time to what is appropriate. You can have fast cast time + multi hits they're not exclusive. In every scenario for Warrior, one big hit is worse than several big hits. Decap and Gunflame would both be straight up BETTER if they mulit-hit. Check mate ty.


Edit: Now they're just spamming confused emoji on all my posts 🤣 Never change!

Edited by Waffles.5632
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37 minutes ago, felix.2386 said:

it's easy to set up one hit to make sure it lands good, but right now 1.8 sec cast time 3x arc divider, it's impossible to land all the damage unless enemy is bot.

I'm beginning to suspect that you're just not terribly familiar with greatsword warrior to begin.

In other words:



Edited by UncouthTRex.4098
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1 hour ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

Who cares if the damage on current arc is split in 3 strikes?

Is the problem the skills mechanic or anet's incompetence and constant nerfing of power berserker?

I like my 3 spins and I want more mutli-hit attacks on warrior.

They are literally guaranteeing some damage goes through.

I do agree that one of warrior's biggest weakness is single hit attacks. I would much prefer that we kept the three hits and lowered the cast time.

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1 hour ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

Who cares if the damage on current arc is split in 3 strikes?

Is the problem the skills mechanic or anet's incompetence and constant nerfing of power berserker?

I like my 3 spins and I want more mutli-hit attacks on warrior.

They are literally guaranteeing some damage goes through.

The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that spin to win would fix a ton of warrior's problems.

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8 hours ago, Greyrat.2378 said:

Meanwhile the Rupturing Smash cries in the corner. It's a cool skill as well!

But yes, I agree.

The new Rupturing Smash is infinitely better than the previous one.


6 hours ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

Who cares if the damage on current arc is split in 3 strikes?

Is the problem the skills mechanic or anet's incompetence and constant nerfing of power berserker?

I like my 3 spins and I want more mutli-hit attacks on warrior.

They are literally guaranteeing some damage goes through.

Except that it's NOT split. The total sequence of Arc Divider can hit over 5 targets with a possible chance to hit a maximum of 15 (5 targets x 3 strikes). It's a stealth nerf even if they say that they'll make up the damage. They're trying to pull a fast one here. Don't be fooled by the damage, that new damage comes with a price.

Problem is all of the above. We can walk and chew gum at the same time, I hope...

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5 minutes ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

The new Rupturing Smash is infinitely better than the previous one.


Except that it's NOT split. The total sequence of Arc Divider can hit over 5 targets with a possible chance to hit a maximum of 15 (5 targets x 3 strikes). It's a stealth nerf even if they say that they'll make up the damage. They're trying to pull a fast one here. Don't be fooled by the damage, that new damage comes with a price.

Problem is all of the above. We can walk and chew gum at the same time, I hope...

I am against the change for all these reasons myself. 

Unnecessary change.

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4 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

a lot of pressure? what you talking about, the damage is literally separated into 3, and if you missed one or 2 in non pve mode, you may as well just auto attack.

If i miss two but the last one hits I still get trait value.


you literally contradict yourself, 1 big it is never going to be useful, but gunflame is literally one big hit so is decapitate

We have enough 1 big hits, arc divider being 3 hits makes it flexible and keeps people from inst-downing to arc->swap->decap, which will certainly happen and cause whining until we lose more damage or whatever the people who dont like that want.

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3 hours ago, UncouthTRex.4098 said:

I'm beginning to suspect that you're just not terribly familiar with greatsword warrior to begin.

In other words:



Hahahahaha boi

I'll warrior mirror build 1v1 every single one of you in this thread and win.

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On 6/16/2023 at 3:08 PM, oscuro.9720 said:

The amount of disrespect towards skill grinder is astounding. Go eat some pancakes and reflect on your actions. 

😂 As a Mesmer main I love you warriors, you guys have such a cool vibe with each other here. I apologize for not mentioning Skull Grinder!

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21 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

If i miss two but the last one hits I still get trait value.

We have enough 1 big hits, arc divider being 3 hits makes it flexible and keeps people from inst-downing to arc->swap->decap, which will certainly happen and cause whining until we lose more damage or whatever the people who dont like that want.

It actually has less flexibility.

I've been playing gunflame build in plat rating for 2 seasons now

The reason why i take axe over gs as secondary even when gs has mobility and evade(even flaming flurry is better, as power, some times i take sword over axe on bigger map)

Simply because it is one hit. Ill berserk gain resistance ignore blind/weakness and take 75% of their hp without them being able to react at all. On the other hand, there's no way to land a full arc divider. people will avoid 66% of your damage no matter what, as long as they are human being.

Not to mention the resistance you gain from berserk is so short to handle a long cast time. And the longer the cast time the longer you have to stay in aoes. Even if you go through w/e blind aegis. Your damage would be already diminished by at least 33% to make it not worth it at all, not to mention the fact that, you will get applied weakness

Edited by felix.2386
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On 6/16/2023 at 3:26 PM, felix.2386 said:

On the other hand, there's no way to land a full arc divider. people will avoid 66% of your damage no matter what, as long as they are human being.


By your logic Gunflame never works because aegis/invul/evade. It's simple math really. Classes have more evades than gunflame has hits, so if against human, gunflame never lands. I am just hoping you see how ridiculous you sound now.

Edited by Waffles.5632
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5 minutes ago, felix.2386 said:

Hahahahaha boi

I'll warrior mirror build 1v1 every single one of you in this thread and win.

Not a PVPer or WvW duelist on Greatsword Warrior so I actually could give two wet farts about you being able to 1v1 me, something you'd be aware of if you paid attention to any one of the times I've replied to your keyboard-warrior tier "contributions" to the numerous threads on the subject.

Look, I know you need those bursty one-offs to be effective as a player, but from practically everyone else who's bothered to reply when you run your mouth, actual greatsword players want that stuff to stay where it belongs. 

On other weapons.

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2 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

Hahahahaha boi

I'll warrior mirror build 1v1 every single one of you in this thread and win.

Fightme fight me fightme fightme FIGHTME

1 hour ago, felix.2386 said:

It actually has less flexibility.

I've been playing gunflame build in plat rating for 2 seasons now

The reason why i take axe over gs as secondary even when gs has mobility and evade(even flaming flurry is better, as power, some times i take sword over axe on bigger map)

Simply because it is one hit. Ill berserk gain resistance ignore blind/weakness and take 75% of their hp without them being able to react at all. On the other hand, there's no way to land a full arc divider. people will avoid 66% of your damage no matter what, as long as they are human being.

Not to mention the resistance you gain from berserk is so short to handle a long cast time. And the longer the cast time the longer you have to stay in aoes. Even if you go through w/e blind aegis. Your damage would be already diminished by at least 33% to make it not worth it at all, not to mention the fact that, you will get applied weakness

I get this and I understand your point of view but i still like  current divider.

If new divider goes through I'll sigh then delete people with decap/divider oneshots until i get nerfed again. 


Lets GO though

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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1 hour ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Fightme fight me fightme fightme FIGHTME

I get this and I understand your point of view but i still like  current divider.

If new divider goes through I'll sigh then delete people with decap/divider oneshots until i get nerfed again. 


Lets GO though

…can I fight you? I need more warriors I can duel. It’s my worst matchup I think. 

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4 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

The reason why i take axe over gs as secondary even when gs has mobility and evade(even flaming flurry is better, as power, some times i take sword over axe on bigger map)

Simply because it is one hit. Ill berserk gain resistance ignore blind/weakness and take 75% of their hp without them being able to react at all. On the other hand, there's no way to land a full arc divider. people will avoid 66% of your damage no matter what, as long as they are human being.


So what you're saying is, you need GS primal burst because you're weak sauce and can't weapon swap to axe.

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