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Shout out to the customer service!

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I have to make a shout out to the customer service in this game. They not only have always helped me multiple times in the past but but as a veteran gamer of multiple games, i have to say they do it in record time. The reason i am posting this is because 3 days ago i made a ticket, which they understood and helped with my issue in the most professional way. And i never got a chance to review them. So here it is, my deepest thanks to GM RJ and GM Claude, and i hope i won't bother you again any time soon. I know how important reviews are in any form of service. I don't know if it's because i marked the ticket as resolved, or because it's been 3 days. But when i clicked on the review email i got a "This request is now closed." message. So i felt obligated to come here.
Please remember people, reviews help everyone! Do them!

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I've seen some correspondence between players and support over the years, also had one personal situation as well. Most of the negative feedback about the support is from people who cannot accept 'no' for an answer. There are also countless of cases where people ruined it for themselves, because they decided to make up a story instead of telling the truth.

While their answers are not very easy to understand, as they have to align with the compliance, they are as precise as possible. And if you read between the lines, you may even notice their special sense of humor.

They do a great job and are surprisingly fast in many cases. 

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They have been great except for one major incident five years ago. The server crashed during Domain of Kourna's release that ate WvW Skirmish Claim tickets I had just used. They could see the currency did in fact disappear and that I did not receive the items, yet kept telling me that they did not have the ability to restore currency. It took 5 months for them to figure out that they could just send the items to me instead. For some of them, English isn't their first language.

Ever since then it has never felt good reading a response to a ticket.

Edited by Eloc Freidon.5692
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Anet does have superb customer service; reminiscent of how Blizzard's used to be back in the so-called good old days. I asked them to help me get my almost 20-year old original Guild Wars account back whose details I remembered next to nothing about, but they stuck with me until they got the required amount of information and were able to provide me with a way to merge my old account with my current one. Not that I really do anything with my GW1 characters, but I was very pleased nevertheless.

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Best customser service I've experienced for a video game

I still apologize to this day to the poor sould I called a "stupid monkey" or something back in 2012.

I'm sorry, I wasn't very mature back then 

What made it even worse is how proffesional they handled it.

Nothing to embarres you like someone handling an insult with grace

Yes, GW2 customer support is very good

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